
Advice/Recommendations for LGD for an engagement ring.


Jul 23, 2024
Hi everyone!

I recently started looking into buying an engagement ring with a lab grown diamond. I've done a few consultations and I'm looking to purchase from Adiamor since my girlfriend has a couple of settings that she really enjoyed. Wanted to get some overall advice on helping to pick a great stone. I've lurked around Pricescope and the Diamonds subreddits for a couple of months now trying to learn as much as possible, but am amping up to finally pull the trigger soon.

Wanted to get some opinions/recommendations/knowledge from the community here!

Some information about specs:

Budget: $2-$4K (Flexible here depending on the stone, looking for a good price/quality ratio but willing to spend more for peace of mind)
Shape: Round
Carat: ~2.4-2.7 carats - Somewhere around 2.5 is where I was looking at.
Cut: Affinity/Excellent (Adiamor labels them Affinity) I was looking primarily at GCAL 8X based on a few posts praising the general quality of stones they had, however, I'm open to any recommendations.
Color: E - Is there any discernable difference against D? I've heard it's pretty much impossible to tell with the naked eye. We saw a couple E vs D in person and couldn't tell with round
Clarity: VVS2 - This was more so for peace of mind

I was looking at the GCAL 8X options available and they were all CVD, I had read some discussion around people preferring HPHT as a superior material crafting method. Is this something of a concern considering the color/cut/clarity parameters?

Here are a couple that I was looking at that were based on the recommended dimensions from various forums (PA, CA, Depth) plus the above parameters:
All certificates are in the left photo gallery column.


These were recommended by a consultant, but they were VVS1 and I'm waiting to hear back for VVS2 options as I don't believe going above VVS2 would merit much benefit:


I'm also open to any recommendations/suggestions! There are so many diamonds and things to look out for that it's a bit overwhelming to research, I keep going down the rabbit hole and doubting my thoughts.
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