Flower Engagement Rings: A Blooming Symbol of Love and Romance
When it comes to picking out an engagement ring, there’s something truly enchanting about the choice of a flower design. Not only do these rings bring a touch of nature’s…
There’s something in the air around the holidays which makes people want to propose. It could be the gifts which are floating about, the close family and friends in our midst or the spirit of the season; but one thing is for certain, scores of people will be getting engaged all throughout this holiday season. Yet just because “tis the season” to get engaged, it doesn’t mean that this may be the best time to go down on one knee. How can you tell if you should bend the knee for the love of your life and surprise her with an engagement ring? Well, we have four rules to guide you towards a holiday proposal or if you should wait for a better time.
Rule #1: She unequivocally loves the holidays. This is hard to believe, but not everyone loves the holidays. Some people view it as something they must bear until the new year, but others bloom during this time of the year. If the latter sounds like your soon-to-be-fiancée, then go for it. A holiday engagement will only make her love the season even more and just think of all the fond memories which will pop during the most wonderful time of the year.
Rule #2: You have discussed getting engaged previously. Most couples discuss getting engaged before a proposal occurs. We strongly recommend that you do the same. You should make sure that both of you want marriage and she isn’t blindsided by a 100 percent surprise proposal. At the very least, you should know that she is ready to be your wife and is excited about the prospect of making you her husband.
Rule #3: You know without a doubt the type of ring she wants (and may have helped you pick it out). Believe us, you don’t want to propose to her with a ring that she hates. She will either: 1.) Have to live with a ring she doesn’t like forever or 2.) Have to tell you that she doesn’t love the ring. So make sure you know exactly what she wants to save both of you a headache in the long run.
Rule #4: Her family is willing to help with the proposal and/or know about it. People will attack you from all sides once you come back in the house with a shiny new ring on a significant finger. Therefore, it is best to prepare her family to not overwhelm her when they notice her transition from girlfriend to fiancée. Even better, get them involved in a minor or major way and they will love you all the more.
We guarantee you that your social media timelines will be filled with newly-engaged couples showing their love (and new bling) off this season. If you’re planning to be one of them, make sure you do it right and know exactly how to give the love of your life her dream holiday proposal.
To get assistance/advice from the experts:
To find YOUR engagement ring, click here.
By PS Staff