
2.7 seconds on a Bull Named Fu Man Chu !

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Aug 25, 2000
It was more like a bull named Pocket Rocket and 1 second flat. Actually I was in the air more then I was on the bull. My wife said the rider should be called Fool Man Shu!
Yes, my wife was out of town and yes she was upset when she found out that a 51 year old man attempted to ride a bull that’s been on the PBS circuit! She cant trust me to be at home by myself anymore! Out of all the crazy things I have done in my life, Skydiving,whitewater kayaking, scuba diving, repelling off cliffs,hiking into back country for weeks most people would not go into. This was ranked #1 in being stupid!

I was on an eight bull rotation so the first professional that road my bull was only on it 2.5 seconds. A Cowboy turned around to me and said “yep he tired him out for ya”! After that a guy broke his leg and another got stopped on. I was the only one in the back wearing a baseball cap, I had rookie written all over me.
I put on a vest that looked like it would stop a bullet and maybe a horn but not a 2,000 lb hoof! As I was getting tied in the bull was moving around in the gate crushing my legs each time it got jumpy. I think the bull was just warming me up for things to come. They told me to sit almost right on top of my fist and keep my head down and my other arm out. When the gate opened I don’t remember much out of the shoot. The first lung I came down right on my crouch, I think that’s when I lost my grip and went airborne. I was in the air more then I was on the bull.
Man! When I hit the ground it knocked the wind out of me, I was in a daze and all I remember was some guy yelling at me to run for the fence and a whole bunch of rodeo clowns running around in circles after a bull I was just on. I''m thinking to myself? What World am I in! You know those fences there are around 6ft high and when you’re on the ground with the wind knocked out of you looking up those fences look more like 14 feet high , and a mile away! One second of fame and five days of pain! It gives a new meaning to the words “Live like you were dieing”! Ill have more pictures and a video coming :)
If I can figure out how to attach files I will show you some pictures.

Corey J.


Nov 7, 2004
wow, you are brave! i''d love to see pics.


Mar 15, 2004
Good! I"m glad he sent you flying!
Any sport that torments poor animals is not a sport at all.


Mar 6, 2005
You are a brave man! I remember seeing the kiddie rodeos when I was younger, neat how they translate their work life into fun things.


Aug 25, 2000

I agree with you on sports that torment animals, I love anaimals. I guess riding the bull to me does not clasify that, were the bull has the advantage on what it wants to do to you is not torment. Believe me I recieved all the torment the bull was having fun. These Bulls live like Kings and are only asked once in a while to let somebody ride them for not more then 8 seconds not any different then a horse that you torture for hours riding them.

Have you ever been to a slotter plant were they take cows. Do you eat meat or were any kind of leather or use leather products.

Im sure your statement saying you were glad to see me a human hurt that you must have rejoiced in the last couple of Hurricanes.

Please think before you make statements on wishing people hurt its not a good trait.


Nov 17, 2004
Difference is, horses have been domesticated for thousands of years and have been modified, as such, to take the weight of a human. Certainly, if someone drastically overweight were riding a tiny pony, then that would be cruel -- as is the use of wild "bucking broncos" at rodeos.

Breaking a horse is a long, time-consuming process that requires lots of patience, praise and time. Just jumping on an animal''s back and taking advantage of the fact that they are shocked, fearful and annoyed is a big difference from the softly softly approach -- starting off with just a rug, then a saddle, then, after many weeks, a light person -- that most credible horse trainers use.


Mar 15, 2004
Yup, Corey, boy do you have me pegged!!!

And to think, some people actually have to KNOW me to make those judgments. Boy are you smart!

Your response pretty much sums up your character just as well.

You can respond if you like, I"m not going to read or respond. I think I'll stick to more civilized and educated a Laguna Beach thread

Regards, Moremoremore.
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