
Accidental Call from the Jeweler...


Apr 7, 2011
Hi lovely ladies (in waiting),

I have been lurking/creeping :) around here for SEVERAL months now. However, today is the first day that I felt warranted a topic. A few months ago, my SO and I decided it was time to get the ball rolling on an engagement ring. We chose a jeweler based on the fact that they were the only local company that dealt with a certain designer that I love.

SO had specific instructions (that were communicated both to me and to the jewelers) that after the approval of the CAD, I was HANDS-OFF and not allowed to know anything. Fair enough. Approval of the CAD was several weeks ago.

However, this morning I get a voicemail from the jeweler saying that my "beautiful ring had come in". Oops! After the initial squeal of excitement, I knew that I had to do something about that, as I was NOT supposed to know that it came in. So, I called the jeweler back. I calmly and politely explained to them that I was not supposed to be contacted regarding this, and that when they heard back from my SO (she explained that they had called both of us) to please not let him know that they had called me.

While I am truthfully elated to know that the ring is here, I do not want to rain on my sweet boyfriend's parade. Obviously, I have no idea when the proposal is coming, but I feel that he would be a little defeated if he knew that I was aware of the ring status.

I guess I am wondering if I am doing the right thing by not letting my SO in on the fact that I know about the ring. Of course, I don't want to be sneaky about it; but I feel that telling him would do more harm than good. What are the thoughts of my fellow LIW? :D
My jeweler did the same sort of thing. We had the same agreement, that after CAD approval I would be out of the loop. There were some issues with the initial CADs and I was sort of frustrated with everything since they were really taking their time on the new set. Well, once we got the new CADs the jeweler called and left a voice mail and said she promised deliver on X date. I was not supposed to know that date. I called her back and reminded her I wasn't supposed to know...and she then tried to cover... "Oh, did I say March 16? I meant the end of April." And apparently she was serious and really thought she tricked me. Not so much.
Did you end up telling your SO, or just let it go?
SparklesLove|1302195913|2890246 said:
Did you end up telling your SO, or just let it go?

I told him. I didn't even think about the fact that I wasn't supposed to know. We were both really annoyed with how long it was taking and the lack of communication, so when I got the voicemail I immediately called him and told him the date it would be in. It didn't hit him until later than it would sort of ruin any surprise.
Kind of along the same lines, but when my husband and I were living together before we were married, he was deployed out of the country and gave me his bank and credit card passwords and information so that I could monitor things while he was gone and make payments when he didn't have regular internet access. Well, the lovable oaf paid for my engagement ring while he was gone on one of those cards and I saw it. I immediately felt like I had done something wrong by seeing it, but I never told him, and to be honest to this day I don't think he realized that I saw the statement outlining that particular purchase (he's not very tech savvy). I still didn't know when he picked up the ring from the store and didn't know what day he was going to propose, so it was still a surprise. If he asked me today, I wouldn't lie, but I saw no reason to spoil what he thought was still a grand surprise. :) I wouldn't say anything to him unless he asked.
Definitely keep it to yourself! I think you made the right decision. And hopefully you'll be engaged soon!
I agree! Don't say anything to him about it unless he asks.

Hope he proposes soon!!!
Keep it to yourself and tell him after he proposes.
confusedaisy|1302199086|2890303 said:
Keep it to yourself and tell him after he proposes.

NO-never tell him! Why would he want to know his surprise was somewhat ruined?
thing2of2|1302207066|2890418 said:
confusedaisy|1302199086|2890303 said:
Keep it to yourself and tell him after he proposes.

NO-never tell him! Why would he want to know his surprise was somewhat ruined?

Because his proposal wasn't ruined- just when the ring was finished. Now, if he proposes this weekend then yes, don't tell him for another 10 years. But if he holds on to it for a bit then I might tell him the day after the proposal. I think it's a funny story. I know my guy wouldn't be too disappointed...
This weekend.....what a nice thought! I should be so lucky! I'm going to TRY not to get my hopes up about that, though! :naughty:

Thanks to all of you, ladies! I'm glad I got some reassurance that I'm making the right decision to keep this little tidbit to least for the time being. :tongue:
This happened to my sister and I was so fuming mad when she told me. Her then-BF used his family jeweler, and for whatever reason they had her email address in addition to his, and some sales associate emailed her asking how she was enjoying her beautiful engagement ring. :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: :angryfire: She forwarded that email to me, and with her permission I called the jeweler and told her what I thought about her mistake. I then called my sister's BF to give him the head's up to be super secretive about his proposal, because I knew they both wanted it to be a big surprise when he actually popped the question. I know him well enough to know that he would have rather known he needed to be super sneaky about his plans, so that's why I called him.

In the end it was a wonderful proposal, but I still can't believe that there are jewelers out there who are so careless as to do things like this.

GAH. I can't believe I'm still mad about this! I'm sorry this happened, and I think it's the right thing to not tell your BF about it.