
A touch of rose cut charm :-)

Whoa. So freakin' cool! :love:
oh, I adore this. I have such a rose cut fascination!
manderz|1371304675|3466426 said:
Yssie|1371272687|3466321 said:
manderz - nice coupon find! Those are adorable and they'd be lovely together with a single-station bezel solitaire ::)

The extra weight definitely helps keep everything oriented! Before one of the diamonds would always wind up on the underside, but now that the clasp is the heaviest part the diamonds stay right where they should be.

Maybe a little cushion or EC to match the square outline of the second bracelet, since you'll have a bezelled round?


Thanks, Yssie! I appreciate your blessing. I was kind of thinking a princess cut, but i wasn't sure how that would look, and I didn't want to damage one, either. I like the idea of the station matching one bracelet, and the dangle matching the other. Maybe I'll see if I can fins a princess, but do a slightly thick, curved and cushion shaped bezel, and have it kite set. I also like the cushion idea, as I've never owned one before.

Ah, okay. I really like the idea of the station matching the one bracelet and the dangle matching the other, too, but I'm not totally sure about the idea of a princess in a curved bezel :-/ is it okay to say that? It's just that to my eyes princesses revel in their bold, straight lines, and there's nothing soft or curved about them. I do like the idea of a squarish stone kite-set though! A brilliant cushion would work really well, especially w/ the brilliant MRB... or perhaps a radiant w/ small cut corners? Or one of the specialty ECs like crisscuts?

Or an Octavia :naughty:
Thank you pinkjewel! Of course, now the devil on my shoulder wants to lead me on a rose cut binge and add a bunch of other shapes :bigsmile:
One thing at a time. One thing at a time.

Kelly, meg, thank you ::)

Thank you Sharon!!

I didn't know we shared a fascination with briolettes ::)! I'll have to search your threads for those earrings you mentioned. Unfortunately I think I just missed the boat on diamond briolettes - they're available but prices have risen significantly over the last few months (hah, well, they're diamonds so I guess I should've expected it!). My parents will be going to India later this year and they're much more common there, so I've asked them to poke around for me - I have fingers and toes crossed for a couple of lucky finds...

I currently only have two, but I think this little guy would fit in perfectly as a second charm ::) He's 6mm x 3mm. My only hesitation is that the hole is drilled so close to the tip and since I know diamonds can be brittle... maybe a charm on a bracelet is too high-traffic? Kroshka had a fantastic suggestion: having a crown made for it, like they do with pearl drops - I just need to make some time to look into it!
Trying to post pics for Sharon...


Hi Yssie,

:appl: That is a beautiful diamond. I'm so unfamiliar with rose cuts that if you didn't tell me I would not have guessed that it was a diamond. I must admit that I did really like Jennifer Aniston's engagement ring, which was also a rose cut, if I am correct. Just very unique, and bold, and makes a huge statement. so cool!
Thank you Sharon!!

I didn't know we shared a fascination with briolettes ::)! I'll have to search your threads for those earrings you mentioned. Unfortunately I think I just missed the boat on diamond briolettes - they're available but prices have risen significantly over the last few months (hah, well, they're diamonds so I guess I should've expected it!). My parents will be going to India later this year and they're much more common there, so I've asked them to poke around for me - I have fingers and toes crossed for a couple of lucky finds...

I currently only have two, but I think this little guy would fit in perfectly as a second charm ::) He's 6mm x 3mm. My only hesitation is that the hole is drilled so close to the tip and since I know diamonds can be brittle... maybe a charm on a bracelet is too high-traffic? Kroshka had a fantastic suggestion: having a crown made for it, like they do with pearl drops - I just need to make some time to look into it![/quote]


Thanks for posting that great picture--you did capture it's beauty.

You will not find any of the hand made earrings I have here since I have not posted them--Gailey did see the prasiolite pair (they are a lovely lemon lime color) the other two are natural white quartz and rhodolite garnet. And incidentally all of the set briolette's I own have "hats" or little cone heads for mounting. No drill holes or if they are, they are covered. I do not think I would mount that briolette in a bracelet with a drill hole for the reason you suggested. Get a match and set it them simply in an earrings--with hats of course! :bigsmile:

Thing is, I have never found diamond briolette's inexpensive (white or black diamond)...and I have been looking for a few years. I wrongly supposed they would be given they are not as desirable a shape and therefore less expensive to purchase, but I have never found this the case. But if your family buys a few dozen in India--I let me now might be interested in taking a few off your hands! :love:

I think that rose-cut pear with the bezel is absolutely gorgeous. :love: :love: :love:

It would look good on my BGD rose-gold DBTY bracelet too! :bigsmile:
LLJsmom|1371449398|3467220 said:
Hi Yssie,

:appl: That is a beautiful diamond. I'm so unfamiliar with rose cuts that if you didn't tell me I would not have guessed that it was a diamond. I must admit that I did really like Jennifer Aniston's engagement ring, which was also a rose cut, if I am correct. Just very unique, and bold, and makes a huge statement. so cool!

Thank you LLJ! I'm behind on my celebrity rings - I'll have to look up Jennifer Aniston's :sun:

It doesn't behave like a normal diamond with a faceted pavilion, it really doesn't! I imagine rose cuts of all white/clear stone varieties look largely the same in a number of lighting types, and it's only when the light hits *just right* does a diamond's higher RI make itself known... I think I need a rose cut sapphire - and a quartz! - to compare...

Smith1942 said:
I think that rose-cut pear with the bezel is absolutely gorgeous. :love: :love: :love:

It would look good on my BGD rose-gold DBTY bracelet too! :bigsmile:

Hah, thank you!! I'm sure it would, but it's permanently attached to mine so :cheeky: :bigsmile:
canuk-gal|1371483066|3467372 said:

Thanks for posting that great picture--you did capture it's beauty.

You will not find any of the hand made earrings I have here since I have not posted them--Gailey did see the prasiolite pair (they are a lovely lemon lime color) the other two are natural white quartz and rhodolite garnet. And incidentally all of the set briolette's I own have "hats" or little cone heads for mounting. No drill holes or if they are, they are covered. I do not think I would mount that briolette in a bracelet with a drill hole for the reason you suggested. Get a match and set it them simply in an earrings--with hats of course! :bigsmile:

Thing is, I have never found diamond briolette's inexpensive (white or black diamond)...and I have been looking for a few years. I wrongly supposed they would be given they are not as desirable a shape and therefore less expensive to purchase, but I have never found this the case. But if your family buys a few dozen in India--I let me now might be interested in taking a few off your hands! :love:


Sharon -

I would love to see pictures of your earrings if you have photos and would be willing to share them! You've confirmed my concerns, and I definitely won't be setting any briolettes without hats. Thing is, I've never actually seen gemstone briolettes with hats...

Can you tell me a bit about how it works? Did you buy them pre-capped or did you have them done yourself? And if so - do you need to go to specialty outfits or is this something pretty much anyone can do? I know pearls are half-drilled and then the hats are glued on - is that how it works with other gemstones as well, or are they perhaps able to drill with very coarse threading to avoid the glue? Well, on second thought, I guess that likely depends on the gemstone in question. Do you think I'm correct in assuming that there are limits to stone size? Since this stone is so small the hat would have to be miniscule to remain relatively unobtrusive.
What metal(s) are your hats made of?

Apologies for the twenty questions! I'll be sure to keep your interest in mind if they find something promising ::) My hope is that since they're more commonly used there'll be some sort of market-driven pricing standardisation across the different parcel qualities that doesn't include the "novelty premium" you can expect here in the US, but they're going for my cousin's wedding and won't be staying long so I'm not sure how much time they'll have to go diamond-hunting for me. Are you contactable off the forum?
never know if these will post

HI Yssie:

I took a few pictures but they really are just more of the same hence posting just one picture really does shows the "caps" on top of the stone. I have a suspicion your briolette is close to the same size as my garnet--and the cap is almost as large!

All of the earrings are made in 18 gold. They were made by my favorite jeweller, The Goldsmiths, in the city where I live. I did not do it on my own. I honestly do not know if the caps/pieces were made to fit the stone or bought as findings. I know companies make and market them--and suspect a competent bench they could easily modify an existing finding to fit the stone. So they don't necessarily have to be custom made, unless your stones are not a well matched pair.

Although it has been decades since I worked as a bench in my Father's shop, I believe these caps are glued to the top of the gem. And abrading gold and or a gem does help to glue to adhere. Of course the type of gem would dictate if that were feasible.

Two of the earrings have rings soldered onto the cap to aid in articulation of the earring whereas the prasiolite does not--the diamond is bezeled and connected differently--don't know what it is called but it is clever and works!

I hope this was helpful--of course I am not an expert and my info seems cursory at best. But hey! :bigsmile:

Of course I am available off the forum--one or two people here have my email....failing that I bet I still have my loop troupe link where TG got a hold of me....thanks for that consideration!

Oh wow - that diamond briolette is so beautiful!!!

I was in Graff recently and they had the most unbelievable (and huge!) diamond briolette dangle earrings. The sparkle and fire was mesmerizing.
Yssie|1371441049|3467174 said:
manderz|1371304675|3466426 said:
Yssie|1371272687|3466321 said:
manderz - nice coupon find! Those are adorable and they'd be lovely together with a single-station bezel solitaire ::)

The extra weight definitely helps keep everything oriented! Before one of the diamonds would always wind up on the underside, but now that the clasp is the heaviest part the diamonds stay right where they should be.

Maybe a little cushion or EC to match the square outline of the second bracelet, since you'll have a bezelled round?


Thanks, Yssie! I appreciate your blessing. I was kind of thinking a princess cut, but i wasn't sure how that would look, and I didn't want to damage one, either. I like the idea of the station matching one bracelet, and the dangle matching the other. Maybe I'll see if I can fins a princess, but do a slightly thick, curved and cushion shaped bezel, and have it kite set. I also like the cushion idea, as I've never owned one before.

Ah, okay. I really like the idea of the station matching the one bracelet and the dangle matching the other, too, but I'm not totally sure about the idea of a princess in a curved bezel :-/ is it okay to say that? It's just that to my eyes princesses revel in their bold, straight lines, and there's nothing soft or curved about them. I do like the idea of a squarish stone kite-set though! A brilliant cushion would work really well, especially w/ the brilliant MRB... or perhaps a radiant w/ small cut corners? Or one of the specialty ECs like crisscuts?

Or an Octavia :naughty:

Yanno, I think you may be right about the princess. I was thinking that shape for the simplicity factor (I have one I could use). But, I think a cushion would match the shape of the my current bracelet better. I'm not a huge fan of step cuts, at least not for this project.

Thanks for your insight!
Yssie, I love yours and Sharon's creativity! Such beautiful pieces!
Sharon, thank you so much for sharing those pics with me! They're beautiful ::) and your information is very helpful!

I do see what you mean re. jump rings atop the hats to permit articulation - though I confess I don't understand how the prasiolite works! Is there something on the underside supporting the earwire in that groove? Oh there's a thought - since my briolette is already drilled perhaps the caps could be secured via the drill hole rather than glued on? I wouldn't want the bench to have to roughen the surface of the stone to securely glue the caps on :sick:

Well, I guess it's all just speculation until I actually talk to someone! I suspect I'll have to ship it out as I can't think of a local bench I'd be comfortable working with. My two briolettes aren't good matches at all so earrings are out - unfortunate given that they're the obvious solution to creating wearable delicate pieces! The size difference is significant though - the other is just shy of 2ct.

And, of course, I don't know what to do with that one either :bigsmile:

I'll try to get hold of you off the forum later tonight or tomorrow :))
Thank you Rosebloom! She's incredibly easy to photograph - fire everywhere! Giant briolette earrings sound so decadent... if only it was easier (and cheaper) to find matching pairs!!

manderz, hah, I can definitely understand wanting to use the stone(s) you already have! A princess in a sharp bezel might make for an interesting contrast - the outline of the square BN bracelet isn't particularly rounded so it could probably go either way... maybe??

LOL. Helpful, I know.

Classy, thank you!! I've tried to be better about backing off impulse buys and working on just the "forever" pieces and this is definitely one of them ::) I also adore Sharon's jewels so on that front we're in complete agreement! :sun:
Yssie|1371781305|3469750 said:
Sharon, thank you so much for sharing those pics with me! They're beautiful ::) and your information is very helpful!

I do see what you mean re. jump rings atop the hats to permit articulation - though I confess I don't understand how the prasiolite works! Is there something on the underside supporting the earwire in that groove? Oh there's a thought - since my briolette is already drilled perhaps the caps could be secured via the drill hole rather than glued on? I wouldn't want the bench to have to roughen the surface of the stone to securely glue the caps on :sick:

Well, I guess it's all just speculation until I actually talk to someone! I suspect I'll have to ship it out as I can't think of a local bench I'd be comfortable working with. My two briolettes aren't good matches at all so earrings are out - unfortunate given that they're the obvious solution to creating wearable delicate pieces! The size difference is significant though - the other is just shy of 2ct.

And, of course, I don't know what to do with that one either :bigsmile:

I'll try to get hold of you off the forum later tonight or tomorrow :))


Yes, please don't quote my benching techniques as need to talk to a professional! And in placing a cap on a briolette--it would be easier to use a burr to abrade the gold cone vs. the gem....

a few more...

She is beautiful Yssie!! I adore rose cuts, and the rose gold just sets her off! LOVE it!!!!! :love: :love: :love:
canuk-gal|1371833236|3470045 said:
a few more...

Thank you for the extra photos! I think I see how the prasiolite works now - there must be a bar around which the drop swings hidden in that joint?

I've reached out to a couple of local jewellers and I'm hoping to have some recommendations and a better idea of what they can do by this weekend. The more I think about it the more I like the idea of turning it into a detachable second charm for this bracelet ::)
DandiAndi|1371871998|3470322 said:
She is beautiful Yssie!! I adore rose cuts, and the rose gold just sets her off! LOVE it!!!!! :love: :love: :love:

Thank you Dandi!!! :bigsmile: