December Birthstone


December babies go out with a bang. They get not one, not two, but THREE birthstones to choose from. Tanzanite, turquoise and zircon will definitely help prepare you for the new year. All three birthstones represent history,



Pear-shaped tanzanite and diamond halo cocktail ring set in 18K white gold at Blue Nile
Pear-shaped tanzanite and diamond halo cocktail ring set in 18K white gold at Blue Nile




Tanzanite is one of the newer gemstones but it is quite special. It is only found in one part of the world, Tanzania. Specifically, just a few miles around Mount Kilimanjaro. As you can imagine, its rarity makes true tanzanites a commodity on the market. However, most are heat-treated to enhance the stone’s blue shades and imitate pricier sapphires.




Sunburst turquoise and white sapphire earrings set in 14K yellow gold at Blue Nile
Sunburst turquoise and white sapphire earrings set in 14K yellow gold at Blue Nile



From the newest to the oldest mined birthstone. Meet turquoise, one of the oldest mined gemstones on the planet. Turquoise has stood the test of time with ancient and modern civilizations clamoring to have this stone in their possession. Turquoise is only a 6 on the Mohs scale, therefore we recommend that you select turquoise jewelry in the form of a necklace or earrings to reduce the chances of it chipping or becoming damaged from daily wear and tear.




2.76 ct blue zircon posted on SMTB by SapphireMomma
2.76 ct blue zircon posted on SMTB by SapphireMomma



Now, let’s meet zircon, the oldest gemstone on earth. That’s right, this stone outranks them all. First things first, zircon is NOT cubic zirconia. Zircon is also used as a diamond simulant, yet most of the zircon on the market is heat treated to remove any traces of color. However, it comes in a diverse range of colors. It is also the strongest birthstone out of the three, measuring a 7.5 on the Mohs scale. Be warned however, it is a bit radioactive but the heat treatment stabilized the radioactivity.

Third time’s the charm, especially if you were born in December. These birthstones are all amazing in their own right and will definitely bring you good vibes in the upcoming year!


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