
Age defying??

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this aquafor stuff sounds interesting!

michelle, i don't have dry skin per se but my hands are always dry...the rest of me is not. i just can never seem to get enough moisture in my hands, i also wash them ALOT...i'm particular about that~!

so i am always slathering some lotion on, and sometimes wear vaseline to bed at night in the winters! maybe this aquafor would work for my hands.

kaleigh, curious to know what you think about La Mer...i found it too rich for my combo skin, but it was great on my hands at night, however a bit expensive for a hand cream so i had to nix it when the jar emptied.
from people i know who have tried it, some liked it, some did not, seemed if you were more of a dry skin type that it worked wonders, but for combo people like me it didn't work as well.
I just used it this morning. I just got the tiny sample jar and will try to get another at Neiman''s this week. If I do like it then I am in trouble big time. It''s too expensive!!! That''s why I got the freebie!!
Neutrogena Norwegian Hand Formula is the best! For every day use, love it. Have it on my desk.
Date: 6/12/2005 4:26:50 PM
Author: moremoremore
Neutrogena Norwegian Hand Formula is the best! For every day use, love it. Have it on my desk.
I''ve bought that off and on and like it. For whole body, I like Lubiderm.

It would make sense that with changing conditions, hormones, age, etc, that switching around creams makes sense. I know if I use the same products on my hair, my hair becomes less than stellar
And, I just LOVE having good hair days.
I tried the sample jar of La Mer today and think it's too heavy on my face, but is great on my hands. Thank god for samples. Maybe I should give it more time??? Just felt really greasy all day and kind of heavy. I have combination skin.
Date: 6/12/2005 9:23:10 PM
Author: kaleigh
I tried the sample jar of La Mer today and think it''s too heavy on my face, but is great on my hands. Thank god for samples. Maybe I should give it more time??? Just felt really greasy all day and kind of heavy. I have combination skin.
Every time I switch creams, my face feels greasy for a few days while it adjusts to the new product. . .

I decided to try La Mer, but found it''s not even available in the department stores in my area! hmph. . .
It has been suggested that as much as 80% of the skin aging we observe in the facial skin of older people is extrinsic aging due to cumulative sun exposure, and is not part of the intrinsic or chronological aging process. ( J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. 21 (1989), pp. 510–513.) Some may believe they can escape photoaging by avoiding the beach, but, in fact, repeated mini exposures to sunlight (i.e. daily incidental exposure) may account for 80% of total lifetime UV exposure. (Int J Dermatol. 2003 Jul;42(7):505-13.)

1. Use a sunscreen ALL the time. Good sunscreen, SPF 30+ UVA/UVB. Some good ones- Shiseido SPF 55 cream, DDF organic, Coppertone oil free faces, Ombrelle, Bioderma etc.

2. Retinol is your friend.

This will help way more than any amount of La Mer. you can even get UV exposure inside your house! Sunscreen everyday!!
I was recommended aquaphor by my dermatologist many years ago when I took Accutane for a few months. My lips were dry and cracking from the treatment and aquaphor was the only thing that kept them from cracking. It really is the consistency of petroleum jelly. I've never used it as a hand or foot cream...not the right consistency to me.

What I do for my feet is that I slather them with body butter from the Body Shop and put on a pair of thick socks as I'm going to works so great for my feet, esp. in the summer when they're all dry and nasty from wearing sandals every day. And my feet smell yummy!

On my face I actually use Yonka Paris products, recommended to me by the woman who does my facials. It's been great for my skin, and they have different creams, some of which are anti-aging. Everything's very natural and made from plant, flower, and fruit extracts. I guess I won't know how it works until years from now though.
DDF organic,
This stuff is great! It''s a physical barrier and none of the chemicals enter your system AND it works very nicely.
I just had to bump this up...I've been using DDF Intensive Cream 18% glycolic and my skin is SOOOO soft. I never break out. My budding wrinkles are gone. (they say not to use on the face but whatever...I use it all over) It's expensive but a little goes a LONG way...

And also, I think it was you MC who suggested L'Occitane 100% shea butter in this or another thread? OMG. OMG. OMG. I am in LOVE. Shea is also high in vitamin A which is our friend. I use just the smallest amount and the difference in my skin is amazing. I also use it on my face. It's fantastic. I told hubby to use a teeny bit on his face....he took his finger and dug into it yesterday and complained it was greasy LOLOL.... I'm like DUH! I'm going to try to get it on ebay from now on...Thanks for the hot tip! This is really a MUST HAVE.
Date: 8/1/2005 9:44:57 AM
Author: moremoremore
I just had to bump this up...I''ve been using DDF Intensive Cream 18% glycolic and my skin is SOOOO soft. ...

And also, I think it was you MC who suggested L''Occitane 100% shea butter in this or another thread? OMG. OMG. OMG. I am in LOVE. Shea is also high .Thanks for the hot tip! This is really a MUST HAVE.

Oh my gosh, I used the 8% twice in one week and got a "sunburn". Guess my skin is more sensitive than I thought.

About this other product, L''Occitane. Does it not clog pores? I like rich cremes, but for some reason I seem to be getting adult acne...guess I''ve hit the old bag stage of life....I just hate when that happens.....

I just wanted to recommend Ponds age DefEye. I saw it and thought what the heck, I''ll give it a try. It''s amazing. It is an anti circle, anti puff eye therapy and it really works. I have seen great results in just a week.
really! I'm not a product whore but I hate my circles...and the new hot stuff on the market is like 95 bucks!

Canuk- I have Rhino skin. I use in in conjunction with 6% salicylic acid on my arms to get rid of bumps...LOL...sorry you got an irritation...

I've only been using the L'Occitane for two days but I'm using it on my face and all over. The skin on my arms look SO great and my face looks great too...It's really high in vitamin A which exfoliates too (not that you can tell b/c it's so moisturizing)...I love it. Get yourself a tiny tin on ebay for ten bucks to try it out!

I am really amazed at the difference I see in two days. I'm actually excited to use it tonight....They sell it for dirt cheap on ebay (not L'Occitane) but it looks like someone mixed it in their bath tub LOL)..... I have a feeling this L'O tin will last forever. I gently sweep my fingers over it and it covers such a large area. I'm in LOVE!!!!

MC you get a BIG FAT WET KISS for this!
My mom got me into Mary Kay skincare. I use prescription retinols to keep my face clear because my skin doesn''t exfoliate without help. (gross.)

So since I was old enough to give a crap (Id say oh....7 years ago and Im 27) Ive been washing with MK facewash. I added the Microdermabrasion scrubby stuff a few months back which really added an oomph. Im pretty bad at the moisturizing thing. In fact I barely EVER put it on unless it''s winter and I od''d on the retinol.

I gotta say though that as a result of our diligence, my mom and I also look like sisters. Her face just amazes people, she doesn''t look remotely near 52. She gets upper 30s and early 40s a lot. Which makes her feel great since she feels like an old bat since she hit 50. *eyeroll* I can''t say if it''s the products we use or the fact that we use them the way we do because we both tan in the summer, well she does, I do if Im in a wedding.
I just PM''d Mara about the l''occitane stuff...

My derm told me to stop using this because its not PURE. It''s been refined, therefore all of the actual positive properties are gone. She told me about this stuff:

It''s unrefined. Word of mouth got it to her and I originally got a sample kit and just loved the unrefined butter. I am on my 4th bigass jar. Im not allergic to it, which is a shocker in itself, and it seems to actually do very well for me. In the winter I sometimes use it as eyecream, but usually it''s lip balm and if I bother to use moisturizer this is what I use. Doesn''t take much and leaves my skin nice.

It stinks though, not as bad as other stuff Ive used but it''s funky allright.

But for the price and quality, this stuff is seriously the best.
oh crap.
you're right...the unrefined has the same great moisturizing properties...but I want the healing as well....So how funky is funky? REALLY funky? Or a little funky? It can't be more funky than my soap....can it? LOL I use sulphur soap...yes, it smells like eggs but there is no better soap out there. I just LOVE it. Antibacterial and softening like nobody's business!
The only thing about the site is that it looks like someone's home they are mixing it in the kitchen after picking their nose or something LOL...Have you purchased it? Does it look clean and sanitary to you? Is that the brand your derm recom'd??
Yes I have purchased, 3 times. Its a little boutique I believe. I have also purchased a few bars their Honey Oatmeal soap too after using the sample, I like that a lot in the winter. The service is quick and they package it all fairly nicely. Or at least did the three times i got shipments from them.

This is the same company my derm sent me to. She said you can get it several places but this one is her favorite because it seems more mom and pop than some guy in the woods who is selling urine to hunters on the same site.

The smell isn''t really...bad...just weird. Leaves me kind of smelling like a nut. Cashew-y ;) I just smelled a jar and that is the best way to explain it, nutty. It dissapates really quickly though. I like that I have a slight sheen on my skin...unless I o''d then Im shiny.

I think it smells better than the LOccitane because you can smell the additives in that one.
Ok then! I''m going to order some...and ROTFL at the urine to hunters. One place I saw online let you order BBQ sauces as well. HUH? I actually don''t smell anything in the L''O so I''m excited! I really want this stuff for anti-inflamatory and healing so unrefined it is...the L''O certainly won''t go to is so moisturizing too! Thanks for the hot tip Ame!
I am reminded of the Austin Power''s scene where he was about the drink the "coffee"...Smells kind of nutty...ROTFL!! Shea butter comes from a nut so it figures it''s nutty...and so am I so it works out well ;)
it figures that I just order and then they tell me thanks for your order, we are closed from aug 2 -22 for break. bastards. LOL...But I would have ordered it anyway...
OH MAN! That sucks. Well I hope that you can get it. If nothign else I can send you some in a little container if you want to try it.
That''s so sweet! Thanks so much..but no need to go to any will be here before I know it :)
Well the offer remains. If you find you cannot wait, Ill whip a little jar out for you :)
thanks for the tip ame!!

i probably need the real full-force of the original stuff for my dried little shriveled hands and elbows for winter time...i get SO DRY!!!

i will definitely check it out!
This stuff STINKS!!!!!!!!!!!1

Although I just stepped away from my desk and stopped typing this for about 3 minutes, and the smell is almost gone. That was a ROUGH first few minues Ame LOL...It smelled like licorice at first, and then an old, wet cigarette LOL..

But you are right, now it has almost no smell at all. WHEW. OK, I'm excited again.!!!

Thanks so much for the hot tip!
OMG. I LOVE UNREFINED SHEA BUTTER. I''M IN LOVE. The stink goes away in a few minutes like Ame said. I LOVE IT. It is totally diminishing any light scars and spots b/c of the high vitamin A I bet. My skin stays moistuirized all day unlike the tons and tons of other crap I''ve tried. It doesn''t make you totally greasy so that you''re walking around like a greased pig. This stuff rules!
YAY so glad you like it.

The smell is funky but that said...goes away. I do like your comparison though. My sister said the same thing.
Hi ame, the shea butter you and MMM are talking about, will it be too greasy for Oily skin? I actually have Sensitive/Oily yet it feels dry and tight sometime skin (I have weird skin type)
bobo- you are probably over cleansing it. When you over strip skin of natural oils, it tends to over compensate.
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