Hello PS Gem Experts,
I would like to thank you for your dedication to this site. It is truly a gift to the consumer as it contains a wealth of information otherwise scattered across the web.
I'm a new at purchasing gems on the Internet and have been doing some researched following your advise and found a few potential sapphires on the recommended sites listed on the vendor post.
My intention is to buy a loose sapphire and have it mounted on a ring surrounded by small diamonds in a Princess Diana style and hopefully give it to my wife in time for the holidays.
Below are 2 links depicting stones in the 1.8 to 2 carat range. I would greatly appreciate your expert opinion on them.
This link has multiple stones and I am contemplating the 2.04 carat stone
This link also has multiple stones and I am contemplating the 18 stone from the top whit the following description
Sapphire Cushion "Portuguese" Style Cut 1.92 cts
Measurements: 7.6x6.4mm, depth 4.4mm
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond with your advise.
I would like to thank you for your dedication to this site. It is truly a gift to the consumer as it contains a wealth of information otherwise scattered across the web.
I'm a new at purchasing gems on the Internet and have been doing some researched following your advise and found a few potential sapphires on the recommended sites listed on the vendor post.
My intention is to buy a loose sapphire and have it mounted on a ring surrounded by small diamonds in a Princess Diana style and hopefully give it to my wife in time for the holidays.
Below are 2 links depicting stones in the 1.8 to 2 carat range. I would greatly appreciate your expert opinion on them.
This link has multiple stones and I am contemplating the 2.04 carat stone
This link also has multiple stones and I am contemplating the 18 stone from the top whit the following description
Sapphire Cushion "Portuguese" Style Cut 1.92 cts
Measurements: 7.6x6.4mm, depth 4.4mm
Thank you very much for taking the time to respond with your advise.