
Amethyst: Does origin matter?


Aug 22, 2012
This purple quartz seems to be mined all over the world. Colors vary from the palest pink to the deepest purple. Unless it is a top color (or the vin d' rose/sp?). It is not an expensive gem. So if there is a beautiful top stone does it matter if it came from Africa, Brasil or South Korea? Muzo emeralds, Mongok rubies and Kashmire sapphires carry a premium for color and chemical properties. Is there such a place for ammys? Why I ask? I have been in India, Pakistan, Brazil and South Korea. When I pick out a top ammy it seems to be pretty expensive and the vendors say that their country produces the finest ammys. Any input is most appreciated.
Even the most expensive amethyst is not that expensive, especially compared to precious gems. African material and some Uruguayan has finer color, but I don’t think price is based on origin, but quality.
Russian amethysts are most expensive, due to the rarity.
Russian amethysts are most expensive, due to the rarity.
They’re actually not that saturated if you look at old Russian royal gems. They’re really pale and rose de France like.

Here’s some owned by Catherine the Great. I have no idea where the term “Siberian color” comes from because every example of Russian amethyst I’ve ever seen looks like this. Before the enormous deposits of South America and Africa were discovered, amethyst used to be more cherished and valuable, hence why royalty loved it.
Supposedly old mine Zambian stones are the finest that ever came out of the ground. There’s a new Rwandan deposit producing some gorgeous material. Brazilian amethyst is more pale in color. The best amethyst Is a deep medium dark purple with pink and red flashes, and can color shaft to almost a violet blue. It can look like some tanzanite.

Siberian and the new Rwanda material have the most vivid colour and are the more expensive. Paler amethyst abounds. but the vivid deep purple colour is rarer. But with all things, buy what colour you love.
Jackson's Crossings amethysts (from Georgie, USA) amethysts can be special imo, but they've become even harder to find in recent years. I believe this is the JXR that Jeff Hapeman of Earth's Treasury donated to the Smithsonian:

Four Peaks Arizona and the JXR deposit are two nice North American deposits.
I'd like to think that looking for amethysts of US origin also seriously reduces the odds of ending up with a faux amethyst. IIRC, T L, you and PS Trade member @Michael_E ** have said that 70-80% of the amethysts in the marketplace are not natural ones ... which made my head snap the first time I read it here :-o And certainly brought home to me the importance of buying even amethysts from only trustworthy vendors.

(** I wish Michael_E would resume posting here; I don't imagine I'm the only one who misses not seeing recent contributions to the CS forum from him.)
I don’t remember saying that most are synthetic on the market. I could have, but it’s been a long while if you’re referencing Michael E as well. :P2 I do know you must buy from a reputable dealer that knows their source. The synthetic material is quite convincing.

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