
3rd times a charm- Poltical leanings of pricescope contributors

How would you describe yourself politically

  • Very Liberal

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Moderately Liberal

    Votes: 1 100.0%
  • Very Conservative

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
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Dec 9, 2003
With the election looming in 2004, I was curious to see political leanings of pricescope forum members.
I don’t fit any one category if anything im a constitutionalist.
In today’s world that makes me a wacko :}
The liberals think im a right wing extremist for not supporting their programs to control people.
The conservatives think im a liberal for not supporting their programs to exploit people.

Both political parties use the constitution for toilet paper except when it suits them.
The sad part is that America has become so sheepleized that most people couldn’t handle true freedom.
Liberals call me Conservative. Conservatives call me a Liberal. What can I say?

But, I will add - I *always* vote. If you don't vote, IMHO, you can't b*tch. Also, never consider that your vote doesn't count. We just re-elected a county supervisor by 1 vote in my district.
OK so I think I didn’t mess up this time (you can’t cancel a poll after you have started!!)

So here are reference “general” descriptions. (I know you libertarians out there will pick and choose so don’t give me a hard time. I’m generalizing here and trying to stay neutral. Vote for the closest description. It’s Friday and I don’t feel like working.)

Very Liberal –
Supports socialized medicine, higher social security payments, bigger government services, heavy price controls, and gay marriage. Thinks many private companies should be run by government, such as airlines. Willing to pay the high taxes, with average professional paying over 50% in tax. Wants to normalize relations with Cuba. All guns should be outlawed. Thinks global warming will soon destroy the world. Actively protested the Iraqi war and Afghanistan war. Believes military should be downsized by 50%. Abortion should be legal in all cases and taxpayers should pay for it. Hates big corporations. Ideal place to live is San Francisco or France. Has utter hatred of GW Bush. Worships Michael Moore and loathes Fox News. Reads the SF Chronicle. Hates religion (except Islam) as God doesn’t exist. God is Prada. Ralph Nader was my candidate. Could settle for Howard Dean or Hillary.

Moderately Liberal-
Supports a massive healthcare expansion, heavy government regulation, and gay civil unions. Willing to raise taxes back to the Clinton era of taxes or slightly higher. Handguns should be outlawed on other guns should be more heavily regulated and controlled. Should have joined Kyoto. Opposed Iraqi War but supported Afghanistan. Supports abortion in 1st and 2nd trimesters. Only supports going to war if France agrees. Ideal place to live is New York or Britain. Watches Peter Jennings and reads the NY Times. Is agnostic. John Kerry is my candidate.

Center of the Road-
Likes government service and happy with new tax brackets. Guns are a right to own, but only cops and security should be carrying them. Haven’t made up their mind on gay union rights. Thinks the UN is okay as is. Wasn’t sure about Iraq war, then liked it, now unsure again. Supports 1st trimester abortions. Reads the USA Today. Ideal place to live is Springfield. Was baptized and goes to church on Christmas and Easter. Usually switches parties and will probably stay home in 2004.

Moderately Conservative-
Thinks government is a bit too big and spends too much money. Would like to see taxes reduced further and regulations eased. Gays should be free to be together but opposes gay marriage. Guns are a right and after an FBI background check, people should be able to carry. Would like to scale back our UN involvement. Supports abortion only in exceptional cases. Occasionally listens to Sean Hannity. Watches Fox News and reads the Wall St. Journal. Ideal place to live is Omaha or Charleston. Usually attends church services. I’ll vote Bush again.

Very Conservative-
Supports a low 14% flax tax, elimination of social security, little government regulation. Social spending should be slashed by 50%. Thinks sodomy should be against the law. Strongly opposed to any gay marriage or marriage-like institutions. Only people with criminal records shouldn’t be allowed to carry a gun. Thinks global warming is junk science. Thinks we should leave the UN. Hates big government. Ideal place to live is a Lubbock, Texas. Never misses Rush Limbaugh and loathes liberal Hollywood activists. Has utter hatred of Hillary Clinton. Watches Fox News and reads conservative online newspapers. Regularly attends church. Bush will now only get my vote if he reigns in his spending…otherwise I’m voting 3rd party.
Uh, let's see. I support socialized medicine, gay marriage, lifting the Cuban embargo, but I also don't care about the UN, think the federal government is way too big, own multiple firearms, prefer Fox to CNN, have voted Republican, Democrat, and Libertarian, and used to live in Lubbock, Texas when I was a kid. Which do I vote?
Damn I voted moderately conservative but after reading the descriptions, I think I am all over the map!! Since I don't really fit in any of those categories.
I've probably got a few from each.
Your description of "very conservative" doesn't even come close to my husband. I am afraid that the results of this poll may be skewed by failure to include people of his...uh...point of view. For example, all women should be called "girls" to counteract the femi-Nazi movement which has gone so far that it must be conteracted by radical means. Women who are over 16, while no longer of marriageable age, cannot be called "women". They are still usually called "girls" by him. Women over 29 are called, "old girls", being over-the-hill. Sometimes someone over 25 may be called an "old-girl", depending on his mood.

I will spare you his views on homosexuals, etcetera.

On 2/6/2004 1:34:31 PM AGBF wrote:

I will spare you his views on homosexuals, etcetera.

Your husband and my dad would probably get along well.
Except for the Texas part, LG and I are purty close in thinking...and I too, own guns...err, and bows, and tomahawks...just no WMD's.

I know most people wouldn't fit any particular description 100%. These are GENERALIZATIONS for general reference. I've known people who are to one extreme or another, but they think that they are a lot closer to the center than they are.

Writing it made Friday afternoon pass by very quickly, so this was my reasoning behind it!
On 2/7/2004 9:59:07 AM chris-uk04 wrote:

I've known people who are to one extreme or another, but they think that they are a lot closer to the center than they are.

Hmmm. I wonder where that perception of others puts *YOU* on the political spectrum. Would you care to share where you (think you) fit in? ;-)
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