
Baby gem akoyas and bubble bracelet project


Mar 2, 2009
Got my hands on 6.3-6.5mm gem level akoyas from Moline pearls.

Didn’t have time to make restring my larger Akoya bracelet to incorporate these in an alternating bubble style but wanted to share pics of them. I put them on elastic really quick just so I could wear them while I ran errands.

Not sure what I’ll do with the rest of the akoyas after I redo the bracelet. Maybe a tincup? We will see!

The luster on these is amazingly sharp.
Haha I also can’t wait to reknot and get rid of those gaps!
Top marks for making them wearable asap
they look amazing and i just adore the smaller size
my vote for the left overs is tim cup
And please document your process so i can watch and be inspired
I also ordered these “AAA” circle Tahitians that are 9mm so I’ll probably also wait until these get in to decide what I want to do with my left over handamas and baby gem akoyas.

I feel like it was meant to be since this string was nicknamed “Bling”79F0548B-9B1E-4215-8956-E8E929467568.jpeg
I feel like this closeup helps demonstrate the different levels of luster betweeen the handama, tennyo, and gem akoyas. The outline of the light overhead is much sharper in the pearls with higher luster.

For reasons unknown to me, Tahitians tend to have smoother skins than akoyas. The Tahitian is also from a Moline pearls and I asked for something that was representative of top tier Tahitians.

Its dark so no daylight. But I like the look much better. The bubble aesthetic makes it read as more playful and less formal I think.

Now I just have to figure out what to do with my leftover 7 handamas and 15 baby gemmies.
Those are absolutely gorgeous! Such a lovely, shimmery glow.
The luster in those babies are stunning! I bet they are even more spectacular irl. Congrats!
It's cool to see all the unique and fun creations that PSers are able to do. I'm glad all those 6mm pearls were able to be divvied to good homes!

Stay safe and healthy in these crazy times
Haha I didn’t have any patience and wanted to wear them ASAP. Part of why I got 6” of them.

Making dinner in my pearls and the light is quite flattering to them.


This sounds so dreamy!
Oh how I'd love to be there eating your delicious food, oogling those bracelets & talking about jewels!

Corona has me missing human connection outside of my family. :(
Your homemade pieces are all so stylish, and they work great together! Then, that brooch is like icing on the cake.
Those gem babies are incredible! Wow!


Hmm. I’m wondering how bad is it for pearls to touch each other when worn? I’ve seen people wear double strands of very nice pearls so probably not too bad?
Wow, these are gorgeous pearls! My goodness, you have been creative @MakingTheGrade ! Also, I like your periodic table shirt :cool2:
Very pretty
I think this kind of mix is my favourite way to highlight Tahitians

What are the small black beads ?

They are black spinel :)
Not sure if that will wear down the pearl over time as I imagine the spinel is harder than the pearl..
They are black spinel :)
Not sure if that will wear down the pearl over time as I imagine the spinel is harder than the pearl..

Well if you wear then out they will have had a life well lived =)2

Do you mind please ? if i use this (one day) for a template for my future tin cup
I really love the arrangement and the spacingsScreenshot_20201121-203447.png