Diamond and Jewelry

bird necklace with 4 strands of pearls

Top Animal-Inspired Jewelry

Animal and nature-themed jewelry has been around forever! Since March “comes in like a lion, and goes out like a lamb,” it seemed like a good time to talk about animal jewelry!Featured image from Chopard's Animal World High Jewely CollectionAmong the PriceScope community, we have some serious animal/nature-themed je...

Top Animal-Inspired Jewelry CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

magical book with tiara, necklace, and earrings.

Fairy Tale Princess Jewelry

So many fairy tales end with a happily ever after (well, perhaps not all the Brothers Grimm's offerings). Happily ever after is what we are looking for; when the Princess swoons over her handsome Prince, he sweeps her off of her feet, carrying her away to a bright and beautiful future.If your favorite fairy tale Pri...

Fairy Tale Princess Jewelry CLICK HERE TO VIEW POST

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