
A new kitten


Jun 19, 2010
As some of you may remember, I lost my very best friend on Dec. 4th. My mom (with all the best intentions, I'm sure) surprised me with a kitten, an 8 week old Siamese named Buddy. He's pretty sweet, although nothing will beat Dude, but my mom was right - he has kept me very busy and occupied. Here's a video of him I made on his first day. It's not easy to get real pictures of a spazzy kitten, but I will try later.
athenaworth|1292462147|2798077 said:
As some of you may remember, I lost my very best friend on Dec. 4th. My mom (with all the best intentions, I'm sure) surprised me with a kitten, an 8 week old Siamese named Buddy. He's pretty sweet, although nothing will beat Dude, but my mom was right - he has kept me very busy and occupied. Here's a video of him I made on his first day. It's not easy to get real pictures of a spazzy kitten, but I will try later.

Oh my goodness what a sweet little thing :bigsmile:

Your mum wasn't trying to replace Dude - she knows that no other cat will ever take his place, or remove the pain of losing him.

But I must say, Buddy looks absolutely adorably lovable in his own right - and in a couple of weeks he'll have wormed his way into another part of your heart - right beside Dude's memory :))
Awwwww, how adorable! I know that nothing will ever replace poor Dude, but it will be nice to have him around to keep you occupied. Congrats on your new furbaby :)
Oh Athena, Buddy is so sweet! My heart still hurts for you, but I'm glad Buddy is in your life and keeping you busy! Have fun with that cutie pie!
He's really cute!
Athena he's such a cutie :bigsmile: im sure you're mum knows no kitten will replace Dude, but im also sure you'll end up loving Buddy like you loved Dude. Enjoy sharing his naughty, mischevious, curious life :appl:
Aww, what a gorgeous little guy, I hope he's putting a smile on your face while your heart takes time to heal. Still thinking of you athena xxx
Awww how cute!! Sorry that you lost Dude. Its so hard when you lose them, but your new baby is a cutie pie. It looks like he is trying to see but that other cat keeps getting in the way.
I finally got one where it's not all blurry. Here's Buddy.

while no one will replace the Dude, Buddy will find his own place in your heart.

i started with 9 cats, athena. i am now down to 4. while i loved all of them, not all were "special" in the way that i know Dude was for you. its ok, though. and your mother's heart was in the right place [my mother's is not].

Buddy is absolutely a personality already. i've had a siamese and they are very intelligent. they also bond very close. people try to say how distant they are but i believe it is the human that is distant.

love little Buddy for being little Buddy. you have a great heart and a lot of love to give. Dude would want you to share it in his memory.

Hopefully this doesn't offend you...I know Dude meant so much to you, but really having another furry kitty to help morn your other kitty helps SO MUCH. I think most of us pet lovers almost become addicted to having a soft little bundle of cuddles and it's hard to be without a kitty (or doggy).

After my last cat passed away, we went a month and a half (abouts???) without a cat and the day before we moved to our new apt, I scheduled to adopt a new cat from a woman, and the day after our move, we picked the little guy up and we *VERY MUCH* healed from the loss of our previous cat.

Hugs to you!!!
MC|1292519760|2798606 said:
Hopefully this doesn't offend you...I know Dude meant so much to you, but really having another furry kitty to help morn your other kitty helps SO MUCH. I think most of us pet lovers almost become addicted to having a soft little bundle of cuddles and it's hard to be without a kitty (or doggy).

After my last cat passed away, we went a month and a half (abouts???) without a cat and the day before we moved to our new apt, I scheduled to adopt a new cat from a woman, and the day after our move, we picked the little guy up and we *VERY MUCH* healed from the loss of our previous cat.

Hugs to you!!!

No, no, no offense at all. I guess I shouldn't think that my saddness about Dude is in any way conntected to getting Buddy. It hasn't even been 2 weeks, so of course I'm still sad about him. Buddy has definitely refocused my attention (that boy is an attention wh*re), which I appreciate and he's made me look forward to going home again. He is a welcome addition.

Thank you everone for the well wishes. You've been so warm and kind to me through this. Hugs to you all.
athena, consider getting Buddy his very own buddy. another cat to keep him company in your absence and to play with. bonding would be so much easier at this stage than later......just a thought.


ps and perhaps he wouldn't be such an attention wh*ore. besides it is so much fun to watch them play. its a win-win for everyone!
movie zombie|1292521667|2798635 said:
athena, consider getting Buddy his very own buddy. another cat to keep him company in your absence and to play with. bonding would be so much easier at this stage than later......just a thought.


ps and perhaps he wouldn't be such an attention wh*ore. besides it is so much fun to watch them play. its a win-win for everyone!

Oh, he's got two big sisters he's getting to know right now. I hope they'll distract him a little.

Here's a picture of them getting curious about each other.

Even though your new kitty won't replace Dude, I hope that he helps you continue to heal! He's adorable - I love kittens around 8 weeks!
love what you did to keep them separated but "together"!

Hehe we had the same setup when we were introducing our cat and dog, only we used a baby gate that rested about an inch off the floor - and every so often our mischief-maker cat would sit with his back to the gate and swish his tail under the gate.. slooooowly, back and forth, back and forth - and puppy (at that point about half kitty's size) would just follow that tail with his eyes...

I always wondered if he was teasing him on purpose. Wouldn't put it past him.
awwww ::) he seems to have succumbed quickly enough :bigsmile:

Buddy is so cute and I'm glad you have a new furry to love and cuddle with. Siamese kitties will definitely keep you on your toes and make you smile. :bigsmile:
What a sweet little kitty!
So may have not been ready for him but he looks like he is ready for you.
What a cute little kitten!!!! :love: :love: :love: :love:
athenaworth|1292516683|2798563 said:
I finally got one where it's not all blurry. Here's Buddy.

He's precious!!!!!

Athena, the vid of him snoozing is sooo cute :love: hope he's getting along with everyone!!
Thanks guys. He really loves humans, but he's been a bit of a pain in the a*s to the big kitties. My girl monster, Millie (the one investigating him) has been the receiver of most of it. She's been putting up with him pretty well but you can tell she's getting pretty tired of it. I just hope they learn how to get along soon. Millie's been holding out the love from me (I'm sure it's punishment), so I'm missing her a bit.

But Buddy's just the cutest. I keep getting great videos of him. This one is my favorite (so far) by far:

Tell me if you get bored with these. I'm like a proud parent and can't really determine when I'm getting annoying. ;-)
Ahh... it's so much fun seeing the world through new eyes where everything is a toy, isn't it? Love the laundry video. It gives me hope that our Merlin, who is is 7 months and annoying the crap out of his brothers and sisters will eventually settle down... it's just a kitten thing.

Your Buddy is adorable. Keep posting proud mama.

I'm sorry about your loss...but you sure can get lost in those beautiful blue eyes of your new baby!
Update on Buddy: He's funny and my girl kitty may finally be smitten:

