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OK ladies, I''m hoping that venting here will help me feel better about this because its really stressing me out. My FMIL has turned into something kind of evil lately. FI and I went to visit them once over the summer and once for Thanksgiving, and both times she had criticism for FI on the phone after we left, that she thinks there is no "joy" in our relationship, that she doesn''t really think we are in love. Besides the fact that I think its really inappropriate for her to be saying these things, I wonder if it has never occurred to her that maybe neither of us wants to be super-cuddly in front of FILs. I asked my family and friends and none of them had similar concerns, and so I think it is mostly her.
OK, so all that was bad enough, but now she''s getting worse. On this last visit, I was sick as a DOG, (FI said he hadn''t seen me that sick since we started dating almost 3 years ago), and lost my voice, among many other things, so I wasn''t very social (especially since I couldn''t talk) at Thanksgiving. So she tells FI she thinks he "waits on me hand and foot and gets nothing back." I found this profoundly insulting, because, as FI pointed out, we take care of each other when each needs it, and I take very good care of him, but I needed some taking care of because I was so sick. Also, we were trying to feel free to spend more time together and be more affecitonate with each other after her comments following our previous visit. I have been helpful and polite every time I have visited, but it was much harder because I felt so sick and she kept reassuring me it was OK, and then she turns around and says that!
Then, when I think things are starting to calm down, the latest rudeness. FI and I have been bugging her about blocking hotel rooms for the wedding since last summer, because I needed to get major stuff done before now, because I am in a super-intense and stressful period at school (hence I have been mostly absent from PS and The Knot, etc...) - I am preparing for my qualifying exams, and those of you fellow grad students will know what I mean
when I say I can''t remember being this stressed out. So, knowing all this, she insisted that she would take care of it and wanted to be involved and didn''t want me or FI to do it because she wanted to, and then just a few days ago, she suddenly announces that she will take care of things for her family who is coming and I should just deal with the rest. EXCUSE ME?!!!!
Someone please tell me how I am supposed to be civil to this woman. I do not need this extra stress in my life right now and yet every time I try to avoid it by giving her what she wants, things get worse. I don''t know what, if anything to do about this. Fortunately my family is being cool so far (which is kind of a miracle in and of itself), but like I said, I am having trouble coping with this on top of my stress I already have. I really don''t think I''m that bad a deal as a daughter-in-law - I love her son deeply, I do my best to take care of him but still be a partner to him, I am working hard toward a solid career, and I try very hard to be polite and friendly to her and to the rest of his family, even though we have nothing in common. If anyone has any brilliant insights I would love to hear them, and in any case sorry I''ve been so absent (exams will be over on February 20th, assuming I pass, so I should be back after that), and thank you for letting me vent!
OK, so all that was bad enough, but now she''s getting worse. On this last visit, I was sick as a DOG, (FI said he hadn''t seen me that sick since we started dating almost 3 years ago), and lost my voice, among many other things, so I wasn''t very social (especially since I couldn''t talk) at Thanksgiving. So she tells FI she thinks he "waits on me hand and foot and gets nothing back." I found this profoundly insulting, because, as FI pointed out, we take care of each other when each needs it, and I take very good care of him, but I needed some taking care of because I was so sick. Also, we were trying to feel free to spend more time together and be more affecitonate with each other after her comments following our previous visit. I have been helpful and polite every time I have visited, but it was much harder because I felt so sick and she kept reassuring me it was OK, and then she turns around and says that!
Then, when I think things are starting to calm down, the latest rudeness. FI and I have been bugging her about blocking hotel rooms for the wedding since last summer, because I needed to get major stuff done before now, because I am in a super-intense and stressful period at school (hence I have been mostly absent from PS and The Knot, etc...) - I am preparing for my qualifying exams, and those of you fellow grad students will know what I mean

Someone please tell me how I am supposed to be civil to this woman. I do not need this extra stress in my life right now and yet every time I try to avoid it by giving her what she wants, things get worse. I don''t know what, if anything to do about this. Fortunately my family is being cool so far (which is kind of a miracle in and of itself), but like I said, I am having trouble coping with this on top of my stress I already have. I really don''t think I''m that bad a deal as a daughter-in-law - I love her son deeply, I do my best to take care of him but still be a partner to him, I am working hard toward a solid career, and I try very hard to be polite and friendly to her and to the rest of his family, even though we have nothing in common. If anyone has any brilliant insights I would love to hear them, and in any case sorry I''ve been so absent (exams will be over on February 20th, assuming I pass, so I should be back after that), and thank you for letting me vent!