
Asscher Experts Needed!


Sep 8, 2018
Can someone help suggest some well cut generic asschers?

2.50 g/h vs1-vs2 no flou

I’m going to narrow down your suggestions and have my jeweler pull them to view in person. I’ve searched everywhere and am just soo lost with what to look for in step patterns.
I just went through this process.

Do you need for your jeweler to be the one to pull them in?

I ask because I enlisted the help of Good Old Gold. David there narrowed the search down to half a dozen or so, and pulled them all. He then sent me photos, ASETs, and videos of each, including side-by-side comparison videos in various lightings.

I'd highly recommend that process.
I would agree that - for Asschers - Good Old Gold or Rhino @ August Vintage Inc. would be where I’d start (in terms of jewelers with good eyes that I’d trust to assess Asschers aside from those on this board). Step cuts can be super tricky, and what you see online in a still pic/video is not always what you’ll see in person.

It might also help if you can post a few examples of Asschers that you like and why to help folks search only for the ‘flavor’ you’re after, as there are a lot of variables in this cut ... more square or octagonal, taller or shorter crown preference, thinner/fatter steps, etc. Perhaps choose a few with pics and/or videos that you are NOT interested in buying (so lurkers don’t snag them out from under you), but possess the features/characteristics that you’re after/prefer.
When I started, I chose based on a range of supposedly ideal characteristics and what Blue Nile videos appeared the best to my novice eye. I ended up pulling in three at the same time because I knew I'd want that comparison. I used an ASET to cut through the diamond dazzle and see an objective mapping of how and from where they were returning light, areas of light leakage, etc. With guidance from folks here and what I was learning on my own with follow up research, I sent all three back.

Side-by-side comparisons in real-world lighting with as many good ones lined up as you can get is what I suggest. For me, I wanted as much an objectively good performer as I did a subjectively pleasing step pattern. In the end, I felt it was really helpful to let someone who had a lot of experience with that cut (ranging from duds to stars) narrow it down initially, and then let me pick from the winners they lined up. I hope you're able to do something similar!
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Some more that caught my eye during a quick look through:
Small 54% table and 68.8% depth sound interesting! @Karl_K would need to comment on whether this combo would be likely to be good or not - no images/video, annoyingly.
Not sure if this is 'crisp' under the table - given the other listing earlier that looked the same to me, I'm wondering if the depth of field on the video setup is a touch shallow.
No images, annoying.
@Menlikediamondstoo So of the ones you posted - setting color/clarity aside for now - I see a pattern of medium/larger tables, medium/low crown height, more squared shape vs. octagonal (so not too-deeply-clipped corners), and medium/small windmills. Would that be accurate in terms of Asschers that catch your eye?
@Menlikediamondstoo Here are four I found on WF via Virtual Inventory.,3779718,4137054,4137055

I will leave it more to the step cut gurus to weigh on if any have issues to be concerned with, such as P3, as I’m not great at picking those up in step cuts. In the line-up, you can see the specs comparatively at a glance; then if you click on the details for each diamond, and select the “Diamond Certificate” link under the stock photo, you can see actual diamond pics/video and GIA reports for three of the four diamonds. One - the 2.58 - does not have pic/video; however, the GIA report and details make this one appear like it might be a potential candidate if you can get images. WF notes in the details for each that they are eye clean; however, given they are virtual stones, I’m not sure how they conclude that ... perhaps it’s a default for virtual inventory or there may be some filter criteria in the database WF accesses that notes a particular diamond to be eye clean or not; anyway, it’s worth asking about to confirm. :wavey:
@Menlikediamondstoo So of the ones you posted - setting color/clarity aside for now - I see a pattern of medium/larger tables, medium/low crown height, more squared shape vs. octagonal (so not too-deeply-clipped corners), and medium/small windmills. Would that be accurate in terms of Asschers that catch your eye?

You are in my head!!!!
And just for good measure, I’m going to throw this curveball at you:

I was this >< close to buying that diamond from David before I decided to buy my Tycoon cut diamond (that he also had). No, it’s not a ‘white’ diamond; and yes, it has medium blue fluorescence, but it has a cool ‘chameleon’-like quality in different light settings which is - IMO - like having two different diamonds. It is (IMO) the perfect cut/shape that I adore in an asscher, coupled with a great size, and outstanding clarity/eye cleanliness.

I truly don’t need any more diamonds, but I swear, if I find myself hankering for a ‘true’ asscher cut (my Tycoon is more asscher-ish), and if I have the funds and the diamond is still available, I will snatch that baby up and put it in a killer setting to play up the colors it displays. :love:

I love the second one. I’m going to see if he can bring that in. This one still is grabbing me. Price for this one is 20,600- after scrapping my settings it would be an even trade.
And just for good measure, I’m going to throw this curveball at you:

I was this >< close to buying that diamond from David before I decided to buy my Tycoon cut diamond (that he also had). No, it’s not a ‘white’ diamond; and yes, it has medium blue fluorescence, but it has a cool ‘chameleon’-like quality in different light settings which is - IMO - like having two different diamonds. It is (IMO) the perfect cut/shape that I adore in an asscher, coupled with a great size, and outstanding clarity/eye cleanliness.

I truly don’t need any more diamonds, but I swear, if I find myself hankering for a ‘true’ asscher cut (my Tycoon is more asscher-ish), and if I have the funds and the diamond is still available, I will snatch that baby up and put it in a killer setting to play up the colors it displays. :love:

LOVE the cut! Color is awesome but since I’m giving up a white diamond, I’m leaning towards replacing/upgrading what I have!
LOVE the cut! Color is awesome but since I’m giving up a white diamond, I’m leaning towards replacing/upgrading what I have!

Fair enough & perfectly understandable; I just wanted to throw it out there because sometimes we stumble upon something we never knew we’d want/love. That’s how I ended up with my Infinit G-35 years ago (when I was actually BMW shopping). And when I was asscher shopping end of ‘18/early ‘19, I hadn’t come across a single asscher diamond that wowed me in-person despite the much-appreciated, knowledgeable and well-respected guidance & feedback I received for them on here ... but when I saw that one I linked and called David to discuss it, it also led me to the asscher-ish Tycoon he had, which absolutely stopped me in my tracks, so much so that I didn’t even bat an eyelash when I doubled my budget to acquire it. And that is the true test for me - if I feel even a smidge of doubt or regret about what I see vs what I paid for it, I know it’s not ‘the one’.

Of course, I don’t wish nor think that you will need to double your budget to get what you want, but I do hope you have the same ‘that is IT’ feeling when you do find/see your ‘the one’. And selfishly, that means this one may still be available for me to buy down the road. :D
Fair enough & perfectly understandable; I just wanted to throw it out there because sometimes we stumble upon something we never knew we’d want/love. That’s how I ended up with my Infinit G-35 years ago (when I was actually BMW shopping). And when I was asscher shopping end of ‘18/early ‘19, I hadn’t come across a single asscher diamond that wowed me in-person despite the much-appreciated, knowledgeable and well-respected guidance & feedback I received for them on here ... but when I saw that one I linked and called David to discuss it, it also led me to the asscher-ish Tycoon he had, which absolutely stopped me in my tracks, so much so that I didn’t even bat an eyelash when I doubled my budget to acquire it. And that is the true test for me - if I feel even a smidge of doubt or regret about what I see vs what I paid for it, I know it’s not ‘the one’.

Of course, I don’t wish nor think that you will need to double your budget to get what you want, but I do hope you have the same ‘that is IT’ feeling when you do find/see your ‘the one’. And selfishly, that means this one may still be available for me to buy down the road. :D

Very true!

To be honest, it’s like your journey. I ended up buying the hexagon instead of an Asscher because I was able to get the size I wanted. I love it, yes. But, it’s not the 2.5carat asscher I longed for. I had NO CLUE the dealer I bought my round stone from offered a 95% cash buy back. It’s like a second chance!

Honestly, I would now get the 2.5 carat asscher and only pay for the setting.

Something tells me in this case to pull in the stones I like from online and really let my eyes do the work.
I can’t help with your Asscher search but I wanted to comment that I told you in your eternity band thread that you would be back for more! It’s addicting. #menlikediamondstoo for sure! Enjoy! Good luck with your search.
I can’t help with your Asscher search but I wanted to comment that I told you in your eternity band thread that you would be back for more! It’s addicting. #menlikediamondstoo for sure! Enjoy! Good luck with your search.

These are the two that speak to me
Most. I prefer the f color over the h in terms of color preference. (clarity is overkill on the vvs1) however, I do like the spread on the h vvs1

The video in the Adiamor link is half cut-off for me, and doesn’t look very crisp under the table of what I can see.

The second appears to have good ‘patterning’ (squares) under the table which I personally like, but that area under the table overall appears dark vs bright, which could be camera obstruction or something else.

I just posted in another thread: what I like to do is pull the image/video up on my computer screen, then take several steps back from it to look at the diamond overall in a more realistic size vs zoomed in, where I am more likely to focus on one particular thing/feature. If I don’t like what I see at that distance, or the inclusions (if any) are visible, it gets a ‘no/pass’ from me. Maybe try that and see what you think.
The video in the Adiamor link is half cut-off for me, and doesn’t look very crisp under the table of what I can see.

The second appears to have good ‘patterning’ (squares) under the table which I personally like, but that area under the table overall appears dark vs bright, which could be camera obstruction or something else.

I just posted in another thread: what I like to do is pull the image/video up on my computer screen, then take several steps back from it to look at the diamond overall in a more realistic size vs zoomed in, where I am more likely to focus on one particular thing/feature. If I don’t like what I see at that distance, or the inclusions (if any) are visible, it gets a ‘no/pass’ from me. Maybe try that and see what you think.

Very valuable input. I am able to view these in person, which will be the best determining factors but the h vvv1 I I really like. The two factors will be how the facets play with each other in real life and how warm the h color is.
And just for good measure, I’m going to throw this curveball at you:

I was this >< close to buying that diamond from David before I decided to buy my Tycoon cut diamond (that he also had). No, it’s not a ‘white’ diamond; and yes, it has medium blue fluorescence, but it has a cool ‘chameleon’-like quality in different light settings which is - IMO - like having two different diamonds. It is (IMO) the perfect cut/shape that I adore in an asscher, coupled with a great size, and outstanding clarity/eye cleanliness.

I truly don’t need any more diamonds, but I swear, if I find myself hankering for a ‘true’ asscher cut (my Tycoon is more asscher-ish), and if I have the funds and the diamond is still available, I will snatch that baby up and put it in a killer setting to play up the colors it displays. :love:
Colour change on that stone is amazing!
I felt they were both a bit dark, but just be the way the video was done. Maybe take a comparison video with both stones and post it! :)
And just for good measure, I’m going to throw this curveball at you:

I was this >< close to buying that diamond from David before I decided to buy my Tycoon cut diamond (that he also had). No, it’s not a ‘white’ diamond; and yes, it has medium blue fluorescence, but it has a cool ‘chameleon’-like quality in different light settings which is - IMO - like having two different diamonds. It is (IMO) the perfect cut/shape that I adore in an asscher, coupled with a great size, and outstanding clarity/eye cleanliness.

I truly don’t need any more diamonds, but I swear, if I find myself hankering for a ‘true’ asscher cut (my Tycoon is more asscher-ish), and if I have the funds and the diamond is still available, I will snatch that baby up and put it in a killer setting to play up the colors it displays. :love:
Colour change on that stone is amazing!
I haven’t got any recommendations but just a note to watch out for low crowns. Can be hard to guage from videos but it’s known to be a real performance killer.

I looked at soo many asschers today that I’m seeing asschers when I close my eyes.

One was SUCH a winner, I love it. I want to sleep on it for the night. But I know it’s the one. I can’t believe a step cut can sparkle soo much.

My ONLY concern (which isn’t that bad) is that the spread is really good for the weight at 7.8 by 7.7 compared to many others I have looked at.

The weight is 2.5carats 63%table 66%depth I know numbers on paper mean nothing with asschers but others that weighed more and faced up smaller were dead! (Well, not dead, but nothing like the one I love).

I guess my main question is if that spread is ok for a 2.5 carat. Obviously, this time around I’m checking every last thing before making a final purchase.

Thank you again for all the feedback!
When one practically jumps out of the pile, I'd say that's a good sign. If you feel like it, share some more of its measurement details and maybe take a little video!
:appl:Surely you took pics or a video, RIGHT? I think - with step cuts - the numbers only tell some of the story; but your eyes are what dictates the ending, and it sounds like your eyes fell in love with a diamond!

I have what I consider somewhat oddball taste in step cuts - I tend to prefer what is not mainstream, ‘preferred’, etc. If my eyes love it, it doesn’t matter what the numbers are. The only caveat there is if you think you may want to resell it, then it’s probably wise to at least consider that in the bigger picture, so just be certain you LOVE it before you write the check. ;)2