
Baby Nurseries!

Here's one of the latest developments in Aidan's nursery, the wall decal above his bed. Sorry if the picture is blurry, my camera appears to be on the fritz.

And here's the bookcase I just finished building.

Aidans bookcase2.jpg
Very, very, very cute decal, HH! Love the bookcase too. Very impressed that you built that bookcase yourself!


So, I think I've decided on the DaVinci Jenny Lind, after all. I am still undecided on a finish - white or dark cherry. I'm afraid I do not have a very good design eye and am unsure about mixing wood colors. I found this nursery, which I think is beautiful. I like the cherry wood Jenny Lind because of this photo. I've also always liked the white Jenny Lind. The problem is that my nursery has oak hardwood floors, which are fairly light, sort of that standard yellowy-brown. I do have a lot of dark wood furniture, mahogany, that I could use. Alternatively, I have old dressers and a bookcase that I could paint white.

Do I do all white furniture because of the floors? Do I do a white crib and dark furniture, or some dark and some white? Dark crib, white furniture? So confused. I really don't want it to look too mish-moshed. We are going to paint the room a very, very pale pink because, although there are 3 windows, the room does not get a lot of light.

Also, I must have a crib skirt that is similar to the one in this photo. I may have to make it myself, which I do not really know how to do. It is not so much the material that I love, but the big flouncy-ness and the length of it. I did find one, somewhat similar on-line, but it was $150, and I do intend to spend that much.

Any thoughts on the color of the furniture or the skirt would be greatly appreciated. :wavey:

ideal bedskirt..JPG
Allie - great nursery and detail!

HH - I used to have a cat like yours. the map behind the bookcase, is that the backing of the bookcase or is the bookcase "see-through" and you have a map against the wall? I think it's pretty cool with a map as the backing. I love the blocks spelling out Aidan's name.
LV-I love everything about that room except for the clashing colors in the dresser and crib. BUT I'M WEIRD and on an all one material kick right now. It's also only related to furniture and metal ( I don't mix white and yellow gold for example). I love both the white and the cherry crib though, I'm no help at all in that regard. I think you can get around the oak floor issue with rugs, which you'll want anyway for when LO is on the floor.
HH, I love that bookcase w/ the red lamp on top! Map is a nice touch.

LV, sympathies on the color conundrum! Multiple wood tones is so hard. If you loved the white, maybe go with the white. Esp. if you are having a girl, and like the white furniture enough to use it past the baby years. Though white w/ pale pale pink paint might be a little too princess (is there such a thing for certain little girls?), unless you like that kind of look :) I did have pale pink in my bedroom growing up, with cream curtains at one point, many years past when that was my preferred choice, so I just might be over that particular color scheme...
HH, I'm weird about consistent colors too, which is why I'm having a tough time with this. I have seen a lot of nurseries on-line with mixed materials that have looked great to me, so maybe it's doable.

Cara, I think I probably will go with white. I have not seen the cherry finish in person, and it's certainly possible that I just won't like it! Funny about the pink. I was thinking more of a white with a hint of pink. It is a very dark room, light blue right now, and just dark! Lots of trees. We do have another room that is VERY pink, like a cotton candy pink. That color has to go, but I don't know when we will ever get to it. You make a good point about the superlight pink though. I will have to give it some thought. I definitely do not want too sweet.
noelwr said:
Allie - great nursery and detail!

HH - I used to have a cat like yours. the map behind the bookcase, is that the backing of the bookcase or is the bookcase "see-through" and you have a map against the wall? I think it's pretty cool with a map as the backing. I love the blocks spelling out Aidan's name.

Noel, the back to the bookcase is actually a piece of pegboard that I decopaged the map on to before I affixed it to the bookcase. Honestly, I didn't even think you put it on the wall, the would have been easier for future theme changes, etc. The peg board wasn't the ideal backing, but it was scrap and I got it for 50% off so I made it work. The three layers of mod-podge on it actually make the paper stiff enough that poking through the holes isn't much of an issue.
LV i think lulu has a white crib like that one, i dont know if its exactly the same so maybe check her room out to see it.

i am also a matchy thing that bothered me about white furniture is that i figured if we wanted crib/dresser etc to do double duty as he got older, i didn't see a 5 year old's boy's room working for me in white. but if you don't plan to have the furniture do double duty then white would be great. the dresser we got he can keep until he's prob at least like 10-- and crib moves into toddler bed so i figure age 3-4 for that one and then we'll just get a twin afterwards.
sneak preview

just a sneak preview of my nursery. got the curtains up (though now still have to wait for the tie-backs), the changing table and the crib. will also post a photo in a few months when we start putting things in the changing table and bedding in the crib. for now I just wanted to show off the 2 lovely white blanket my MIL made.

Noel - L :love: VE IT!!!! The crib is adorable. I love how it expands in size, but right now, it is just adorable! And, your MIL! :appl: Wow, that blankie just jumped right out when I first saw the photo. I want. I want.
Noel, beautiful! You are one lucky lady to have a MIL that is so handy with the sewing machine!
believe-it-or-not, but the blanket on the right was not sewn, but knitted! (though she is also extremely handy on the sewing machine and has also made me maternity clothes.) the one on the left you can't see so well, but that one was crocheted.
noel that blanket is funny because my mom made me one very similar to it, in green. here's a pic of it with J at 4wks.

it looks great in white on white!! have her knit the baby some pants too, i love knitted baby pants!!

wow, yes, Mara, your blanket is beautiful in green. it also looks so comfy and soft, especially next to the fluffy white thing. J must have felt in heaven. mine is actually small and is meant more as pram blanket. I don't think it will stay very white for long, though...
LOVELY nursery, Noel!!
very similar to previous photo, except got some more stuff. otherwise not much else going on in the room. there's also a single bed in the room which I will use for breastfeeding and a big closet for all the baby stuff. I don't like clutter.

would love to see how other nurseries are getting along!

looks great noel.

yes more nursery pictures please. i LOVE baby nurseries!!!
Noelwr - the room is looking great.

I :love: those oval/round cribs. I really want one like that, in fact not 15 mins ago I was oogling a similar set up on overstock, if only they delivered to Europe. Well, a girl can dream....

Ditto Mara, there must be other baby nurseries getting ready for a little bebe! Let me see!
I'm having some nursery delays, but I will surely post photos after they've been resolved! Probably won't be until after Thanksgiving, though. I finally decided on a crib skirt. I ordered two valances last night and will be making my own from the valances. I DO have a vision, but I do not really sew, so I'm hoping for the best. Wish me luck!!

I did pick up these adorable cards from Etsy, so thought I'd share these. I'm thinking of punching two holes at the top of each and stringing ribbon through to hang them. LOVE THESE!! They come in a few different languages too.

counting cards.jpg
Oh, and here's Samantha's quilt. Also from Etsy. That's not our crib, however. I :love: this quilt. Not planning to use it in the crib, but just couldn't resist its cuteness!!

samantha's quilt.jpg
aw, LV. your stuff is so pretty.
nice LV! i saw something like those cards online and loved them, when i was looking for something light to go above J's crib that wouldn't fall off and brain him on the head like a big picture or something. but i was afraid one of them could come undone and dangle into the crib and he would strangle himself or something. paranoid!!

i ended up going with 2 small light pictures in frames and some circle/counting/letters decals from BRU. and moved the crib about a foot away from the wall.
LV- we have a couple of sets of those cards:

Animals in french
Numbers in spanish
And the letter "poster" in english

the letter poster and the animals are hung- did something similar with the cards to what's in the pic you posted.

I've been meaning to share pics of his nursery, but wanted it to ALL be done- still need to hang the numbers and finish the crib skirt and valance. I'd love to get it all done this week/weekend- just before he turns 5 months old on Monday!
LV: I love the cute cards! And the dark crib is beautiful esp. with the pink blanket. I didn't know you had chosen Samantha as a name - that is one of our tentative girls names too (and my current favourite)! I love it from the old series bewitched - our doggie is namedTabitha after her daughter. I am obsessed with that show and it is such an elegant name. Great choice.
Thanks, Noel!

Mara - Thanks so much. I share your anxiety about hanging things over the crib. I don't think I would have thought of it on my own, but saw many a mom criticized in the comments sections of their blogs for daring to put anything over the crib! So, yeah, I'm paranoid about that too now.

Charger - That's so funny that you have the same ones! Funny too that you're still working on the nursery. I'm sure we'll be the same way!!!!!!!! But, now I wanna see your cards and how you put them up!! So, now I'm waiting on your pics so hope you finish up this weekend!!

Steal - Thank you, dear! That's the etsy lady's crib. After much internal struggle, I decided on the white jenny lind: Yay for Samantha as a name. I think it's a very classic name. DH suggested it, and we agreed on it almost immediately. Middle name was a struggle to get his agreement on, though. It's Wren!!!!!!!!! Oh, I loved Bewitched too! If there was a nose twitching emotie, I'd give you one right now! And, yay for Tabitha the greyhound mix!! :bigsmile:

In my search for vintage drawer pulls, I came across these today:[0]=tags&includes[1]=title&filter[0]=vintage. Maybe someone who is re-doing a dresser can get them?!? They are just darling, but won't work for me.

duck drawer pulls.jpg
LV -- I have those cards in Spanish! I love them!!!! I can't wait to see them in your nursery as well! Mandarine was the one who originally posted them at the top of this thread. THey are so cute! I ended up buying frames at Ikea for pretty cheap and hung them all. My nursery is still in progress, but I'll post pics very very soon!!!!!
Lanie - That's very funny! I remember that Mandarine posted some Etsy prints in Spanish, but had no idea they were the same exact cards!! I looked back at Mandarine's post, and they do look very nice in the frames. I kind of hate the thought of punching holes in the cards, and we do have an Ikea nearby . . . . Decisions, decisions! Can't wait to see photos of your nursery! Fun Stuff!!!
Oh I think hanging them on a string is super cute as well! I love that look!
I loooooooove this thread and have finally taken some photos to contribute! My hubby has a NASA/space thing, and I think this has turned into his dream childhood room :cheeky: We're really happy with how it turned out. The only thing missing really is his mattress, which I finally ordered over the weekend. Enjoy!

(note: this is an apartment and we'll be moving out about 18 months after the baby comes, so we decided not to paint or do anything else too drastic- thus the wall vinyls!)

ok- ps 2.0 is giving me a hard time and i might have to post photos one at a time....... grrrrrrrrrr
