
Any ultrasound gender readers out there?


Dec 23, 2012
Hi ladies, I'm coming out of lurkdom with a request. My husband and I chose to be surprised with the gender of our baby, so there was a point during the ultrasound where we were told to close our eyes while the tech measured the legs, and she had said that the baby was "showing it all". But we are having a tough time with the naming situation, so we decided to watch the video we were given from the ultrasound. But wouldn't you know it, we really can't get a clear visual one way or the other. I took some screenshots of the video, and I was wondering if anyone here could tell me their opinion, if you can see it better than we can. We've looked at examples online for both genders, so know about the "hamburger" or "turtle" and have seen lots of good pictures, but most are just much clearer because those were done for the purpose of the gender. We're working with a video where the tech wasn't really looking for a gender "shot", but just said she could tell the gender while she was measuring the legs. I have an inkling what it is that I'm seeing, especially based on one or two of the shots, but there are a few that are confusing me too, so I'm sure there are folks here who can read these better than me. Thanks! :))
(look at the shots on the left - I don't think the one on the right changed in this series)




Here's 2 more from a different angle...


So you DO want to know now?

I'm going to venture a guess and say girl. I'm no u/s expert, but having 1 girl and 2 boys, your u/s photos look more like my DD's u/s pics.

Congrats either way!
It's a girl! No, no. It's a boy!!!

Oh, I have no idea. Congratulations either way!

When are you due? Will there be an opportunity for another ultrasound?
I definitely think girl!!! You can see a clear hamburger there!! ;))
it is girls, boys are show a lot more
Feb03Bride said:
So you DO want to know now?

I'm going to venture a guess and say girl. I'm no u/s expert, but having 1 girl and 2 boys, your u/s photos look more like my DD's u/s pics.

Congrats either way!

Haha, yes we are wanting to try to figure it out now! :))

Thanks for all the posts so far!

mary poppins - We are due in a few months, but we've already had the 20 week ultrasound. I could go get a special ultrasound at one of those clinics if we got that desperate to find out for sure. I was just hoping these pictures might be showing it well enough. :))

Dani - I thought I kind of saw a hamburger in one of those middle screenshots too, but I wasn't sure!
I would say it's a girl. Congratulations!
I don't see any boy parts, but I don't see girl parts either.
My guess would be girl too.
anonymouslady|1356302857|3338730 said:
mary poppins - We are due in a few months, but we've already had the 20 week ultrasound. I could go get a special ultrasound at one of those clinics if we got that desperate to find out for sure. I was just hoping these pictures might be showing it well enough. :))

Maybe the tech noted the baby's gender in your file. You could call the doctor's office to ask. Or you could ask if the information is in your file during your next appointment.
I have a friend who is an u/s tech. She said she would guess girl but she doesn't see girl parts, and that it could be a boy without the parts showing.
Hi all, thank you for the replies so far! Haha our confusion has been the same thing as some of you - that we don't see any boy parts, but no definitive girl parts.
amc - thank you for having your friend look as well.

We do know that the tech from the 20 week ultrasound said they don't put it in the files if you don't wnat to find out, so that nobody would read it down the road and slip up out loud. So it looks like either I need to take these shots into my next appointment and see if they have an opinion, or just try to have another ultrasound done at some point, haha.
It looks girl to me, but I wouldn't buy anything until you've had another ultrasound confirm. I was in a similar situation as you. I wanted it to be a surprised but my doc slipped and said it was a boy, but she said it wasn't anywhere in the records. I went to one of those mall places where you can get the 3d ultrasounds. It was like $25 for just a regular gender scan and it was a girl!
Thanks mia for the response and the info! I have yet to find one of those places around where we live, but I'm keeping an eye out. Also planning to ask at our next appointment if they can look at these pictures or do another scan for us.
Even doctors get it wrong lol. The daughter of a friend of mine posted their gender reveal party pics with a cake with pink icing between the layers last week. They went a couple of days ago for their 20 week u/s only to find out their ob got it wrong, they're having a boy. They're happy either way, but plan to give their Dr. a hard time when they see him next. I heard that happen a few times 25+ years ago when I was having my boys, but haven't seen it happen in a few years since u/s is so much cleared and done more often. I had one u/s with each boy and only found out the gender with the second one (although no one had to tell me, I just knew).

At first glance, I guessed girl for the op, but I'm not exactly qualified to read it. :lol: