
Baby shower help, please!


Oct 28, 2007
My friend is due in a couple months, and we''re planning a baby shower for her. We''ve mostly got it under control, but I really want to make her a diaper cake and I remember that someone here either made or received an AWESOME one awhile ago. I tried to search for it, but I''m pretty sure it''s in the Pregnant PSers thread and I don''t have time to go through 900+ pages to find the photo. And the search function will only return specific posts if you search by the poster''s name (which I don''t remember) so it''s kind of useless for something like this. Can anyone help? I''d really like to see it again to get ideas for the one we''re going to make!
my sil recently made one for our shower. i''ll find a pic and post it for you. she used a whole big box of diapers from cosco. something like 200 diapers. each is individually rolled and wrapped with a rubber band.

Jcrow, that''s beautiful! Thank you so much for posting. I never even thought about securing each rolled diaper with a rubber band, that will definitely make it easier to put it all together!
they said it was tedious to put together and i''m sure undoing each one will be as well, but i''ll take diapers any day!

each "layer" also was held together by a large rubber band around the whole group of diapers. they did mentioned that if they had to do it again, they''d stuff the middle of each layer with something instead of using all diapers to save time. then, they''d just give the rest of the diapers to the parents to be.
Hehe, I''m still waiting for my friend''s hubby to let us know what kind of diapers they plan to use so we can go buy a few packages. It''s a good point about stuffing the middle -- we were planning to use folded baby blankets (the thin kind) around the outside of each layer, like the ribbons on yours. But maybe we''ll roll them up on the inside of the larger layers instead, and just use ribbon on the outside. I''m so excited, I''m really looking forward to this!
if it helps, the ones she used were pampers swaddlers size 1/2. i wouldn''t do newborn because the baby may not wear them at all or wear them long depending on their size.
Hey jcrow, if you''re out there -- just wanted to say thank you again for all your help! My friend''s shower went so well, and she loved the diaper cake. Here''s what I ended up with:

diaper cake.jpg
Date: 5/10/2010 1:29:32 PM
Author: Octavia
Hey jcrow, if you''re out there -- just wanted to say thank you again for all your help! My friend''s shower went so well, and she loved the diaper cake. Here''s what I ended up with:
That turned out great!
octavia that turned out SO CUTE! i have never seen it wrapped with blankets before (then again i havent seen that many). great job!