
Baby Nurseries!

i love it lulu...white with color pops is really fun for a nursery and you can do so much with walls. and the hemnes is a fab choice for dresser!! i was sooo tempted to change our plan JUST to get a hemnes dresser because i just love the affordability for the size and look, isnt it like 249?? such a steal and i have seen them in person and honestly they are as nice if not nicer than half the stuff i saw at BRU and PBK etc. too bad they didn''t have one that matched our PB crib.

so funny but we did all this work on the nursery and we love it, but the kid has not even been carried in there yet which is hilarious and somewhat ironic. we have a bassinet in the fam room that we use primarily, and it rolls from room to room. and we setup ''changing table'' on our dining table (some might think it''s gross but we never use it and it has waterproof pads on it anyway, nothing bodily fluidish has even touched it in a week haha) so far...but i am going to get us a cheapie changing table from target that can go behind our dining table and under a window for changes, that can function as a three tiered shelf in his closet for afterwards. eventually he will be in and use the nursery but for now it''s just funny that he hasn''t!! it IS great for storage and organization!! i am always in there getting something or folding his clothes.
yes indeed, the hemnes is a cool $279
and the crib was also under $200. score!

I like the lightness and brightness of the white.

It is funny about having an *empty* nursery. I thought the same exact thing when my little nephew was first born. They put together a really great room and he didn''t set his tiny feet in there for weeks and weeks. But, he is happily enjoying it fully now
T didn''t sleep in her nursery until she was 4 months old!

Love all the nurseries!!!
Date: 2/9/2010 8:02:06 PM
Author: lovelylulu
yes indeed, the hemnes is a cool $279
and the crib was also under $200. score!

I like the lightness and brightness of the white.

It is funny about having an *empty* nursery. I thought the same exact thing when my little nephew was first born. They put together a really great room and he didn't set his tiny feet in there for weeks and weeks. But, he is happily enjoying it fully now

hi Lovely Lulu! I have the same Hemnes dresser, which you can see on pg 3 of this thread. It is the perfect height to use as a changing table too! I changed out the knobs on mine and got brushed nickel ones at Lowes. I really like how it changes the look on the Hemnes (and matches the other finishes in the room). I got those organization things from Ikea that fit inside the dresser and they are awesome for little socks, burp cloths, etc. I just wish I had an Ikea closer to me. Had to make a special trip to get that dresser when I was visiting my parents several states away!

I love your inspiration board; I am sure you will come up with a fabulous nursery!
Lulu-FYI that rocker is REALLY uncomfortable. I really wanted it, read the reviews which also said it was uncomfortable, and then finally found it at a store to try. REALLY uncomfortable. So I would think twice unless you can check it out in''s so sad because it''s adorable!
thanks neat. I''ve read mixed reviews and was definitely going to give it a few rocks in person before committing to that particular model. I, too, love the style, but alas it must be functional above all else. Fortuntely, I have a few other possibilities up my sleeve. Did you end up finding a good alternative?

TDM - I will probably change out the hardware too. simple, but can give it a great look. thanks for the suggestions about the organizers.
Lulu- what a GREAT nursery inspiration board! I like the infusion of color
Blen- I dig the block organizers - too cool that they remain in the family

Interesting about the "empty nurseries". Sounds like good ammo to use when folks **gasp** about how we''ll be able to plan/coordinate the nursery if we won''t be finding out bebe''s gender until birth.
Date: 2/9/2010 10:21:58 PM
Author: lovelylulu
thanks neat. I''ve read mixed reviews and was definitely going to give it a few rocks in person before committing to that particular model. I, too, love the style, but alas it must be functional above all else. Fortuntely, I have a few other possibilities up my sleeve. Did you end up finding a good alternative?

TDM - I will probably change out the hardware too. simple, but can give it a great look. thanks for the suggestions about the organizers.

Unfortunately not really. I just got a poang from Ikea actually. My kids don''t actually like to be rocked, go figure! So I am glad I didn''t spend the money in the end but I was so sad it was so uncomfy!
lovelylulu - love the inspiration board for the nursery. i like the idea of it being more kid friendly than just baby looking. has me rethinking our plans. which jenny lind crib did you end up purchasing? i can''t decide between the delta and davinci models.
Lulu, love the ideas! We''re also going to do the Hemnes/changing pad combo. I love that it''s inexpensive, utilitarian and something the kid could use throughout childhood. We actually have that dresser in our master bedroom and decided on it after months of checking out more expensive furniture. It was (oddly) by far the best quality in terms of sturdiness and the smoothness of the slide mechanisms on the drawers. The only down side is you have to assemble them yourself, but it''s not hard.
jcrow - we went with the davinci (million dollar baby parent) version over the delta. I think that there is something like a $70 difference in price though I found a money back discount coupon for the davinici bringing them a bit closer together. We chose the davinci largely because that company has never had a safety recall where as delta had a huge one in 2008 and then others in 2005 (high levels of lead in the finish) and 2004 (something wrong with the slats). We did our initial research with the baby bargains book - can't recommend enough! That more than justified the slight price difference, especially given that it's still so reasonable!

Can't wait to see some pictures of your plans or final room!!

hudson - i
ikea. we have also found some really great pieces and i've heard nothing but good reviews about the hemnes! glad to add another to that list.

neat - it's certainly not worth the money if it's not comfortable. that's why trying it in person is a must. perhaps, i'm just the right height so that it feels like a dream
otherwise, on to the next. thanks so much for lending your personal experience
oh i wanted to add we got the poang chair from ikea too, in brown leather and greg loves it. he moved it out to the LR since we don''t keep the baby in the nursery crib yet and he wants to go back and get the ottoman. while it''s not technically a ''rocker'', it is a bouncer in a way and it requires relatively little motion to make it move so it''s comfy to hold the kid in it and nursing on a pillow works really well for me. plus i loved that you can use it in another room of the house after nursery, we are all about double and triple uses for furniture since our space is limited.

that rocker looks super cool though lulu.
Lulu - that looks like it''s going to be really cute! I love the Jenny Lind cribs - that was the other style that we were seriously considering.

We also have a brown leather Poang chair from Ikea (just the regular chair; I think there''s now a rocking chair version as well) and the bounce is pretty stiff. It''s comfy to sit in, but it doesn''t work that well if he wants to be rocked. I do like that it''s usable in rooms other than the nursery though.
Lulu, love it!!!

I loved that rocker too, but didn''t read great reviews!...

I have the Ikea Hemnes dresser and LOVE IT!. I was concerned it would be too high, but actually anything shorter always makes my back hurt...I think it''s the perfect height! (and I''m only 5''4'''')
Lulu- Just wanted to chime in that I liked that rocker too but it was very uncomfortable.
But definitely try it out, it might be perfect for you! We ended up with one from Room and Board. There is also the Luca glider that a lot of "modern" fans like, but I didn''t like the way it felt either. But a friend has it and loves it. So you just have to try them out. Love your "inspiration"!
I posted these on "the other" site, but thought I would post here the pictures of the finished nursery! (taken today quickly before naptime!!!)


the glider :)

Love how this turned out!

last one, from the door

mandy - oh my gosh i love it! everything turned out so well and it just looks like such a happy, comfy space. do you mind if i ask where you got the birds above the cribs? they''re so cute.
Thanks Blen!!!!

It is a happy place isn''t it? The boys seem to think so!. They actually love the birds!!!! They stare up at the wall all the time!

They are from Etsy (of course! My favorite place!!!). It''s actually just paper cut outs, so if you are crafty enough you can probably do them yourself!. I won them in a giveaway so they were free for me

Here is the link to the store: Almost Sunday
mandarine - I love it. the color combinations are terrific and it looks like such a perfect space for your little fellows.

I think that we have share the same taste as I''ve had this bookmarked for our nursery paper butterflies

China - thanks for your input on the rocker. I tried it out this past weekend and it wasn''t the sink-in-and-stay-up-all-night feeling I was hoping for. bah. all looks that one. we actually scored a lovely, though more classic rocker from craigslist so not all is lost.
Lulu...I think you''re going to love my friend''s nursery: Twin Girls
Mandy, sooo cute! Where did you find the name wall hangings above their cribs?
Date: 2/25/2010 12:22:33 PM
Author: MonkeyPie
Mandy, sooo cute! Where did you find the name wall hangings above their cribs?

They have a website too and Patricia is awesome!!! Trendypeas
I think Micah needs one of those, hehe. Thanks!
ditto those cool name hangings over the crib...!! i want to get one for J...but the prob is where to put it. haha. we are already wall space constrained in his nursery since there are 2 huge windows and a closet in the small room. hmmm i might have to get creative.
oh and mand the nursery looks awesome.
They do have the name things in a small print! So you guys could just get the small version ;)
Great room Mandarine - I love the way it turned out.

I have bookmarked on etsy really similar prints to what you have over the cribs. They look great, so I will have to make sure to get one after the little guy is born.