
Anyone else belong to Curves???

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Nov 28, 2005
So I just signed up today after work and I feel really good about it. In the past two years since an injury I have gained 30lbs. Thats a freaking lot!! I''ve never been little and i''m 5''7 and even though 150lbs might sound like a was a VERY good weight for me. The smallest i''d EVER been was 140lbs and thats when I was unemployed and could go to the gym everyday! Anyway I used to do kung fu and work out at the gym and later I purchased a good treadmill and I got a medicine ball and free weights. I have some pilates video''s and I love them too....However then my back problems started. I have 3 herniated discs in my lower lumbar spine....1 degenerative one in the same spot and 1 degenerative one in my neck. Oh and did I mention i''m only 25?? Seeing as though all of the many back doc''s i''ve seen (pain management.....surgeon.....chiropractor) have all said i''m lucky to be walking excersice has pretty much been non existant. I''ll be honest....every morning I wake up in terrible pain. I can''t even stand up straight in the morning. My neck gives me migraines like every other day.....but even thought I have that treadmill I just can''t seem to make myself get on it after working at hours and then fighting bumper to bumper in my hour long drive to get home at 6pm. I''m a newly wed for crying out loud!! When were not doing one of our many nerdy hobbies I like to sit on the couch and cuddle! So I know I needed to do something. I''ve been miserable about the extra weight on me and I knew I needed to do something I could do do on my work break or right after work. There is a curves 5 mins from my work and literally 1 minute from my house. I''m excited.....the work out seems good and it''s great it;s only a 1/2 hour long. I was a little skeptical at first, as I am of ALL gimmicks, but I saw this was like anywhere else. You get out of it what you put into it...which is the same at any gym. If you push yourself you will losoe weight. So i''m looking forward to it....monday is my first work out and i''m pumped. I feel like my body hasn''t moved in ages! I was going to just sign up for a month and see if I liked it then get a year contract BUT....if I would of signed up this month for month to month I would of had a $130? sign up fee...and then this month would of been $39.99 but then next month the rates go up and I would have to pay $49.99 not to menbtion if I liked it and decided to stay with it I would be signing up at the higher I signed up for a year and my sign up fee was cut in half I only paid $70 and I have a monthly charge of 29.99. Thats really cheap for a work out place! Also with a year membership I can go to any curves so if I quit my job like I hope and get a new one then I shall most likely have one nearby! They are all over! So please if anyone else is a member or has been before please share your stories with me good or bad!
Hi there!

Let me just say I understand how depressing it can be when you gain weight. And it''s great that you are keeping a check on it, and want to do something positive about it.

However...after reading your post, and your brief medical history, I would be really concerned about you embarking on any type of fitness regime. Unless these people are medically trained and understand intimately your back problems, I would advise you against this.

You are only a very young lass to have the back problems that you have. I worry that this may infact aggrevate your symptoms further. To lose weight, you just need to up your activity level. Try going for walks, and take your partner with you.

Can I ask if you have ever tried Reiki? I am a Reiki healer and I feel it could be of some benefit to you. See if there is anyone in your area that practices Reiki...but avoid anyone who is charging rediculous fees. (I don''t charge anything, and would give Reiki to anyone who asked for free)

You are going to have to be really careful in the type of exercise you do. Please, please be sensible.

kindest of wishes....Blod
Deleting this as I double posted and this had DevientDrow's name spelled incorrectly!
Hi DevientDrow,

I can''t comment on your health issues, other to say that I hope they get better for you. I can comment on the Curves : ) I joined on September 17th, when I went for my weigh in measurements on Octber 17th, I had lost 4 inches. No weight loss, but I had definitely dropped a pants size. I know that that is from picking up muscle. Then we had the hurricane come through with massive power loss and Curves was closed, then I went to Italy for most of November and honest to god, I missed it. I, a girl who hated the "skinny" gym, was actually missing going to the gym. I love going to Curves and mine is very friendly and all the ladies are very sweet. The holidays were very busy, as always, but just after Mxas I went back and signed up for the year. I enjoy that it is 30 minutes. Just thirty minutes. I can supplement by walking more, or doing my own thing.

I hope this helps you and good luck!

I wish you well,


Something you need to watch out for - is being too agressive- pushing yourself too far. That may be part of what has caused your medical issues already. I find it interesting that you are not the first younger lady to have been involved with marial arts that now has back problems - I believe a result of pushing yourself too fast.

Also, you need to be very carefull on what type of exercising you do with your back problems.

I have 2 very solid suggestions for you:

1) With your back problems you need to seek out someone who teaches the McKenzie method of exercising - and conditioning the back & spine. The exercises are very simple - and will not further harm you (and in the overwhelming numbers- often greatly help: the percentage of people with back problems that are treated with the Mkenzie method that end up getting any back surgury is about 10% of people who are treated with other methods - this really works). You do not need any fancy equipment and can do them at home.

For those without back problems - you should learn 2 of the McKenzie exercises and do them with some frequency (it takes only a few minutes each day) to prevent future back problems: Many companies are offereing McKenzie bases "back" seminars to businesses as it reduced back injuries by overf 75%.

Here is one link:

Here is another with info on books and supplies:

Those living in New Zeland are in the best luck - that is where Robin McKenzie is from. Here is a link to resources in New Zeland.

2) You need to work periodically with a physical therapist on your exercise program - and what is safe (and effective) for you to do. Do not trust any health club on what they tell you to do. They all use various "canned" programs, and the fact that the equipment may be the same as what is used in rehab therapy - how it is used is far more important. I have learned this the hard way - and my knee injury went from very minor to significant based on the false claims of the health club professional. I specifically told them that I had a knee problem and they said that the knee exercise they had in their routine was specifically designed to help with that - turns out to have been the worst thing I could have done for the knee.

I do in fact have home exercise equipment - but I also did one session with the hospital physical therapy group on exercises I should do - and exercises I should not do with it.

In your case I would look specificaly for a Physical Therapist who specializes in the Mekenzi method so that your back is treated very well. They can also tell you and help you with other exercises.

Also, if you (or anyone else) lives in NE Wisconsin I''d be glad to help. PM me.

My mother has belonged to curves for several years.. sometimes she goes a lot, sometimes maybe once a week when she is busier with her business, and sometimes she doesn''t go for months.. Honestly.. I don''t think it has really helped her lose much weight.. but its good for her. It makes her feel better about herself, like she''s really doing something, and she also has met some great friends (Even though her one friend always is wanting to go out to eat after Curves, thus defeating the purpose). If you want to do it, go ahead! I would check with your doctor though.. Curves machines are different than regular weight machines.. they have resistance both ways.. I know there was one machine my mother couldn''t do for a long time because it hurt her neck or something..
Thank you for your concern!! They did ask me about my medical problems and I talked to them about it. According to them the machines are not like weight machines they are hydrolic and it''s supposed to be easier on your joints and back. I totally see where you are coming from, the docs I have seen tell me physical activity is good for me but I have felt my back aggravated before from workouts that weren''t extreme or anything like that. You bring up a good point and one that I sort of thought about after I signed up. I''m going to call two of my docs and ask them what they think about it...according to the Curves contract if my doc writes a medical note saying that I can NOT participate in the activities they will void my thats good!
I have heard of Reiki but i''m not too sure what it''s all about, care to shed some light? I live in Maryland near Baltimore...reccomend any web sites or anything where I could find out people in my area? Is Reiki sort of like laying on hands? Does''t it deal with healing through shifting energies??
Thank you so much for your sucsess story! I am very familair with how you can loose inches and not long as my old jeans will fit me i''ll be fine!
Yes, martial arts could of done it according to my doc''s. I have been in 2 car accidents...could of been that. Go out dancing a lot.....They say once you have one weak disc it''s easy for the others to follow. I will check out those links you put up. When I went to the chiropractor they had me do back strengthening excercises for like 45mins. They were close to some of the same things you do in pilates. Thank you for your suggestion as I stated above i''m really thinking I should run all of this past a physical therapist and possibly one of my other doctors and get thier ok on it and if what they are saying about the hydrolics being gentle is legit!

Thank you for your input as well MelissaSue!

I do pretty aggressive kickboxing at a karate studio 5 min from my house, and I swear when I stop doing it for a week or two, I actually get a stiff neck and back problems or leg stiffness, etc. It''s like my muscles are so used to doing it that if I don''t warm them up and work them out they get upset. Sometimes I do overdo it and tweak a back muscle or something and I have to take a week or so off...but it''s really easy to get worked up when doing those aggressive kind of twisting exercises. Anyway have fun at Curves, I can''t belong to a real gym, I would never go (I actually do belong to a small women''s gym for $9 a month lifetime but I never go!)...I just do my kickboxing 2ce a week and walk and that keeps me in decent shape and I love the intense workouts. Just start out slow and take it from there!
Thanks! Iknow what you mean....part of why I am SO miserable as I almost feel like my body is sore from NOT moving. I used to do kung fu and work out at home or at the gym and i''ve been so stressed with wedding and the the holidays that I kept MEANING to start working out but never felt like I had the time. The weight is bad enough but I feel like ...lazy you know? My energy is WAY low. I work a desk job and I need to get myself moving in SOME way. My problem is once i''m home I don''t want to work out....but I feel more energetic and I know i''ll be able to stick with something more if I can do it on my lunch break or right after work! Is kickboxing fun?? I have heard it''s one HELL of a work out!
I belong to an all womens gym and I love spinning there. I really should get into weightlifting, I dont want flabby arms when I''m in my 40''s and 50''s (genetics, sigh) but I get so into it then quit. Maybe I''ll get the pilates that also has the arm stuff......

I have this wierd knee pain that I have been getting alot lately going up and down stairs. However, when I''m working it out it feels soooo much better. When I''m not it tends to get all stiff and everything. It''s wierd b/c I"ve never been a runner or anything so I''m not sure why my knee is like that, maybe b/c I''m knock knee''d or because I walk about a mile a day in 3 inch heeled boots...
I have been going to Curves since Sept. 2004, 4 months after I gave birth for the first time. I had 10 lbs to lose to get to pre-preg weight, and in two months I had done it. Then, 2 months later I was pregnant again. I didn''t gain a pound for 4 months... I didn''t know I was pregnant ( I was still nursing son #1 and on birth control, so there were no signs..) so the when I stopped losing, but wasn''t gaining either, I began to wonder what was up. Anyway, I started going again in Oct ( 2 months post partum this time) and I have lost a couple pounds, but I haven''t been going 3 times each week. As long as you go at least the 3 times, and do a moderate workout, and eat a sensible diet, you will be fine.

I played sports all through high school, and I too am 5''7. I was 165 pounds then and a size 10. In college I was still the same weight but sometimes a 12. I played soccer all through college and was very active then. I have never had to watch my diet before bc I have always been so active, but now, outside of daily sports, it is hard. I have a 20 month old and a 5 month old. I would rather have the extra sleep, but honestly, once I get there, and work out, I feel so good. I have never been a gym person, and at least going in to Curves, I don''t feel so self conscious. it isn''t a meat market....

I hope I can lose this weight, bc I don''t feel like the same person and I definately ''hide" in the things I wear. You know your have gained when even the rings don''t fit

Oh yeah, here''s one more thing, if I know I won''t get there a 3rd time for the week, I''ll go around an extra time.

Just give it a fair chance and then see how you like it. I hope your back pain doesn''t hinder you too much!

Maybe your heavy rock is weighing you down???
I don''t belong to Curves but I just joined the Washington Sports Club aka WSC a December 29th and started working out on Monday and haven''t taken but one day off because now I know what I''ve been missing. I haven''t worked at a gym in two years! I can''t believe I''ve gone for so long. In the summer I go on long bike rides and even jog now and then but when winter comes I can''t do either. I''m so pumped up to get in shape for my wedding and my up coming 35th birthday!!!
Hey Bridget - I started Curves just after you. I live in So. Florida and the hurricane interupted me too. After that I started seriously going three times a week. I lost .5 lbs at first measurement, but 4 inches also. My measurements come up on the 15th of the month and even if I don''t lose lbs., I know I''m really feeling great. Muscle mass weighs more than fat and my clothes are suddently loose! I love the workout there!
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