
Anyone Have Experience with False Positive HPT results?

As soon as I hung up the phone from results I went to the bathroom and there was reals. Not spotting, but light the first day of your flow so it was light to maybe medium with some clots. I'm freaking out. Called again and had them numb my US from 3 to 1 (best they could do) I have some mild cramping on my left side and I'm freaking out
ckrickett|1424905002|3838224 said:
As soon as I hung up the phone from results I went to the bathroom and there was reals. Not spotting, but light the first day of your flow so it was light to maybe medium with some clots. I'm freaking out. Called again and had them numb my US from 3 to 1 (best they could do) I have some mild cramping on my left side and I'm freaking out

Sending you lots of hugs and healthy baby thoughts. I hope you are okay and this is just one of those pregnancy things.
Dust and hugs to you, try to get some rest tonight.
They couldn't find a heartbeat. They said baby looked about 8 weeks along, and at that stage there should be a heartbeat, but they couldn't find one. Also it didn't look like there was any movement.

I am very sad. They took some more blood to check my hormone levels just to be sure, and I may go in for an additional scan. But it looks like i may have lost it. :(sad
I'm so sorry. Please take care of yourself.
Ah,shit. I'm so sorry.

Hugs to you. Pleas take care.
Thank you.
Very sorry for your loss. :(( A lot of us have had losses here, so even though it doesn't make it better, you're not alone. Hugs
so sorry I should have read the whole thread before replying.
Laila619|1424985696|3838672 said:
Very sorry for your loss. :(( A lot of us have had losses here, so even though it doesn't make it better, you're not alone. Hugs

Yeah, my DR is a little optimistic, but I don;t think I should be. I know it is nothing that I did, and it was going to happen. Which is sad. But I have to move forward and do what I need to do.

DH and I were originally going to TTC in 3 years before this. We had a talk yesterday that we may try sometime next year instead. Which makes me happy.
Ah ckrickett - I'm so sorry to read your update. That really f'n sucks.
MuffDog|1425072800|3839341 said:
Ah ckrickett - I'm so sorry to read your update. That really f'n sucks.

yeah, it does. Thanks though.

Now I am going through all my options, and they all scare the crap out of me.
Oh, ckrikett, I'm so sorry to hear this. What options are you having to consider? Between all of us here, we've experienced natural, d&c's, the meds, and even emergency d&c's. We can help you sort through all the pros and cons!

Take care of yourself and give yourself space to grieve.
I'm pretty sure I'm going with a D&C . I'm just super worried it will happen sooner and I'll be in intense pain. All I've read is how horrifically painful natural MC are. And that scared the crap out of me.
I haven't had a D & C, just an early m/c (that wasn't painful because it was so early). I would lean towards to D & C in your case as well. Then it's just done. I've had several friends that have had them and they were not in pain afterwards and it eliminated the waiting for it to happen.

Wishing you the best in whatever you decide.
I'm so sorry, ckrickett. I have also had friends who have had a D&C, and they said the physical pain was not bad afterwards and it helped a bit emotionally to not have to wait for it to happen on its own. It's a very personal decision though, and I wish you luck with whatever you decide. Take care of yourself.
The d&c is a good call; it's not painful. I did miscarry on my own naturally at almost 11 weeks, it was unexpected as I had a perfect ultrasound two days before, and I won't lie to you- it's not pleasant. But it also wasn't anything I couldn't handle, pain wise. Yes, I went to the ER and yes they gave me morphine and it helped and they simply did the d&c then and there cause I was hemorrhaging. I doubt they will make you wait through a natural; if that happens before your scheduled procedure, I think they will just have you come in immediately. So don't fear this, it's unlikely to begin with and immediately treatable if it should happen. I know that's like telling you not to breath right now, it's bound to be a tough go here for a bit, my thoughts are with you and your husband.
Going for my D and C tomorrow. I am really nervous so some dust would be great!

I wanted to thank you all for your support as well. You all have been WONDERFUL, and I can't wait until I can come back with some amazing news in the future.
ckrickett, good luck tomorrow. Make sure you get the anesthesia and take time to rest afterwards. Make sure your hubby spoils you as much as he can. I will be thinking of you tomorrow.
Thinking of you today, ckrickett... Hope you're doing ok.
Thank you all, everything went great, I was so nervous and anxious when they wheeled me into the OR, but I don't remember anything, and woke up feeling nice, with minimal cramping.

so now I need to get myself healthy and recovered.
ckrickett, it's so sucky that you had to experience this, but I'm glad that things went as well as can be expected with the procedure. Take good care of yourself and try to take it easy. Best wishes to you! I hope we see you back in these threads before too long.
Ckrickett, was thinking of you today. I hope you get some rest and have a smooth recovery. Hugs to you and your DH.
JGator|1426109388|3845741 said:
Ckrickett, was thinking of you today. I hope you get some rest and have a smooth recovery. Hugs to you and your DH.

Recovery has been a breeze. I was very lucky to have my awesome OBGYN and the team, they were so great. still very sad though.
ckrickett, sorry you are sad. It will take some time. Everything you are feeling is normal, and you should not feel rushed to process your feelings. I'm glad your obgyn team was so great and physically you are doing well. Hang in there. Hugs being sent your way.
JGator|1426689603|3849088 said:
ckrickett, sorry you are sad. It will take some time. Everything you are feeling is normal, and you should not feel rushed to process your feelings. I'm glad your obgyn team was so great and physically you are doing well. Hang in there. Hugs being sent your way.

Thank you!

I had some good hope, my DH and I are going to TTC sometime next year which is sooner than he originally wanted before this experience. I am sad I lost my baby but it gives me hope I won't have to wait as long to actually try and get pregnant again!

I stumbled across this thread and just wanted to tell you how sorry I am for your loss. I wish there was something I could do to make you feel better. Hugs, hugs, hugs
