
Asking for help choosing a new green stone

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Blue Eyes

Dec 30, 2003
Yep, I''m at it again ... this time I''m shopping for a green stone for a new RHR.

And, I would like some advice on the stone selection. I''ve looked at ajsgems, palagems and am overwhelmed with what look to be several gorgeous stones.

I''d like to forego a custom setting with this one. Not sure how to buy a stone that will fit in a stock setting however-- does this mean I need a calibrated stone?

Here is my list of requirements:

Shape: emerald, cushion, princess
Stone: tourmaline
Size: 2.5 - 3.5 ct
Price: under $700

Feel free to tell me that I''m out of my mind with the specifications noted, esp. the budget constraints !!
Can anyone offer suggestions? I''d love to hear ideas on where to look for pretty settings for a larger ring, without side stones.
Blue Eyes,
It should be very easy to get a green tourmaline in that price range. If you are looking for the biggest stone for your money then you may want to stay with an emerald cut. The reason for this is that some tourmalines have a closed "C" axis which means that if you look down the pencil like length of the tourmaline crystal the stone looks black. These crystals are less expensive since they can only be cut in an emerald cut. For $700 you could probably get a very nice 8 to 10 carat stone like this. On the other hand some of the very fine greens with an open "C" axis, which can be cut in any shape, can be very expensive. I think that a really fine chrome tourmaline in a deep emerald green could easily cost $700 for a 2.5 carat stone. What type of green are you looking for ? Bluish green, yellowish green, peridot color or maybe a multicolored stone, tourmaline comes in all types of green and the cost is very dependent on the type of green. That stone in my avatar was a gross olive green mixed with a beautifull pinkish red. When I cut out the green the pink color really popped out.
Michael E,

Thanks so much for the reply !! I love the blue green shades .. found these on

I understand a litle about picking a colored gemstone and know that it's largely a matter of "beauty is in the eye of the beholder."

I know folks on PS have had some good experience with ajsgems. I think Ana has posted that she's bought from them and been happy.

Any thoughts on the stones shown on their site that fit my specs? Or any site, for that matter!

BlueGreentourm Small Web view.jpg
Yummy !!

BueGreen2 Small Web view.jpg
Hey Blue Eyes,
Here's some pictures of a tourmaline crystal in my stash. This one really shows the effect of a dark "C" axis. The bright bluish green direction is lighted with my fiberoptic light through two sheets of copy paper.


Ah, those are beautiful. Maybe a tourmaline will tide me over until I get my demantoid.
Good grief Ana !! You're like a gemstone bloodhound ! I toss out a few clues as to what I am looking for and you sniff it out !

However, I am truly baffled on how works.

I looked at the site and can't figure out how to locate the stone shown in your post.

On 10/20/2004 6:31:59 PM Blue Eyes wrote:

Good grief Ana !! to locate the stone shown in your post.


Hound !!!
Who, me ?

That one is listed among the "New" cuts on Gram Faceting: on this page

To see all other pieces available you need to go under their "Gemstones" menu on top of the page (link). The rest of the site si mostly technicals. Hope this helps

Got it !!! I just sent Jeff an email asking how to buy from his site. Have you personally purchased any of his stones?

If the tourmaline you tracked down is still available, I'll likely buy it from him.

Now .... any thoughts on a white gold setting?????

(Fellow PS'ers: At this point, I owe Ana lunch or maybe even one of my kidneys .... or something of value for the time she's given helping me !!!!!
On 10/22/2004 8:27:15 AM Blue Eyes wrote:

At this point, I owe Ana lunch...

You are most welcome to Bucharest!
Other locations throughout Europe are feasible as well - I'll be traveling the next couple of weeks.

I did get a pair of agate from, the sister site of Faceters with no problem at all.
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