
A question for Sharper Image Ultrasonic owners...

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Aug 28, 2007
I just purchased one half price while on a recent trip to the US. I''m wondering - do you throw out the diluted solution that you use after every use, or keep it in the chamber and use it more than once?

Also, are there any ''home made'' solutions that you use for when I''m finished the bottle of cleaner solution that came with it (not that that''s going to happen anytime soon!).

Wow, I am kinda surprised to hear that you use an US. Did you talk to Leon about it?
Date: 3/17/2008 12:51:33 PM
Author: CrookedRock
Wow, I am kinda surprised to hear that you use an US. Did you talk to Leon about it?

Oh - I should qualify this - I do NOT use the US on my Leon. I bought it to use for my studs and my Tiffany Jazz right hand ring (and whatever other non-pave sparklies I''m lucky enough to collect in the future!). Yes, I spoke to Leon about his suggestions for cleaning, and fully realize that my engagement ring will never ever come close to an ultrasonic!
I don''t clean many pieces in it, mostly just my ering/wedding band, so I just keep the solution in it. I''ve used it maybe 4 times so far, and haven''t changed the solution. I guess I just haven''t felt like it needed to be changed yet.

This is an interesting question though! I am wondering what others would say. I''m curious about the homemade solutions thing too, because what happens IF sharper image goes out of business or something (from the bankruptcy) and I can''t get the solution...hmmm.
Date: 3/17/2008 1:04:18 PM
Author: Sparkles22
I don''t clean many pieces in it, mostly just my ering/wedding band, so I just keep the solution in it. I''ve used it maybe 4 times so far, and haven''t changed the solution. I guess I just haven''t felt like it needed to be changed yet.

This is an interesting question though! I am wondering what others would say. I''m curious about the homemade solutions thing too, because what happens IF sharper image goes out of business or something (from the bankruptcy) and I can''t get the solution...hmmm.

I''ve only used mine twice, but I kept the solution in it, too (being as I only use it for a few pieces it seemed wasteful to throw it out). I also recall reading something in the instructions that intimated that you could leave solution in the tank to reuse, but now I can''t find the instructions! (they may have gotten mixed up in the newspapers and sent to recycling)

Thanks for your feedback, Skippy! I''m also curious to hear what others have to say...
I don''t reuse the cleaning solution. Especially if you''re cleaning gets pretty icky. Plus, I find that warm water cleans better.

For my homemade cleaning solution, I put warm water in the tank, then put a splash of plain ol'' ammonia in the water.
I kept my original solution in the tank for over a month, then dumped it out when I had to take mine on a trip. (I tried using warm water only, then with a little face wash in it, but it didn''t clean anywhere as well as the solution.)

After I got back, I made another batch of the diluted solution, and I''ve had it since. It''s been almost a month now, I clean my ring everyday, and the solution isn''t dirty enough for me to justify throwing it out for a new round. The cleaning power hasn''t changed (at least not to a point where it''s noticeable).

As for germs, I can''t vouch for that. If you put a microscope up to my solution, it might be that I''m growing a tank full of germs. But I wash my rings in water after cleaning - which gets rid of the slippery residue from the cleaning solution - and I keep the lid on when the US isn''t in use so the solution doesn''t get dust in it and whatever fumes stay in. If there are germs in my solution, well, there are germs everywhere, so I''m okay with that. I don''t think the liquid is very germ friendly to start with, anyways.

I don''t plan on changing the solution out until it''s visibly dirty. All the icky stuff (if at all) settles to the bottom from where it can''t get back up to where the jewelry is. Nothing can scratch my diamonds except for other diamonds, so what''s the worry?
I use it on my pave once a week (sometimes two weeks) and just use a drop of liquid dish soap and warm water. I dump it out every time.
already lots of great info here and in many other threads. . . but just wanted to point out that SI is going out of business, if you want more cleaner/solution you should get it now!
My local stores already have "store closing" signs in their windows.
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