SO i m HOPING my bf finally asks me in Dec... I have my birthday AND then Christmas coming up! SO fingers crossed!!!!!! Plus the race is on between me and a few friends (all in good fun) so lets hope he asks already
Haha. I hope you have a great holiday, then!! I can't help but feel extra mushy, and LIW-y near the holidays.. Even more so than Valentine's.. But since I know I'm not getting anything, I do hope others here do! So I can have stories and pics to romanticize over, lol.
awww so sweet thanks!!!!! Im thinking he might just wanna give it to me to shut me up at this point lol...i try to be good tho im not patient... when i want something i want it NOW this is brutal
awww so sweet thanks!!!!! Im thinking he might just wanna give it to me to shut me up at this point lol...i try to be good tho im not patient... when i want something i want it NOW this is brutal
HAHAHA you two are both hilarious - i am soooo the same way!! I love the "shut up ring!" and i'm definitely incredibly impatient as well. I hate not having control over getting what I want because usually when i want something (be it a life goal or something materialistic) I go after it immediately. I HATE HATE HATE waiting because then I can't stop thinking about it.....and telling BF about it, hehe
Anyway, I really hope you get your ring liarudd!
madelise, I feel your pain - no proposal for me either for the holidays
No proposal for me, either. I know we haven't been together that long, but it's SO hard for me to not want it. After getting out of a 6.5 year relationship, it's like my mind is programmed to only want that damn ring. Isn't that terrible? I know financially, it's not in the cards (we just got our first apt together....... money's tight, etc........)
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