
Advice for my best friend...

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Jan 30, 2007
Hi everyone,

my best friend has a bit of a dilemma on her hands and I have given her the best advice I can but sometimes it helps to get objective advice from those who are not part of the immediate situation so I''m opening it up to you all to chime in with some honest opinions. You have given me great advice in my time on PS and I hope something from you will help her.

It''s a long story so I''ll try to be as short as possible so you get the gist.

Erin has been with her BF for 13 years she is older than me 29. Since they were teenagers and have been exclusive so have not dated other ppl. They got engaged in 99 and still haven''t set a date. She was a student and didn''t want the hassle of planning with her busy schedule. She didn''t like the ring he got her and they have changed it 3 times. She likes the one she has now.

For the bulk of the relationship she has been very happy. But about 2 years ago they started going through a really rough patch and she confided in me that she has some issues with the relationship. For example, she really dislikes her MIL, his grandmother, his brother, his dad pretty much the whole family they are pretty intrusive and they are hurtful to her I have seen it firsthand. She has discussed it with him but he pretty much says what are you gonna do it''s my family I didn''t choose them and he never sticks up for her. She gets really upset about it to the point where she will call me in tears.
Plus, she thinks he lacks motivation and ambition. She is in grad school and quite intellectual. He works as a machinist and didn''t go to college just finished high school (nothing wrong with that) but this now bothers her. She says he mis-manages money. He recently finished paying off $50,000 in consolidated debt and they are barely 30.
She says the attraction between them is waning and that they have little physical chemistry.

During this rough period in their relationship she started confiding not just in me but in another male friend of her BF''s. They got really close talking all the time at all hours of the night. Going to movies just the two of them. Apparently, one time after they went out she kissed him on the cheek goodnight and he had turned and almost kissed her on the lips. He would flirt with her she would flirt back. He''d call her at 2 in the morning after he had been drinking etc.. She tell me she is greatly attracted to him and thinks about him all the time.
I told her she was having an emotional affair and that if she wanted to save the relationship she should stop contact with Bryan and focus on fixing things with her BF.
So it ends up that Bryan meets some girl and starts dating her and Erin is heartbroken. She tells me she has deep feelings for him and that she wishes she had told him b/c she thinks he felt the same way and was just not doing anything about it b/c she is in a relationship with his buddy.
BTW Bryan always tells her she should leave BF b/c she will find someone and that the two of them should not marry b/c it won''t work and so on.

So in January she broke it off with BF but was upset b/c Bryan was dating this other girl. around march her BF told her he would do anything to fix the relationship and they took 6 weeks of counselling and she was happy and they got back together and I thought everything was fine then this week she calls me b/c BF''s mom was mean to her on the phone and he didn''t stick up for her and they got into an argument and she is now having second thoughts again about if she should have gone back to him and what their future will be like and she has regrets that she never told Bryan hey I like you and I think you might like me too and explore a possible relationship with him. She says it bugs her not knowing if Bryan might be the mr. right for her and she let him slip through her fingers.
Then last night she calls saying Bryan called her and he has called things off with his GF.
We are all going to a mutual friend''s wedding this saturday and her BF is in the wedding party so she is sitting at a table with Bryan who will be coming by himself and she had said to him I have no wedding date kinda like a joke and he says to her I thought you were my wedding date WTH?
I don''t know what''s going on. This is what I told her I think Bryan is making trouble and trying to split them up. I''m not sure if he does have real feelings for Erin and if he does I''m not sure he will ever act on them as she is his friend''s GF. Even if she breaks up I''m not sure she can date Bryan w/o it being super awkward we have a small circle of friends. I don''t think she should tell Bryan her feelings for him she could come out hurt and humiliated and her BF could find out and be very, very hurt poor guy has no clue right now how she feels. She should make more effort to fix her relationship for good or get out now and move on but not with Bryan.
What do you think did I give her bad advice?
I don''t want to steer her away from possible real happiness but I''m not sure Bryan won''t break her heart too.
Pls advise I want to help her and I''m out of advice of my own.
Sorry this is so long.


Uuuuuuummmmm. Okay. Erin needs to go away. By herself. For a little while. She needs to REALLY REALLY think hard about her current relationship and why she's still in it. Habit? Comfort? Afraid to be alone?

None of those are good reasons.

It sounds like the money (big) and the family (also big) are irreconcilable problems.

I think that she should, once and for all, let her current BF go.

THEN BE ALONE FOR A WHILE. 9 months to a year. Find out who she is and what she wants.

Bryan is probably not IT. He's not loyal. He's not trustworthy. If he is playing around with his friend's girl. What he IS is the vehicle by which her discontent has been made known to her.

Then if it's right AFTER BEING ALONE, she should start dating.

But, I don't think any of this is likely to happen unless she is a strong, intelligent, honest woman and really takes charge of her life instead of passively letting things happen to her.

Sorry, for being so brutally honest.... but reallly, that's it.
Gypsy you are right and I put this up so that ppl would put up very honest advice for Erin I''m worried about her so much. I''m hoping this will bump this and more ppl chime in.
Thanks for your heartfelt and honest advice.
IMO the relationship with the bf is over - no point in going back and forth, definitely not a good idea to get married. She needs to get out.

Re Bryan - I agree with everything Gypsy says...
Sounds like she needs to grow up.
In-law problems are a fact of life in a huge number of relationships.
As for the other creep hanging around he needs to be told off.
Talk about jumping out of the frying pan into the fire.
You are welcome butterfly, anytime. I post on here for opinions all the time, about myself, about friends... etc. I love that people on here will be brutally honest with me and will really let me know what I''m missing. I''m glad that I didn''t offend. Cause I know I''m a little brutally honest at times.
Gypsy I love your cat in your avatar he/she looks so relaxed! I love his/her coloring. I''m so glad ppl are reading this and posting I will read everything and have a sit down with her on Friday and try to knock some sense into her she is letting the rest of her life stand still b/c of all this drama. I don''t like Bryan either I think he has ulterior motives and doesn''t really care about her at all.
She probably won''t believe *ME* but, ha, no way is Bryan "the one". He''s just "the one who makes her realize there are other guys besides BF she might be interested in DATING".

Forget marrying ... just DATING.

Totally agree with Gypsy -- but also see how hard this is to do. FWIW, my sister had a similar situation (but only 7 years ... ha! ONLY!) ... she broke it off, lived on her own, went to graduate school, dated a few guys & is now married with her first child. SO HAPPY *not* to be with "the loser".

Oy, whadda story!
Thanks! That''s my shnook (he''d be mortified I''m posting his pet name on here)... more formally known as Duncan, his royal highness. LOL.

I think that sitting her down and holding a mirror up to her face is really important and that you are a WONDERFUL friend for doing all this for her. ((HUGS))
Date: 6/13/2007 1:42:37 PM
Author: Gypsy


Uuuuuuummmmm. Okay. Erin needs to go away. By herself. For a little while. She needs to REALLY REALLY think hard about her current relationship and why she''s still in it. Habit? Comfort? Afraid to be alone?

None of those are good reasons.

It sounds like the money (big) and the family (also big) are irreconcilable problems.

I think that she should, once and for all, let her current BF go.

THEN BE ALONE FOR A WHILE. 9 months to a year. Find out who she is and what she wants.

Bryan is probably not IT. He''s not loyal. He''s not trustworthy. If he is playing around with his friend''s girl. What he IS is the vehicle by which her discontent has been made known to her.

Then if it''s right AFTER BEING ALONE, she should start dating.

But, I don''t think any of this is likely to happen unless she is a strong, intelligent, honest woman and really takes charge of her life instead of passively letting things happen to her.

Sorry, for being so brutally honest.... but reallly, that''s it.
Agree with Gypsy. She covered all the points that I would.

Tell her to fall in love with a sexy, new pet rock.

They won''t do the things she is having problems with.

Honestly Gypsy PS is all that it is b/c of ppl like yourself who take the time to really listen and help whenever it is needed. I knew I was right to come here very supportive atmosphere. Hugs back and kisses to Duncan he is lovely. I have known Erin since we were in grade 3 I won''t let her mess up her emotional health over a rocky relationship and what I think is very likely a sleaze who wants to just sleep with her while she is vulnerable (Bryan).

A big thanks again Gypsy!!!!
Oh RockDoc you are too funny I was thinking of getting her hooked on PS LOL then she won't have time for dating I barely notice FI when he is in the room b/c I'm reading and looking at goodies on PS Hee hee thanks for the laugh
Date: 6/13/2007 2:03:20 PM
Author: RockDoc
Tell her to fall in love with a sexy, new pet rock.

They won''t do the things she is having problems with.

rofl good plan!
In addition to all the other warning signs that were pointed out,.......... This one really stuck out to me:

"and I thought everything was fine then this week she calls me b/c BF's mom was mean to her on the phone and he didn't stick up for her"

There's only room for one woman in a relationship. If it's GF/FI/Wife, Great. But if it's Mom, there's gonna be trouble. The fact that BF won't stand up to his Mom for GF says, to me, that GF isn't the most important woman in BF's life. That spells trouble any way you look at it.

I think your friend just needs to take some time off from men/relationships in general. Time to see who she is and who she wants to be.
Excellent point Finding Neverland I think you are right he has consistently not stuck up for her and his mom I think sees that and escalates her hostile behavior towards Erin b/c she think I can get away with it ya know? Thanks so much!
Date: 6/13/2007 1:58:10 PM
Author: decodelighted
She probably won''t believe *ME* but, ha, no way is Bryan ''the one''. He''s just ''the one who makes her realize there are other guys besides BF she might be interested in DATING''.
I totally agree here. Bryan is just the physical representation of what she already knows...there are other guys out there that she may want to give a test run.

But she''s 29...a scary time in an unmarried girl''s life. The "I''m going to be 30 and I''ll have no one" notion can be paralyzing. Just let her know as paralzying as the thought may be, it''s MUCH more paralyzing to get stuck in an unhappy marriage.
A little Pet Rock Humor ............

Women''s Benefits from Pet Rocks

(C) 1999-2007 Rockdoc

1. You can enjoy Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks all your life.

2. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks are beautiful and always in good shape.

3. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks don''t bark at you when you are slow in the bathroom.

4. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks don''t mind waiting for you in the jewelry box.

5. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks don''t demand things to be done ``their way''''.

6. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks don''t consider themselves so precious.

7. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks don''t object when you have additional ones.

8. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks don''t suffer from childhood neurosis.

9. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks come on and off whenever it pleases you.

10. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks don''t invent stupid jokes about women.

11. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks don''t have smelly feet.

12. You don''t have to wash dirty socks and pants for Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks

13. You don''t have to endure any clever talk from Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks .

14. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks are always hard!

15. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks are always ready to please.

16. You can have more than a 100 Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks in a life time and they won’t feel guilty.

17. You don''t have to share them with with others unless you want to

18. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks don''t care about your age or looks.

19. You don''t need to be wet to enjoy their sparkle!

20. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks don''t grow hair all over themselves like apes.

21. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks never yell at you

22. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks won’t stain your carpets

23. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks never leave dirty dishes in the sink

24. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks won’t hog the covers

25. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks won’t borrow your favorite shoes

26. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks won’t ever beg at the table for your dinner

27. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks won’t complain when you’re in a crabby moods

28. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks never stay out all night unless you take them out

29. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks won’t ever make long distance phone calls on your phone

30. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks never leave “the seat” up

31. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks won’t hog the “remote”

32. Rockdoc”s Pet Rocks won’t sharpen their claws on your best furniture

33. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks won’t ever raid the refrigerator and eat that last piece of chocolate dessert you crave at 2 am.

34. Rockdoc’s Pet Rocks won’t grown up and quit college on you

35. Pet Rock’s don’t have grumpy or nosey mother in laws

36. If sleep with your Pet Rock, you won’t feel guilty in the morning

I''m asking very sweetly (again) -- Could we please see your pet rocks?

Sorry for the threadjack.
Date: 6/13/2007 3:31:37 PM
Author: Harriet
I''m asking very sweetly (again) -- Could we please see your pet rocks?

Sorry for the threadjack.

I''m working on that to do on presentation.

I got a MS camera, and also have Scope Cam.

When I tested it out initially when PS set up the Rockdoc TV - it recongized the camera for your face, but it didn''t see the Scope Cam. So I reinstalled the Scope Cam software, now it only sees the scope cam.

I''ve written Leonid about it, and he says it''s wierd. Being a computer "grape", I''m not sure how to get it so I can use both cams ( like Wink does ) if the presenter software doesn''t see it. In the control panel, it shows the MS cam, but not the Scope Cam ( not sure it does - even when its properly installed). I know when I sign in the presenter program asks to "allow" cameras, and that seems to be some sort of Adobe program.

Maybe stormdr knows the answers.

I''d love to show them, but to take regular photos of all of them in several positions, would take literally months full time. Movement of the stones using video scope cam, is probably better for the audience to see. Definately the ONLY way for the group to see the color change from yellow to green of the chameleon diamond.

A big difference is to be able to see the movement of light of really well cut ones, which is a lot better viewed on video.

Sorry for the delay

RockDoc too funny thanks I''m gonna send this to some of my GF they''ll love it and have a good laugh!!!

Harriet no worries at all about the jack lol I''d love to see these pet rocks too pls pls

Thanks to all who gave great advice I will be making use of it when I talk to my friend I''m hoping it will make a diff I''ll keep you posted.

Have a great day ladies and gents!!
RE: I want to show them too.

There''s enough pet rocks to do about 2 years of Rockdoc TV.

Although most of them live at the bank and have to bring them in for showtime.

I want to show them as much as you want to see them.

Just need to get the computer/photo stuff working up to snuff.

It would be very cumbersome to be in one area of the room where the scope cam is, and have to run back to the computer to type in comment and descriptions, as the MS camera has it''s own microphone audio thingy built in, and that doesn''t work, so I''d have to type everything.

Rockdoc ( compu-grape)
Date: 6/13/2007 4:00:19 PM
Author: RockDoc
I'm working on that to do on presentation.

I got a MS camera, and also have Scope Cam.

When I tested it out initially when PS set up the Rockdoc TV - it recongized the camera for your face, but it didn't see the Scope Cam. So I reinstalled the Scope Cam software, now it only sees the scope cam.

I've written Leonid about it, and he says it's wierd. Being a computer 'grape', I'm not sure how to get it so I can use both cams ( like Wink does ) if the presenter software doesn't see it. In the control panel, it shows the MS cam, but not the Scope Cam ( not sure it does - even when its properly installed). I know when I sign in the presenter program asks to 'allow' cameras, and that seems to be some sort of Adobe program.

Maybe stormdr knows the answers.

I'd love to show them, but to take regular photos of all of them in several positions, would take literally months full time. Movement of the stones using video scope cam, is probably better for the audience to see. Definately the ONLY way for the group to see the color change from yellow to green of the chameleon diamond.

A big difference is to be able to see the movement of light of really well cut ones, which is a lot better viewed on video.

Sorry for the delay

I can be patient!
Btw, why "grape?"

I can be patient!
Btw, why "grape?"

It sort of emulates from a military description of intelligence. Instead of saying "IQ" - the military expresses it as "G-2".

The sort of slang expression for someone "dumb as a post" would humorously be referred to as a person with the "G-2 of a Grape".

In other subjects, I''m usually ok in the intelligence area. But for computers, NADA. I''ve really tried to read computer books to learn more, but usually about 3/4''s of the way down the first page, and I''m asleep.

Now I am a guy who reads legal case law and interprets it well. I read and research case law like most people read novels. But the guys who write computer books, have me stymied. Even the Idiot/Dummies books, ( which are a lot better than most)
are still a challenge for me.

Hence........ I consider my self " Compu Grape ". The really sad part is that when I call tech support, especially outsourced tech support..... I seem to know more than the technician. Considering my rank of compu-grape, that seems to indicate there really is a problem there.

It is all intended humously of course!

In spite of my penchant for the Tax Code, I may be your fellow compu-grape.
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