
Anyone get mean comments?

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Nasty comments from a girl you totally hate? Well, what do you expect? There''s a reason why you hate her. Nice people don''t make comments like this!

Snidish comment from your closest friend at school? I''d be a bit upset that one of my closest friends didn''t tell me about the engagement but I wouldn''t make that sort of comment though. Maybe deep down, you knew what kind of person she is and that''s why you didn''t bother telling her you got engaged.

Opinions of horrible people don''t matter - instead, cherish the beautiful actions/words of those you love and who love you back.
Here are a few things I have said (with a great big smile):

Person: "That ring is gaudy."
Me: "Lucky for you that you'll never be forced to wear it."

Person: Are those real?
Me: "Everything on me is real."

Lots of people: "How much did that cost?"
Me (depending on my mood): "More than you'll ever see in your lifetime." or "A dollar more than you've got." or "Didn't whoever raised you ever tell you that's an impolite question?"

Person: "Are all those diamonds really necessary?"
Me: "If I have them, they're necessary."

Person: "Those aren't real."
Me (looking perplexed): "Well damn! Tiffany's has been lying to me all these years!"
my wife has one of those friend too (i hate her) she ask my big is that? i answer...6.81 mm,got her confuse
then my wife said....1.15ct,then the B*T*H said...mine is 2x as big.
i was about to say....get that POS out of my face but,my wife pinch me on the thigh before i had a chance to open my big mouth.... hee,hee
DF, I'm glad your wife keeps you in line, LOL. I love that she pinches you too funny!!!
Oh and MB those responses are priceless!!
Allycat - those girls have no class! Your ring is gorgeous, they''re probably at home wondering how they''ll convince their boyfriends to get them something even one tenth as beautiful! Ignore them.
I have been told more than once that someone was either going to cut my hand off to get my ring or knock me in the head in some parking lot to get it. Nice thought, huh?

HOWEVER, it never hurts to turn your ring into your palm if you are going to leave the store and walk across a parking lot. There are times when you don''t want to ''show'' your ring off!

You meed tp find nicer friends...

Plus, you can say "As nice as my ring is, my fiance is the REAL diamond!!!"

Jeolousy/bit**iness is really wasted energy. The key to happiness in life is being happy with what you have. I

If a friend has a problem that you have a nice e-ring, it''s their problem
Oh Alleycat, that sucks! There's really no excuse for such rude comments. All three girls are probably just jealous of you. But perhaps that one friend of yours is hurt that you didn't tell her you're engaged? People do say the stupidest things sometimes when they're upset.

I had a so call friend say something to me that's quite similar to what your friend said to you. We are friends more because we have the same friends, but really, we don't like each other very much. She's a very jealous person, and always trying to compete with me. Anyway, when she saw my diamond ring (I had my 1.5 carat at the time) she said, "When I get engaged, I am going to get a 3 carat diamond, minimum." I didn't care but I said something along the lines of "WOW! I hope you'll get it!" Well, I didn't see her again until a year later, at her wedding, which she invited me to. She got a three stone diamond ring, 2 carats total weight (1 carat center). I looked at her ring, it was poorly made, the diamonds were mediocre cut and I wanted to say "What happened to your 3 carat diamond? You must be soooo disappointed!" But I didn't. I told her it was beautiful and congratulated her. She later told one of my good friend she beat me since her ring has 2 CTW and I had 1.5 with itty bitty diamonds.
Just like those girls who made those comments to you, she made herself look like an idiot by saying stuff like that. It will come back and bite them in the butt.
Date: 11/22/2005 7:18:08 PM
Author: kaleigh
DF, I''m glad your wife keeps you in line, LOL. I love that she pinches you too funny!!!
Oh and MB those responses are priceless!!
oh wife knew what i was about to say
but,she was very rude,stuck her 2+ct POS
in front of my face and said....mine is twice as big.
Date: 11/22/2005 5:28:05 PM
Author: Madam Bijoux

Person: ''Are all those diamonds really necessary?''
Me: ''If I have them, they''re necessary.''
Madam Bijoux that is an absolute CLASSIC!!!
Too right they''re necessary
Wow, everyone has such snappy comebacks! I am amazed at the things that have been said to everyone. Pebbles, what you heard was totally uncalled for. I''m sorry that you ever heard such things. It''s truly terrible.

DF: My gosh, that''s why you need a good woman to rein you in! You''re one big meanie when riled.

Yes, my friend knew I was getting engaged. I told her ahead of time that my boyfriend was planning it. Actually she was happy for me until the ring arrived
. I didn''t show her my ring because her boyfriend is very, very stingy with money. He hasn''t bought her a birthday present 2 years in a row, so I had kind of guessed that it might make her react negatively, which is why I didn''t show her or put any emphasis on it.

But I was happy because I told my very best friend last night (who couldn''t care less about diamonds) and she screeched over the phone. She knew it was coming too, but she was so happy, she practically started planning the wedding. I had to bring her down and tell her it was going to be a LONG engagement. But the cutest part is she is SOOO not a wedding/conventional person.

It''s funny because guys have been very complimentary, but it''s girls that show their claws. I would expect the "waste of money" allusions to come more from men.
I hope you feel a little better Ally, we have all been through it some time or other. My problem is I can rarely zap back a good comeback retort at the time, however afterwards there is PLENTY I could have said
I am so glad your very best friend is so happy for you, blow the others! They don''t deserve your friendship or time my dear
Sorry to hear that you''ve had a few negative comments! I suppose you just have to step back and think how much you love your ring.

I''m still smiling at the Brit joke.... Knowing how much diamonds cost back in the UK, it''s no wonder most people go for smaller stones!
Mine''s about 1ct with side rubies and amongst my friends back home it''s considered a rock.

However, no matter what size it is, I think that if you like it then other opinions just don''t matter. I see other peoples rings here on pricescope and whilst they''re gorgeous, I still like mine the best!!

I''ve just got to get one of those ultrasonic cleaners and then it''ll sparkle like the day I got it!!
Date: 11/23/2005 7:34:42 AM
Author: just_looking!
Sorry to hear that you''ve had a few negative comments! I suppose you just have to step back and think how much you love your ring.

I''m still smiling at the Brit joke.... Knowing how much diamonds cost back in the UK, it''s no wonder most people go for smaller stones!
Mine''s about 1ct with side rubies and amongst my friends back home it''s considered a rock.
Yes Just Looking, diamonds are horrendously expensive here
and excellent cut quality is unknown. Most of the ones seen here may have decent clarity but are dull old blobs sitting in rings
If you said Hearts and Arrows to many Brits, they would think you were talking about a new type of darts game
MAN! How rude are some people!!!
Alleycat, I just looked at your ring''s beautiful.

What is wrong with people!!!!

I''m going to keep some of witty responses that are on here just in case I get rude comments too.
When I first got engaged I got a lot of tactless comments on my ring...there was a lady I used to work with that used to say in front of people every time she saw me "I''m going to steal your ring and buy myself a new car with it!" She meant to be funny but it just came across as kind of rude. I have a "friend" also who asked how many carats my ring was, and when I told her it was 1.5 she said she was going to need at least 2 carats. I didn''t really take it as an insult, but I have never considered her a true friend since then, it was like she was saying mine wasn''t quite big enough! That was 3 years ago, and she''s still waiting for a proposal. If she ever gets her 2 c I think I will have to stoop to her level and tell her we''re upgrading to a 3c.
Actually, I probably wouldn''t have the guts to say that, but it''s fun to imagine!

On a different angle, I remember when I was waiting for a proposal and one of my friends (who is now a very good friend) got engaged...I was pretty jealous and couldn''t help feeling like why not me???? why can''t I be engaged???!
. When I saw her all I could muster was a "congratulations!" I didn''t even ask to see her ring, I was afraid I would actually turn green with envy. I felt like such a small person, and I have since apologized to her for not finding it in myself to share her elation! I certainly would never have made any negative comments to anyone about their engagement rings though, I just refer back to Bambi and don''t say anything if I can''t say something nice!
How awful, Alley Cat....just stay on the high road as your "friends" take the low road....several years ago, I let a gf at work know how badly I wanted a ec diamond upgrade for my anniversary. She didn''t have a favorite shape, but in the past had a heart shape & a rb from previous husb. & later a fiance....well lo & behold she became engaged again & turns up at work with a 1-ct. emerald cut. I was devastated as I had been longing for one for years.....Yet I gushed over it & made a big fuss. She said we could "share it" at work, and we''d both admire it during the day. As fate had it, she broke off the engagement & returned the ring. About four years later, my husband gifted me with a 1.13 ec for our 25th wedding anniversary (finally!!).....just goes to show how life is.....I''m lucky because my sister has also been waiting for an upgrade from her .25 carat princess, and all she has been is supportive. She gushes over my ring and shows it off to all of our friends & family!! I''m fortunate that I don''t know too many envious people (with the exception of our other sister - she & her dtr. just won''t comment on anything out of envy. But, at least they don''t make catty comments....
I have a friend who takes digs when she''s feeling insecure, and all I ever say, in an unaffected tone is "well, that''s not a very nice thing for you to say" or "well, it''s too bad that you feel that way". And immediately she feels bad and will apologize and admit she was just being insecure, which to me is not an excuse, but that''s another issue. Maybe it''s b/c I''m taking the focus off of what I have and making it about how she''s not being nice. It''s important to call a person out I think immediately if they''re being plain old mean, but not to try and stoop to their level.
I was told by a co-worker that my ring looks flat and that she doesn''t like those round diamonds on the band. The funny thing is that I don''t remember asking her opinion.
Oh well...
I had my family over for thanksgiving and my 18 yr old niece received a 2ct marquis from her b/f about a month earlier. She didn't have any idea that my b/f had bought me a ring. When she noticed my ring she said, "oh, your ring is almost as big as mine" (I swear she was serious). I laughed and said "almost as big"..good or bad, that was my gut reaction. So, I walked over put them side by side, and said "you're ring is gorgeous, congratulations" and it is, but I don't understand why she would say something like that to anybody, regardless of the size.
That''s so immature - how can anybody be so mean spirited...
I accidently "sort of" instigated one of those "mean comments" situations recently.

I met my Mom and Aunts in Vegas a few weeks ago, and it was the first time that anyone in our familiy had seen my new ring. They all loved it, and we were in a cab and it was pretty dark, but my ring was picking up light from somewhere and it was just on fire and sparkling like mad! I pointed it out and my aunt stuck her hand out beside mine and waited for hers to sparkle. It just stayed dark...and I felt sooooo bad. She has a little marquise with a cluster from Kays and it totally suits her personality, but I know that she felt embarrassed about it!

Good news is that her hubby makes a ton of $$ and if she wants to upgrade, she can! They''ve been together for just about 20 years but only got married (in Vegas) 3 years ago. They bought hers on the spur of the moment, and I agonized over my upgrade for years! She also asked me what mine appraised for and I didn''t even want to tell her...

I''m still experiencing a bit of "ring guilt"!
Date: 11/22/2005 5:28:05 PM
Author: Madam Bijoux
Here are a few things I have said (with a great big smile):

Person: ''That ring is gaudy.''
Me: ''Lucky for you that you''ll never be forced to wear it.''

Person: Are those real?
Me: ''Everything on me is real.''

Lots of people: ''How much did that cost?''
Me (depending on my mood): ''More than you''ll ever see in your lifetime.'' or ''A dollar more than you''ve got.'' or ''Didn''t whoever raised you ever tell you that''s an impolite question?''

Person: ''Are all those diamonds really necessary?''
Me: ''If I have them, they''re necessary.''

Person: ''Those aren''t real.''
Me (looking perplexed): ''Well damn! Tiffany''s has been lying to me all these years!''
LOL!! That''s the way to respond!! I can''t believe people sometimes, so rude!!
even if someone says "wow, that''s so small" or "i''d like bigger" you can apply the "well it''s a good thing you dont have to wear one" comeback. Just for fun, I''d never actually say that haha.
Ack! This is why I don''t hang out with women....and try to associate with them as LITTLE as possible. I hate catty women.
They''re J-E-A-L-O-U-S hahahahah!
btw, AlleyCat, you have one of the prettest rings I''ve seen. It''s always been one of my favorites. Too bad they can''t just look at a fabulous piece of jewelery and enjoy it...Daniel is right...they are J-E-A-L-O-U-S
Girl I have not even seen your ring ( been looking for that post) but I can tell you RIGHT NOW, those girls are not your friends.. Those are what we in the midwest like to call BITCHES!!! Don''t get angry.. feel sorry for them- imagine the karma they are putting out there!!!
Blah just had to share my experience even though I''ve only been enaged for 5 mom yes thats right my mom has said that my diamond looks ''a little yellow'' well actually the first thing she said was ''is that fake? are you sure its real?'' followed by ''I think there is too much going on in the middle of the diamond'' and the yellow comment. Several times. I got SOOOOOO incredibly annoyed because an H color is NOT yellow and its really well cut AND it hurt my FI''s feelings. I don''t know why she acts happy and then she''s said its a real sparkler and then she says she likes it and then these comments?
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