
11/11/11/11/ 2005

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Garry H (Cut Nut)

Aug 15, 2000
11 seconds and 11 minutes past 11pm, on the 11th of the 11th
if I hit the button at the right time
Make a wish!
It didn''t show up as 11/11/11/11 on the WEst coast!!
It showed up as 11/11/1/15/29

That''s too bad...that would''ve been cool!!!
When I saw this I thought you were making an allusion to the end of World War I. In the United States we celebrate, "Veterans Day" on November 11, no doubt because there are no World War I veterans left to honor.

Our Veterans Day had its origins in the Armistice that ended World War I, however. (The day used to be called, "Armistice Day" and was to honor soldiers from World War I. Later, when there was a World War II and further wars, the veterns of those wars were also honored on, "Armistice Day".)

World War I ended, by arrangement, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month (in 1918).

Date: 11/11/2005 5:00:59 AM
Author: AGBF

When I saw this I thought you were making an allusion to the end of World War I. In the United States we celebrate, ''Veterans Day'' on November 11, no doubt because there are no World War I veterans left to honor.

Our Veterans Day had its origins in the Armistice that ended World War I, however. (The day used to be called, ''Armistice Day'' and was to honor soldiers from World War I. Later, when there was a World War II and further wars, the veterns of those wars were also honored on, ''Armistice Day''.)

World War I ended, by arrangement, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month (in 1918).

Same here AGBF.
We had 1 minutes silence at that time.
Bugles sounded from about 30 places in Melbourne today playing the last ...?

But when I posted it was about 14 hours later here.
I heard on the radio this morning that there are an estimated 50 WWI vets still alive, but that the number is probably more like 30.

No clue if this is a national or international number but it seems a little far fetched to me... 1918 was 87 years ago and if the person who served was 16 at the end, they would be 103 years old!
Date: 11/11/2005 10:48:04 AM
Author: njc
I heard on the radio this morning that there are an estimated 50 WWI vets still alive, but that the number is probably more like 30.

No clue if this is a national or international number but it seems a little far fetched to me... 1918 was 87 years ago and if the person who served was 16 at the end, they would be 103 years old!

Interesting. If the number is international, we are talking about the men of many countries, of course. But so very many died in the war that it is referred to as the Lost Generation. It would be amazing if there were 50 103 year-old (or older) World War I veterans who did make it through the war and through the rest of the twentieth century to witness 2005!

For some reason this reminds me . . .

99.9999% of all working clocks are never exactly accurate.
But every broken one is perfectly accurate twice a day.

So which ones are really broken?
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