Diamond and Jewelry

Engagement Ring Fabulousness from WF for Brimstone Two

Engagement Ring Fabulousness from WF Brimstone Two got to show off her gorgeous new engagement ring on the Show Me The Bling Community at PriceScope.com. We are always super stoked to see such happy news pop up, and we love getting to share in your fantastic life milestones, especially the ones marked with bling!...

Engagement Ring Fabulousness from WF for Brimstone Two CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

Mrs.H. Goes Vintage for a 3 Stone OEC Ring

Mrs.H. Goes Vintage for a 3 Stone OEC Ring Mrs.H. shared this outstanding vintage 3 stone OEC RHR with us in the Show Me the Bling Community at PriceScope! Wow! This is a jaw dropper, it's just stunning. This cut is a favorite among PriceScope members; you can see why, it's beautiful isn't it? Mrs.H. this RHR is fa...

Mrs.H. Goes Vintage for a 3 Stone OEC Ring CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

November Birthstones

November birthstone charm with topaz colored orange crystal set in sterling silver at B2C Jewels I’m completely biased when I announce that these birthstones may be my favorites of them all. Not because topaz and citrine are wonderfully beautiful gemstones, or that the burnished orange hue just so happens to be one...

November Birthstones CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

Scentsational Style

Scentsational Style Your fragrance is a very personal choice. For scent is so inextricably woven into who we are as well as our memories. How many of us can get a whiff of a woman’s perfume and instantly recall a favorite memory of theirs from childhood? Scent is even more personal than memory recall because...

Scentsational Style CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

Matthews1127 Welcomes a new heirloom RHR, Nancy

Fabulous OEC Reset, Introducing "Nancy" Matthews1127 introduced us to her gorgeous OEC Reset RHR on the Show Me The Bling Community at PriceScope.com.For Jewel of the Week I was thrilled to find this fantastic ring with such a great story! Matthews1127's great aunt Nancy originally wore this OEC in her yellow gol...

Matthews1127 Welcomes a new heirloom RHR, Nancy CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

A Magical Engagement for Diamond_Newb

Princess Cut for Diamond_Newb's Disney Princess Diamond_Newb shared with us his amazing engagement ring and story on the Show Me The Bling Community at PriceScope.com. I enjoyed reading every word of this story, and the ring is gorgeous (I still want more pics!) This fairy tale was so carefully crafted, and many ...

A Magical Engagement for Diamond_Newb CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

Let’s Play with Color

Let’s Play with Color As our children are now well settled into the school year, they are surely bringing home art projects. But we’re thinking, why should our kids have all of the fun? Shouldn’t we get a chance to play with color while our little ones are playing with their crayons? Why of course! Colorful ge...

Let’s Play with Color CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

Halloween Spotlight: A Little Bit of Goth

Halloween Spotlight: A Little Bit of Goth If there’s any month to out your love of black on display it’s October. The month brings out everyone’s inner goth. Not to mention that black is slimming so it’s a win win for those who wear this color year round. But, some of us have to ease into wearing this color a...

Halloween Spotlight: A Little Bit of Goth CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

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