
Are these two same seller?


Jul 16, 2024
Looks like etsy and instagram account of the same seller?

I was looking at the instagram page of

then I wanted to compare another gem in my etsy favorites and realized fingers and nails look the same.
Does anybody know if these are the same sellers or maybe the hand models are the same :)
Thinking about buying a few gems I appreciate if you can share your experience with either or bot?


Feb 23, 2012
I have bought from her in the past and have crossed her off my list of vendors. Undisclosed inclusions and the colors are less vivid in person. I have managed to get partial refunds, but have had to get stones recut. Any complaints and she whines about her partners won’t budge. Just too difficult when things don’t go right. Her spinels have checked out at labs, to give her credit.


Jul 18, 2020
Just read this thread.

I still keep in touch with my dealer friends. Her name has come up more than once as hit and miss. Some get nice stones, others, not so nice. For the most part, stone cutting in Vietnam is very substandard.

The biggest complaint about this person is trying to return stones and getting a refund. She is very stubborn about stones being returned and actually said to one friend before he bought a stone he wanted, no returns. True story.

She tries to wiggle out of any responsibility regarding returning stones. From excuses her sources won’t take returns or don’t like to, to excuses she makes very little money, or the Vietnam postal service will confiscate them. They won’t by the way if you do it right, but the bad thing is, there is no communication between the Vietnam postal service and USPS if you use them. The Vietnam postal service will not inform USPS they received the stone, or it has been delivered. You must rely on the Vietnamese vendor to be honest and let you know the stone has been received. Also, you must have the receivers phone number written into the address as the Vietnam postal service requires to call first before delivering. If they cannot call, the stone will just sit at the postal station for months until someone there finally sends it back. This happened to another dealer friend. One year later, after she finally gave up on seeing a refund or the stone returned to her it appeared in her mailbox. Been sitting in Vietnam for a year! Another true story!

My suggestion is to stay away from her. Far away.

If you are going to be a dealer of gemstones or anything for that matter, returns a part of the business and if you make a hassle out of returning and refunding, you should not be in business.
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