
Aaah, his mother....


Apr 14, 2010
Hi Ladies,

As you may know, I posted about family dynamics and the different ones that my fiance and I have. I thought the advice you gave was great. Particularly when someone explained how you have to accept other people''s families, they grew up differently than you, etc. And also, that some people are just toxic and what not.

Still, I need to vent!! So the other night, my fiance lets it out that his mom thinks he is too young to get married and I am forcing him into it. Obviously, this is upsetting to me. So, the next, day I decided to give her a call. I said that I understand she has some reservations about our marriage or that I might be forcing him to get married and that I want to talk to her about that because it is obviously disconcerting to think you are not supported in your marriage.

I will hit some of the highlights for you all: She said that she thinks I have done good things for him, he has really grown up, I have instilled things in him she couldn''t, but that she always prayed he would marry a Christian woman (I am Jewish) and that now it is between him and god and if god is not ok with it, there will be repurcussions.

She said she IS happy that we are getting married since we already live together and so at least if we are married we will not just be just shacking up. My thoughts: wow, way to demean the relationship...must have missed that part where we have been in a committed, monogomous relationship for 3.5 years, but thanks for that

She said "everyone" was so surprised that we got engaged. And I asked who, since everyone who knows us well was not surprised at all, in fact totally expected it. and I said "well, are you surprised it happened now, or that it happened at all." She said, "that it happened at all, I thought you would just break up and go your separate ways." Hmm, ok, a little insulting.

She wanted to know who proposed to whom, since she thinks I was forcing it. For the record, he proposed to me but we did have adult conversations about it. It wasn''t out of the blue. I think the fact that we conversed about it makes her think it was forced.

She says he won''t talk about the wedding at all to her, he says nothing to her about it. So, I said...does he talk to you about other things? and she answers, no, which I know. The guy avoids her phone calls, kind of wants nothing to do with her, discusses nothing with her, so not talking about the wedding is kind of par for the course.

AARRRGH, there are just so many more things that were kind of rude, kind of inconsiderate. I think I was super calm during the call, but the thing is, the more I think about it, the angrier I get.

Here is the worst part: I just think she has NO idea who her son is. He is the most kind, generous, patient person I know. She is a person who always assumed he was getting into trouble (even though there was zero evidence of that) despite him being such a good guy. (example: she has always assumed he is a player, like having all this sex. Reality, he never had sex before were together (sorry if that is TMI), but she is convinced. In fact, when he first told her we were engaged, she said "you know that means you can''t sleep with other people." Oh, really......never thought of that (sarcasm) forgetting the fact that he has NEVER done that).

I think she has histrionic personality everything has to come back to her in the most dramatic way. AAGGGHH, guys, I don''t know what to do!!!! I am so irritated. Should I email her all my thoughts (calmly and politely of course?), leave it be? stop including her in any of the wedding stuff??
Hi merbear,
I'm sorry you are dealing with this. Though our situations are not exactly the same they are similar in that my dh's mother was quite upset when we got serious as they are Catholic and I am Jewish. Her exact words were"I didn't raise my son to be an altar boy etc to marry a Jewish girl"
She said this to my dh (boyfriend at the time) and not to my face of course as she is far too passive aggressive for that. My dh calmly told her that it was unfortunate she felt that way and since I was in his life for good she either needed to accept and respect me or accept the fact she would not be in his life at all.

My point is that this is not your battle to deal with as it is your fiance's mother and you just cannot talk sense into people who have warped perceptions about how things should be. I would have a heart to heart with your darling fiance explaining just how you feel and see what he says. No matter what, if you guys are going to have a successful relationship you must be a unified team. He must always be there for you, protecting you and cheering you on as you do for him. There is no compromise to this aspect of a successful relationship.

I wish you the best of luck and hope you take heart in knowing that my dh and I have the most loving and wonderful relationship that no one could poison, no matter how hard they tried.

All the best,
Wow :-( I don''t know if I really have any helpful advice, but if I were in that situation I would be really sad. I had this serious boyfriend years ago (like when I was 18 or something) and his parents were really horrible to me (at the time, it looked like we were probably going to get married). They were orthodox Jews (although it was funny because they treated me and us so poorly, there was nothing ''G-dly'' about it) and I am conservative (although I love going to Orthodox synagogue and during college I spent most shabbat''s with the chabad group...I actually love doing that. But I myself am definitely not Orthodox) which they had problems with. I remember feeling so sad about it
We just kind of left his parents out things, but the relationship didn''t last (in part, because his parents were just so awful) so I didn''t have to deal with it for long. My current bf (soon to be fiance!) is Asian. I''m really lucky because his parents are very progressive and are really cool about us (and actually, they love me haha). But I would feel so sad if they were mean to me because I''m not Asian. Sending positive thoughts your way!
It sounds like you are dealing with her just fine and I would just continue to deal with issues as they come up but be prepared to just let many of her comments slide off your back to avoid the drama. I would not email her or continue on about the same things, you have made your point calmly and logically and that''s all you can do, you can''t control weather or not she recives the message and changes her mind or behaviour as a result.

As for the wedding, I get the feeling that you will avoid alot of stress and drama by not invloving her in any planning or desision making or give her any opertunity to put her 2 cents in.

Good luck.
So, just give up, get married and enjoy each other. Since his mother was never able to be "a part of his life" - she obviously won''t be able to do it in the future.
I''m sorry his mom is like that. You should be excited about getting married and I''m sure this is somehow making you unable to enjoy your engagement.

I don''t know if talking to her would change her mind. It seems like she is living in her own little world. I mean, as long as you''re making her son happy, isn''t that good enough? Why would she thinks her son is a player? It kinda frustrates me that she said "you know that means you can''t sleep with other people." That''s a good way to teach your kid. Aren''t you supposed to not be sleeping around anyways in a committed relationship? It isn''t the Maury / Jerry Spring show. I''m sorry, I would be so upset by this statement.

Only time can make her realize how wondering you are to be her daughter in law.

DUST!!! I suppose you 100%%%... can''t believe his mom is like that.
Don''t e-mail her and don''t call her anymore on this. You made your point as calmly as you could. Now that you''ve had a chance to reflect, I''m not sure you would come off as calm anymore (more likely, you''ll seem like an irrational lunatic trying to justify your relationship and confirming your "pushiness" when she shows your e-mail to her friends, as justified as your words may be).

If anything, I would just think of her as a loony bin and take everything with a chuckle. Everything she''s saying sounds so silly and ridiculous. You''re admittedly good for him but it''s just too bad that you''re Jewish and he loves and wants to marry you (oh, and he can''t have flings anymore).

Let her deal with the fact that she does not know her son at all, and it''s not going as she dreamed. She''s entitled to that. Accept that she''s allowed to be bitter because she didn''t get some fantasy Christian woman that her god loves, and who didn''t shack up with her son prior to marriage. You are not going to change her mind on this one - not with an e-mail, nor a call. She may get over it with time and come to realize this was for the best and you''re a great DIL.

But while she''s being bitter, you get to marry the man of your dreams. As a bonus, your fiance doesn''t even really communicate with his mother. (Score!) He''s all yours! Not everyone needs to accept/approve of your marriage. It''s certainly great when everyone close to both of you does accept it.... but this woman is not even remotely close to your fiance.

Let it be. It''s unfortunate that she''s not accepting the situation but I''d say you have the sweet end of this deal. Enjoy your wonderful lives together.
Date: 6/28/2010 7:31:09 PM
Author: iota15
Don''t e-mail her and don''t call her anymore on this. You made your point as calmly as you could. Now that you''ve had a chance to reflect, I''m not sure you would come off as calm anymore (more likely, you''ll seem like an irrational lunatic trying to justify your relationship and confirming your ''pushiness'' when she shows your e-mail to her friends, as justified as your words may be).
As someone who married into a toxic family I can give you a little bit of insight. Simply put, she is nuts and nothing you do, say, believe, think, feel or try will ever be right or make her happy. The best thing you can do is not give her ammuntion and follow you FI''s lead. After all, he has been dealing with her much longer and as his mother, it really should be him setting the tone of the relationship.

At first, I felt the same way you did. She just didn''t know you and once you explained things, everything would be great. Unfortunately, my MIL operates on a whole other planet from the rest of us. Did I come to meet them when I had mono because I knew it was important to her and tried to be awake as much as possible for their sake? No, in her mind I refused to be social and locked myself in the bedroom and refused to come out
Date: 6/28/2010 8:35:16 PM
Author: brazen_irish_hussy
Date: 6/28/2010 7:31:09 PM

Author: iota15

Don''t e-mail her and don''t call her anymore on this. You made your point as calmly as you could. Now that you''ve had a chance to reflect, I''m not sure you would come off as calm anymore (more likely, you''ll seem like an irrational lunatic trying to justify your relationship and confirming your ''pushiness'' when she shows your e-mail to her friends, as justified as your words may be).
As someone who married into a toxic family I can give you a little bit of insight. Simply put, she is nuts and nothing you do, say, believe, think, feel or try will ever be right or make her happy. The best thing you can do is not give her ammuntion and follow you FI''s lead. After all, he has been dealing with her much longer and as his mother, it really should be him setting the tone of the relationship.

At first, I felt the same way you did. She just didn''t know you and once you explained things, everything would be great. Unfortunately, my MIL operates on a whole other planet from the rest of us. Did I come to meet them when I had mono because I knew it was important to her and tried to be awake as much as possible for their sake? No, in her mind I refused to be social and locked myself in the bedroom and refused to come out

ummm, do we have the same MIL brazen_irish_hussy?

What a terrible situation to be in. Have you considered the fact that she may be jealous?? I had a few friends who''s future MIL''s have been a problem as they felt their son was being taken away.
I hope I'm not threadjacking by what I am about to say:

She is jealous. Don't communicate with her anymore regarding this topic...

I know EXACTLY how you feel. I have dealt with my SO's mom who is a "catholic" (I put it in quotes because she does not even come close to acting like one) and HATES, every single girl that her son's date. She has 7 son's and cannot accept the fact that her children are older now and beginning to find their lifemates. His mom has done and said some VERY VERY awful things to not only I, but also his brothers wife. All of us girlfriends have dealt with a lot of verbal abuse from her. Your SO's mom sounds similar to my SO's mom but in milder form.

How have I dealt with it?

I just saw her for the first time in 8 months last sunday for my SO's brothers wedding. SO always tells me the nasty things she says to him about our relationship (how we're causing such sin living together before marriage, how she is disgusted he is dating someone who is not catholic...I am Jewish/Christian) and I can honestly say that I just laugh now. I no longer feel the urge to pick up the phone and have any conversations with her. I don't even get mad. Why? Because it isn't worth it. I know how much SO loves me and I know that no matter what she says to him she will never ever be able to change his mind about me or what we have. He actually avoids her at all costs like your SO does to his mom as well. I've told SO that even when we do get engaged/married I'm not so sure I'll come around for holidays with him because it keeps the peace much more that way.

When I DID see her at the wedding last Sunday, I said Hello to her and that was it until the very end of the wedding. I walked up to her and began to tell her how much I love her son and how I'd never do anything to hurt him. She couldn't even BEAR to hear that someone *else* actually *loves* her son, that she excused her self to the bathroom and I left.

I think it is just best if you completely ignore this woman because she evidently has some mental issues that she needs to take care of (and I'm not being snide or anything, I really do mean it). Don't worry about what *she* thinks of your relationship as YOU and your SO know your relationship best.

I also highly doubt that *everyone* was surprised about the engagement. She more than likely is saying that so she does not sound like she is nuts.

Please don't take her words to heart because it isn't worth it at all.

Enjoy your engagement and your wedding planning process.

Don't call her for anymore conversations as she is incapable of having them. Her idea of what is right and wrong will never be able to be changed, so it isn't even worth trying.

Lastly, I think you and SO need to have a serious conversation about how much of this woman you both would like to be part of your lives.

SO and I are very clear that she will play a very minimal role in our future children's lives as we both know she is not mentally well and do not want our future kids around someone who cannot respect our relationship.
Oh good lord (

I'm so, so sorry you're dealing with this mer!!

Religious intolerance at its very worst, and instead of being open minded it sounds like she's looking for reasons to justify it and perpetuate it

Sweetie, it's not your problem. Don't write your letter - she likely knows exactly how you feel, and responding would just feed the psychosis. Could you have your FI sit down with her for a long talk, in which he outlines exactly how he expects her to treat the woman he loves and plans to spend the rest of his life with, and what the consequences will be if she fails to change her behaviour (ie. cut out from all wedding plans, etc.)
You have gotten great advice, but I wanted to thread jack a little to comment on this...

Date: 6/29/2010 12:02:28 AM
Author: Autumnovember

I just saw her for the first time in 8 months last sunday for my SO''s brothers wedding. SO always tells me the nasty things she says to him about our relationship (how we''re causing such sin living together before marriage, how she is disgusted he is dating someone who is not catholic...I am Jewish/Christian) and I can honestly say that I just laugh now.
Tell him to stop doing this now, it is a good precedent to set for your relationship. He needs to deal with her himself and buffer you from her, not pass on her drama and make you deal with it and feel bad about it.
Date: 6/29/2010 1:20:25 AM
Author: yssie
Oh good lord (

I''m so, so sorry you''re dealing with this mer!!

Religious intolerance at its very worst, and instead of being open minded it sounds like she''s looking for reasons to justify it and perpetuate it

Sweetie, it''s not your problem. Don''t write your letter - she likely knows exactly how you feel, and responding would just feed the psychosis. Could you have your FI sit down with her for a long talk, in which he outlines exactly how he expects her to treat the woman he loves and plans to spend the rest of his life with, and what the consequences will be if she fails to change her behaviour (ie. cut out from all wedding plans, etc.)
Having your fiance talk to her is something to consider, and only you really know the degree of her irrationalization. Maybe she''s not that bad. However, if it were me, I''d treat her with respect but leave her at the nutbar category of my brain - which is where I leave all people who simply cannot be rationalized with. Their crazy comments are good for a laugh but nothing to take seriously, and certainly nothing to get angry about (once the fire of this particular convo has passed).

If I were in your situation, I''d follow your fiance''s lead and barely tell her anything (less for her to grab hold of). If your FMIL is anything like the others at my nutbar, having your fiance talk to her (at last! even if it''s about you) may only serve to intensify her negative conduct towards you. She''ll see that if she treats you badly, she''ll get attention /some form of communication from her son - whereas otherwise, he would seem to ignore her.

There''s no logic to it. Words of any degree of craziness will just spill from her mouth based on how she feels and to justify what she said earlier. Don''t rationalize with her. It''s not necessary because you know what you have, so be grateful for it and leave her to herself.
Thank you all! You make me feel so much better. The "nutbar" idea cracks me up, I love it! It is also good to have so much support. I kept telling myself, "well, it''s just perspective, this is what she thinks, there are two versions to every story, maybe I''m not being fair."

But, after reading everything, you are right. I feel like I have tried my best. I want her support, as anyone would, but calling her in an effort to appease some of her concerns only seemed to give her a platform to state all the reasons she doesn''t want us together.

My mom was like "Actually,I think she should be thanking her lucky stars that SO met someone like you and our family, and that we have included him and love him." My mom describes SO as a mench....for those who don''t know, someone who is a very decent human being, does for others, kind hearted, etc. Too bad his own mom can''t see him that way.

And I DID get the sweet end of this deal. I get to spend my life with a great person who WANTS to stay away from his crazy mom. Sure, it is not the ideal relationship people want with their inlaws, but it would be totally worse if he thought she was the greatest!

There was some talk of her paying for the rehearsal dinner (if anyone recalls, they have never sent me a card, gotten me a bday present, taken us out to eat, nadd). At this point, I said SO and I should pay for it ourselves and not even deal with her in it...
I''m threadjacking one more time--

So after reading and commenting on this thread late last night, I went to bed soon after.

What do you know...

I had a CRAZY dream about SO''s mom and how I had a physical confrontation with and her and beat her up!

Wow..haha. Not that I''d ever do it in person, but I feel so....refreshed!
hahaha, love it!

Maybe I should try to have a dream like that!! I bet it would release so much :)
It really is a nice release. I NEVER wake up feeling refreshed, this morning I did. I wonder why
So, have only talked to her briefly since the last time when she was so awful. Emailed her today to ask if she could send SO's birth certificate. She responds that she will put it in the mail and....

"Also, we are making plans to have a Christian wedding ceremony alone with your Jewish ceremony. Keep me updated."

Huh??? FIrst I have EVER heard of these plans. Called SO, he said it was the first he had heard of that too and said :snore: he would talk to her.

How can she be planning a cermony that I have no idea about?? Also, NO! I told SO I would be willing to do a co-officiated ceremony but HE would have to find that person, I would not do it, and he said "eh, I don't care THAT much." We have met, and hired our rabbi, who we both really like.

I would be willing to have a co-officated ceremony for my future husband, but not for his mother, who has really never been warm or accepting of me.

I am afraid though, that if we/I won't do this, they won't come to the wedding......
merbear1215 said:
So, have only talked to her briefly since the last time when she was so awful. Emailed her today to ask if she could send SO's birth certificate. She responds that she will put it in the mail and....

"Also, we are making plans to have a Christian wedding ceremony alone with your Jewish ceremony. Keep me updated."

Huh??? FIrst I have EVER heard of these plans. Called SO, he said it was the first he had heard of that too and said :snore: he would talk to her.

How can she be planning a cermony that I have no idea about?? Also, NO! I told SO I would be willing to do a co-officiated ceremony but HE would have to find that person, I would not do it, and he said "eh, I don't care THAT much." We have met, and hired our rabbi, who we both really like.

I would be willing to have a co-officated ceremony for my future husband, but not for his mother, who has really never been warm or accepting of me.

I am afraid though, that if we/I won't do this, they won't come to the wedding......

I am speechless!!! If your future husband is not pushing the issue on a co-officiated ceremony and is perfectly fine with it, then don't have one!! It is a day of celebration for you and your husband, you aren't there to make others happy. From reading past posts it doesn't seem like she cares too much for anyone but herself (she sounds like my mother actually, haha) and needs to be in control. At the end of the day it's about your and your future husband. Put a stop to it if this something the both of you do not want to do. How strongly do you feel towards his parents coming to the wedding if they pull this stuff?? It's not a celebration of your love and committment...he's turning into around so it's all about her and if it doesn't happen, she will probably throw herself a pity party. I am sure it means a lot to your boyfriend but sit down with him and talk about that situation and see where it goes. Personally, my mother has been nothing but cruel to me and is lucky she's even going to be invited as a guest when I get married...but she won't be anything more.