
19K vs 18K? Palladium vs. nickel lustre? Plat?

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Oct 20, 2004
This will probably be annoying, because I notice this sort of thread has been started a billion times before (and yes, I used the search function, and read almost all of them). Still, it''s not an easy issue to answer.

I''m on a budget, and most people would probably tell me to just spend most of it on the colored stone and custom setting design work. Platinum would eat up a lot of the funds. The only two things holding me back, though, are what I hear about the longevity of white gold and how it wears down over the years and loses material. Also, I know that both I and the woman for whom the ring is intended have always wanted (and/or dreamt about) platinum rings. Though perhaps the e-ring could be gold, and the bands platinum?

Anyway, the question here also has to do with diff''t white gold alloys.

I went to one place that told me the quality white gold alloys are the ones with palladium -- don''t cause any dermal allergic reactions, and the color is slightly grayer and more platinum-like. The other place told me that nickel-based WG is what they use (and it''s the standard in North America). He did not give me the impression that the nickel alloys were cheaper and/or worse, like the other place did. He did say that if I went palladium, he could accommodate me but I''d have to be prepared for the look which was a lot grayer and more like silver than what I was probably hoping for.

I don''t really want the rhodium plating, so if I do go with WG, is the palladium kind more platinum-like? And finally, he suggested using 19K, which was some new type of mixture that just came out which for some reason allowed (counter-intuitively) for more of a bleaching effect. Not sure if the 19K is only available with nickel, though.
Hmm. Either I posted this on the wrong forum (did I?) or this question was far too annoying for you guys out there. Sorry.

Just wish I knew what I was doing. I hear the palladium white gold is really common in Europe. Is it truly that ugly?
Well, you posted this in the "Colored Stones" category, so since it's actually a gold question...

Anyway, the usual nickel alloy IS inferior. It's the standard in North America because it's cheap. If I were you, I'd go with either the palladium alloy or the 19K alloy--which is supposed to be quite good. Unlike the nickel stuff, both of these alloys won't need rhodium plating.
Hmm, thanks.

Is there a 19K alloy using palladium? The only place that told me about it said it was a nickel alloy that had a higher gold content which somehow allowed for more nickel, which has a cumulative bleaching effect and, in the final analysis, the extra bleaching wins out over the extra gold.

I was also told the palladium alloy looks a bit off, a bit darker and greyer than the nickel version. But another place told me it looks much more like platinum. Oh, and apparently the palladium stuff is much more expensive than the nickel stuff. Something like halfway between 14K gold (yellow or nickel white) and plat.
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