Lab-Grown Diamond Prices – March 2025
For the first time, PriceScope is proud to launch our comprehensive Lab-Grown Diamond Price Analysis, at the beginning of each month, we will provide actionable insights into this rapidly evolving…
We need a little reprieve from all of these dreary skies lately. Fortunately, March’s birthstone, the aquamarine, is just the gemstone we need to remind us of the clear blue waters in a tropical climate.
at Blue Nile
As you may be able to deduce, aquamarine gets its name from the color of the sea, however, it goes deeper (see what we did there) than that. It is claimed to calm the seas and give sailors protection on the ocean. One added bonus to the gem’s power; it helps create happy marriages.
at B2C Jewels
It’s quite natural that a stone said to protect sailors has the constitution to hold up under pressure. It ranks between a 7.5 to 8 on the Mohs scale so you’re in good company if you have the tendency to be rough on your jewelry. Aquamarine can handle nearly whatever you throw at it.
at Blue Nile
Raise your hand if you have a fear of public speaking *raises hand*. Ok, now did you know that if you wear aquamarine that it will help you with public speaking (not scientifically proven)? Oh yes, if you ever have to stand in front of a crowd, wear some aquamarine jewelry and you’ll be instantly relaxed with clarity of mind to explain your thoughts. Now, that feature alone is enough to make us run out and buy every piece of aquamarine we can get our hands on
Aquamarine is not only beautiful and strong, but it carries a special protective power to make you look good and knock people off their socks. We’ve met more than a few March babies and they have these very traits. Aquamarine’s legend may hold some truth to it after all.
By PS Staff