Lab-Grown Diamond Prices – March 2025
For the first time, PriceScope is proud to launch our comprehensive Lab-Grown Diamond Price Analysis, at the beginning of each month, we will provide actionable insights into this rapidly evolving…
Few are able to serve answer the call to serve our country. Yet those that do are dedicated, they are scared, they fulfill their duty and unfortunately, some pay the ultimate price.
Memorial Day is a federal holiday because we are honoring those who made the ultimate sacrifice to secure our freedom. Our freedom to speak, our freedom to live and our freedom to thrive within the USA. However, freedom is not a birthright. Freedom is a hard fought struggle which has consumed our best and brightest many times over. But the call to serve our country has yet to go unanswered.
Unfortunately, far too many have paid the ultimate price for us to have life, liberty and the freedom to pursue happiness. For liberty requires a price and sadly, that means that not everyone returns home.
They gave their lives so that we may live. So that our children can sleep comfortably in their beds without worrying about enemies at the gate. As a result, we remain safe, but at a great cost.
So the last thing we must allow to happen is their names to be forgotten. Their lives were not given in vain. Take the time to remember a fallen soldier. Take the time to clean a headstone. Don’t allow their memories to be besmirched.
Although it may be easy to think of Memorial Day as nothing more than a three-day weekend, by doing so, you sully the name and the memories of those who only wanted to be home, but instead fulfilled their duties to their last breath.
We should all be honored and grateful that we can spend this weekend among friends and family. However, we ask that you truly remember the reason we have this solemn day and give thanks for those who are no longer able to spend this weekend with their families.
By PS Staff