
Age does not = Intelligence

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Aug 12, 2005
I had one of those "I feel like a complete idiot" weekends. I am 31, just got my orthodontic braces removed last week, and the dog already ate my retainers. One would think that when an adult has braces, pays for them out of pocket, and understands the importance of wearing their retainers as well as keeping them safe (i.e. not throwing them away with the napkin on the lunch tray), that said adult would not have the retainers destroyed by her dog just 5 days later. Oy. It happens--to this girl.
I''m going to pick up my new set this afternoon, and of course they charge you just enough to make it painful--$50! Lesson learned!!!

So, if you do anything absent-minded or dumb today, you can console yourself by referring to this thread.
Monsie - things like that happen to us all, don''t you worry sweets!!!!
Oh Monarch. I couldn''t help but giggle. I''m sorry that your dog ate your retainers.
And I''ve totally done similar things.

May I ask you a random question? Feel free to not answer. My teeth have shifted dramatically, and I should get braces again. Did you find it odd to have them as an adult? Maybe it''s a silly question, but I just remember feeling so awkward the first time around, that I''m kind of nervous to do it again.
Aw Monnie--I''m sorry your dog ate your retainers! At least the braces are off--bet you love that!
Ms Monnie, I do not believe you! Do not tell me the dog ate your know you did not do your homework to begin with!

Er, um...I think I may be confused.

Because Age = general confusion of the mind.

Anyway, glad your braces are off Mon!
Date: 1/26/2009 1:32:55 PM
Author: geckodani
Oh Monarch. I couldn''t help but giggle. I''m sorry that your dog ate your retainers.
And I''ve totally done similar things.

May I ask you a random question? Feel free to not answer. My teeth have shifted dramatically, and I should get braces again. Did you find it odd to have them as an adult? Maybe it''s a silly question, but I just remember feeling so awkward the first time around, that I''m kind of nervous to do it again.
Gecko, you can ask me questions all day long about braces/orthodontia/oral surgery and I will answer them all! I have no qualms about any of it, I am an open book. I did find it somewhat odd to have them as an adult, but honestly the comments I always received were "oh, I wish I had gotten braces, I would still like to do so"--mainly people expressing that they wished their teeth were nice and straight but didn''t want to go through having braces. No one ever made a negative comment to me. I think the worst part of having them was going out to eat, so much food got caught in them that I would sometimes be embarrassed and self-conscious. Nothing a quick trip to the ladies'' room didn''t cure, though...I always carried a little kit with dental hygiene tools in my handbag for emergency cleanings. Also, I had clear brackets put on both top and bottom, and really my braces weren''t very noticeable according to most people. They are definitely tough to detect in pictures unless you know to look for them. If there are any other questions I can answer, feel free to ask!
Date: 1/26/2009 1:47:44 PM
Author: monarch64

Date: 1/26/2009 1:32:55 PM
Author: geckodani
Oh Monarch. I couldn''t help but giggle. I''m sorry that your dog ate your retainers.
And I''ve totally done similar things.

May I ask you a random question? Feel free to not answer. My teeth have shifted dramatically, and I should get braces again. Did you find it odd to have them as an adult? Maybe it''s a silly question, but I just remember feeling so awkward the first time around, that I''m kind of nervous to do it again.
Gecko, you can ask me questions all day long about braces/orthodontia/oral surgery and I will answer them all! I have no qualms about any of it, I am an open book. I did find it somewhat odd to have them as an adult, but honestly the comments I always received were ''oh, I wish I had gotten braces, I would still like to do so''--mainly people expressing that they wished their teeth were nice and straight but didn''t want to go through having braces. No one ever made a negative comment to me. I think the worst part of having them was going out to eat, so much food got caught in them that I would sometimes be embarrassed and self-conscious. Nothing a quick trip to the ladies'' room didn''t cure, though...I always carried a little kit with dental hygiene tools in my handbag for emergency cleanings. Also, I had clear brackets put on both top and bottom, and really my braces weren''t very noticeable according to most people. They are definitely tough to detect in pictures unless you know to look for them. If there are any other questions I can answer, feel free to ask!
Thanks Monarch, I appreciate it.
I have to get my wisdom teeth out before I can do anything (since they''re the reason my teeth shifted in the first place) and I''m a big chicken, so it may be a moot point as I may have to be dragged kicking and screaming to get them out. Or maybe I''ll just have them use the big cartoon mallet and knock me out. I know they can do the brackets on the back of the teeth, but I understand that they are a LOT harder to adjust. The clear ones could be a cool option - thanks for the the thought! I''m not a particularly self conscious person now, but I was in Jr.High, LOL, so maybe I''m just channeling that insecurity? Meh. I''ll figure it out. Congrats on getting them off - you must LOVE your new gorgeous smile!

Do try to keep the dogs away from them in the future.

And thanks again for being so open about it!
Lorelei--thanks for the vote of confidence!

Coati--yes, it is a great feeling to have unencumbered teefers!

TGal--you''re hilarious, as usual. I never thought I''d be using the dog as an even says on my paperwork: "do not leave retainers within pet''s reach--dogs are fond of chewing on the plastic." D''oh!!!
Geckodani: my dental ordeal started a long time ago. Here''s a little breakdown of my case for you for comparison''s sake:

Age 12-13--saw orthodontist for first time, was told upper palate needed to be expanded before being braced for upper crossbite and open bite. Had permanent palatial expander installed but it didn''t do any good because my mother was turning the key incorrectly for 6 months. Had it removed and washed hands of orthodontia--my bro was in braces, parents self-employed sans dental insurance, and it was more important to me to have dance and piano lessons and formal dresses in high school.

Age 28--employed at stable company with great benefit package. Decide to explore orthodontic options again. I begin with dentist--have 4 metal fillings removed and re-filled with plastic. Referred to orthodontist. He says I need the upper palate expanded and wisdom teeth removed (4). Referred to oral surgeon. Oral surgeon agrees, surgery date set to remove 4 wisdom teeth and surgically expand upper palate. Before this I have brackets installed. Surgery goes well, and I am in braces for 18-24 months.

There is a great website for adults with braces or who are contemplating getting braced: It''s like PS for orthodontic patients.
Oy. I had the upper palate expander. My mother turned the key correctly. But, I later found out, the ortho had us doing it twice as fast as is usually recommended. Thus begun my hatred of dentistry/ortho.

So, after that painful experience, had braces for 9 months. Again, was later told I should have been in them for closer to 2 years... also painful. Wore my retainers until one broke, and never went to get new ones made. NOT my brightest moment...

I Have a natural tolerance to novicaine.... so does my mom, and my sister. Had 3 cavities filled... with essentially NO numbing. I was too young and stupid to yell and scream about it.

When they went to do the fourth, and I still wasn't numb (a few years later) I refused, got up, walked out, and didn't go back until 4 years later when DH basically picked me up and carried me in (not quite... but close...). The same dentist also tramautized my mother to the point that she has just now, 6 years later, gone back.... (to a different dentist!).

That 4th cavity that never got filled expanded to the point that it was a miracle I didn't need a root canal. I've had to have 10 fillings done. It takes Valium to get me in the door and the gas to keep me in the chair.

Thus the chickensh*t approach to getting my wisdom teeth out, and my general distrust of dentistry. Which makes getting braces again diffucult!

Sorry for the threadjack/topic change!

ETA: I'll check out the website - thank you!
Holy cannoli, Gecko!!! You''ve had MUCH worse experiences than I. Mine were no picnic, and most done electively, but yours sound nightmarish. I can''t imagine. The only bad experience I had with the oral surgery/braces was waking up during the expansion part of the surgery. It was only for a few seconds, and all I heard was the doc telling the nurse to hit the anesthesia again. I couldn''t feel anything, though.

I don''t know what to suggest besides valium or xanax for helping you with your aversion to getting in the chair...I''m no fan of pain, of course, but I was motivated enough to go willingly where one should never have to go, ha ha.
I can not imagine waking up during that! Ack!

Yeah... I''m a fairly calm and capable person about most things. But the dentist... man, I think that''s the one thing guaranteed to make me burst into hysterical tears. I have my LAST filling on the 5th... Valium is my friend, LOL.

The wisdom teeth... I''ll do. Eventually... LOL. Along with the braces. I just have to decide which I dislike more - the dentist or my crooked teeth.
The top ones aren''t too bad, just a space at the top of my front teeth that makes it look like I constantly have something stuck in my teeth, LOL! Hopefully it won''t be too hard to fix.

Anyway... thanks again for sharing your viewpoint and experiences!
Monnie, I am so glad your braces are off. I remember the joy when I had mine taken off.

I had to giggle at your dog eating your retainers. Dogs love to get into mischief ha ha ha. You just never know what they will get into.
Oh, by the way. Perhaps the pups lack fiber?
Date: 1/26/2009 2:51:15 PM
Author: geckodani
Oh, by the way. Perhaps the pups lack fiber?
Ha! She doesn''t lack anything, she''s super spoiled...I think she''s just a brat and definitely an opportunist! She waited until I answered my cellphone and started talking to sneak over and grab them off the nightstand. She knew exactly what she was doing. For a split second, I considered stuffing her ina gunnie sack and throwing her in the river.
Date: 1/26/2009 2:49:30 PM
Author: Linda W
Monnie, I am so glad your braces are off. I remember the joy when I had mine taken off.

I had to giggle at your dog eating your retainers. Dogs love to get into mischief ha ha ha. You just never know what they will get into.
Thanks Linda! Sadly, I take full responsibility for the dog doing what she did--I took a phone call and wasn''t paying close enough attention, she''s an opportunist.
9.gif sorry to hear that Monnie - I think we all do things like that from time to time, so try not to feel too bad!
Date: 1/26/2009 3:32:14 PM
Author: AmberGretchen sorry to hear that Monnie - I think we all do things like that from time to time, so try not to feel too bad!
Thanks AG! Btw, I don''t think she actually ingested any of the plastic (I was fearing a lecture from you, ha ha). She ran outside with the top one (my mom let her out while I was on the phone), and the bottom one is just mangled beyond repair.

I thought I had this retainer thing down--after all, you usually don''t hear of adults losing them or letting them get destroyed.
Date: 1/26/2009 1:26:34 PM
Author: Lorelei
Monsie - things like that happen to us all, don''t you worry sweets!!!!

Silly things like that happen to me all the time. Since I''m 24, can I blame it on my youth?
Just made my daughter read this. So now she knows if our dog eats her retainer she is paying for a new one. Boy did she put hers in the case immediately! Thanks I needed this to prove a point to her.
Date: 1/26/2009 8:16:22 PM
Author: soocool
Just made my daughter read this. So now she knows if our dog eats her retainer she is paying for a new one. Boy did she put hers in the case immediately! Thanks I needed this to prove a point to her.
The receptionist at my orthodontist''s office told me yesterday that her college-age daughter had the same thing happen--her roommate opened her door, and the dog snuck in and ate her retainers while she was in class. Glad my story can serve as a lesson to your daughter!
Monarch, I do the whole ''retainers stuffed in a tissue/ lying around the house bit'' all the time too! You are so brave to go for the oral dental surgery, I would never have the courage to do that. When I removed my wisdom tooth last month, I almost went ballistic in the dental office, it was so embarrassing!
Monnie Congrats on getting your braces off :D, that is so exciting :) hopefully I will be joining you soon :D

ETA: The dog eating the retainer thing happened to a friend of mine as well, LOL her parents made her buy a new one herself.
Alexis, glad to know I''m not the only one who doesn''t make consistent use of her retainer case.

Deelight, I forgot you were a fellow much longer is your sentence?
It felt great to have them removed finally, I have been eating apples and sandwiches on crusty bread to my heart''s content this past week!!!
Monarch, you totally have me all over now, LOL! Debating... debating... debating.
You''re inspirational!
Date: 1/27/2009 12:56:04 PM
Author: geckodani
Monarch, you totally have me all over now, LOL! Debating... debating... debating.
You''re inspirational!
Well, that''s good to hear!!! It''s always a treat to be inspirational, ha ha!

It is a great site, it really helped me calm my fears about what I would be going through. I probably spent a good 6 months to a year just poring over all the information available there and getting opinions on my case, getting my fillings re-done and then doing the Zoom whitening treatment before surgery and being braced on the advice of my dentist. (I am SO glad I did the whitening first, my teeth aren''t stained from the braces at all and they look super white now).
Aww sorry to hear tha Monarch!! I was one of those who lost my retainers years ago so I understand what a pain in the behind it is!
Date: 1/27/2009 1:49:20 PM
Author: bee*
Aww sorry to hear tha Monarch!! I was one of those who lost my retainers years ago so I understand what a pain in the behind it is!
Yup, an expensive lesson learned. Thanks, Bee!
Date: 1/27/2009 12:40:48 PM
Author: monarch64
Alexis, glad to know I''m not the only one who doesn''t make consistent use of her retainer case.

Deelight, I forgot you were a fellow much longer is your sentence?
It felt great to have them removed finally, I have been eating apples and sandwiches on crusty bread to my heart''s content this past week!!!

Apprently I have till Dec this year
, he said 2 yrs so I am hoping it does not overextend however I am certain they will be off before the wedding next year.

, I can''t wait to eat that sort of stuff again, and popcorn and hard lollies and anything that requires a good hard bite, congrats enjoy your special treats :D
Monarch, how did they do surgery to expand your upper palate? Both my kids had the palatal expanders. I cranked them the correct way! It was easy to figure out because it was the direction that hurt!

I had Invisalign and my dog's favorite chew toy was an old aligner! He's a pug and looked hysterical with the aligner tray in his mouth.
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