I'm on the market for a 2c/G/VS2/Excellent Cut diamond, and found these 3 in particular (with price not including Periscope discount listed below):
1) http://www.eternitybyyoni.com/diamond_detail.php?id=1501871
3) http://www.eternitybyyoni.com/2.05-G-VS2-Excellent-Cut-Round-Diamond-GIA-2156028538/ds-1455123/
2) http://www.eternitybyyoni.com/diamond_detail.php?id=1485717
The first, the cheapest, actually has the best GIA ratings with my requirements, plus Excellent Symmetry, Excellent Polish, No Fluorescence. #2, basically same price, has same specs, but Medium to Slightly Thick girdle (bad?), and Faint Fluorescence. The last one, $1,500 more expensive, has same characteristics of #1, but Very Good vs. Excellent symmetry (so technically little "worse"). What causes the difference in price? Why #1 that "on paper" looks the best is the cheaper? Anything I should be worried about?
BTW, what is the pricescope price/discount? I assume is some referral discount, but how can it be so significant (4.5%) and why diamond dealers would give it away? Or better question... is it legit and real?
I'm on the market for a 2c/G/VS2/Excellent Cut diamond, and found these 3 in particular (with price not including Periscope discount listed below):
1) http://www.eternitybyyoni.com/diamond_detail.php?id=1501871
3) http://www.eternitybyyoni.com/2.05-G-VS2-Excellent-Cut-Round-Diamond-GIA-2156028538/ds-1455123/
2) http://www.eternitybyyoni.com/diamond_detail.php?id=1485717
The first, the cheapest, actually has the best GIA ratings with my requirements, plus Excellent Symmetry, Excellent Polish, No Fluorescence. #2, basically same price, has same specs, but Medium to Slightly Thick girdle (bad?), and Faint Fluorescence. The last one, $1,500 more expensive, has same characteristics of #1, but Very Good vs. Excellent symmetry (so technically little "worse"). What causes the difference in price? Why #1 that "on paper" looks the best is the cheaper? Anything I should be worried about?
BTW, what is the pricescope price/discount? I assume is some referral discount, but how can it be so significant (4.5%) and why diamond dealers would give it away? Or better question... is it legit and real?