A sincere thank you for sharing the wealth of info on the forum. It''s been invaluable over the past few weeks. A few hundred dollar diamond necklace is the extent of my jewelry purchases, ever---so you know, there''s plenty of cause for concern now that I''m looking for a nice diamond. 40x this, image scope that ...say what?!?
I''m finally to the last few elements of the engagement ring search for my girlfriend. I''m hoping you can lend your opinion on a one BIG open issue---the diamond.
I''m going with a Whiteflash A Cut Above H&A diamond in their Divisi setting.
I''ve narrowed it down to 3 diamonds. I have one on reserve, but I won''t say which (as to not influence anything!). One is 1.056 carat, two are 1.22 carat.,1050545,1467002
So...which diamond? My factors:
- I''m told it''s unlikely anyone will ever visually be able to tell the H color diamond from the I color (ADVANTAGE 1.22)
- Her band size is 5.0-5.5 and she does not like anything close to gaudy (ADVANTAGE 1.056)
- Will the 1.056 carat look too small in the Divisi setting? Or will the 1.22 carat just fill it out that much better?
And if you would opt for the 1.22 carat, which one of the two?!?
Any opinion you can offer is appreciated. In the meantime, I''m creatively trying to figure out how to nail down the actual band size!