
AGTA Certificate

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Sep 25, 2004

I''m new to post, but have been an avid watcher for months. I''m considering purchasing a sapphire ring, the seller offers an AGTA Certificate as well as a gemological certified appraisal certificate with the ring.
I am unable to see the ring in person (purchasing online) and the seller does not allow any outside escrow service.

What kind of value should I give to the AGTA Certificate and certified appraisal. I have only received an AIG report on another purchase- that was way over on the estimated value (even I knew that). I have made several purchases over the internet sight unseen, and have always come out ahead but this is the largest purchase to date.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Darlene
AGTA report is very good if you are concerned about natural or not. It is not so good at helping you determine value from one stone to another. Colored stones are 10 times more complicated than diamonds and allow for many more scams and misrepresentations. There are few experts to catch the bad guys and such a wide range of opinions as to what a stone is worth as there is no set price list as there is for diamonds. Two dealers could sell identical stones for $1000 and the other dealer at $2000 and they both could be only making $200 profit. This does not happen with watches, gold, diamonds, cars, etc. Most things have a very tight range on the wholesale end. It would be nice to know who did your gemological appraisal. The terminology seems suspect unless you interpreted it slightly different. Finding an independent appraiser would be a great asset. The other lab mentioned is a great piece of paper to protect your hand while picking up dog poo in your yard. Can't believe they have not been shut down.
I am sure I will get warned for that comment.
Another thing I'd do on this is to very carefully check the seller's return policy, make at least your initial purchase from them with a credit card, and have someone you hire evaluate the purchase.

AGTA certificates are useful documents. This will tell you about the treatments, if any, that have been applied to the center stone of your ring and will testify it's natural origin. This is a quality lab and they are highly respected in the industry.

The AIG report is making a statement as to what the stone described in the AGTA report is worth in a particular market. They should say in the report what market they are discussing so that you can decide if it applies to your situation. Many people find the values suppiled are not applicable to any market that applies to them. I regularly see items being sold on ebay for 1%-10% of the stated value. There's quite a bit of discussion in the forum about these reports. Use the search function on the home page to search for AIG.

If the seller will not allow you to get an independent appraisal of the actual ring (not just the documents and a photograph) before your final commitment, don't buy it. Escrow is kind of a complicated business and many dealers don't care for it but offering you a 10-30 day right of return with 100% refund for any reason, is appropriate, typical and reasonable.

Neil Beaty, GG ISA
Independent Appraisals in Denver

Thanks much for your valuable information. Would anyone also be able to suggest an appraiser in the Seattle Washington area. I failed to mention this was also an antique ring so possibly someone familiar with antique jewelry would be great.


Give Alan Chappron a try. He is excellent.

Gemological Consulting Services, Inc.
1425 4th Ave., Suite 1010
Seattle, WA 98101

Or you can search our "Find an Appraiser" link at
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