
Bailey Banks & Biddle has officially been Banned!

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Aug 31, 2004
I''ve shopped in there for over 4yrs and never had a problem until today. We were in the mall shopping for house stuff, decided to stop in and check out pearl and diamond earrings. Well ,I asked the lady: "Out of curiousity can you custom order stones w/ certain characteristics, like I color ideal cut w/ flourecence?" She said, " Oh no, sorry we don''t do that. But in any case stones that are ideal cut dont come in I color. Who would do that?" I replied "Uhhh, many. They do exist" She proceeded to show me a pair of earrings and I told her, "These earrings don''t have enough life. No thank you. Anthing else?" Would you believe she said "Well, they''re I''s , what do you expect." Dre walked away at this point.There was one set of earrings that looked decent. I asked her, what were the specs. Get this "Oh those are way out of your league." I just responded "ok thank you." I had such a great day w/ my sweet pea home shopping I wasn''t about to be engulfed by rage and let that triple "B" have it. So I let it go. Tere''s no hope for some people.
They usually give us nice discounts on, so I figured what the heck. Well, what the heck is right. It just has a different meaning now.
No she didn''t!!!

I can''t believe you were treated that way after being a loyal customer for 4 years!!

Definitely good that you just walked away. It''s not even worth wasting your time on someone that ignorant!
YIKES!!! What an evil bitchy saleswoman! How do these people keep their JOBS!! You are RIGHT to never go there again.. and no one else should either!
You have GOT to be kidding me!!!!!
What a b**ch! You have more restraint than I do, I would''ve hauled off and start cussing her out, probably get thrown out of the store!! I can''t beleive people have the audicity to say such things to CUSTOMERS. Who does she think she is??? I don''t care what kind of store you work in, that is not acceptable behavior. Well I know one store I won''t be looking in anymore.....
Cutegrl please do yourself, and everyone else who shops there, a favour and write a letter to their head office. Describe the saleslady, her name if you know it, the date and time as well as exactly what she said to you and the fact that it discouraged you from spending your money. If everyone were to complain through the proper channels then service would improve.
Plus she deserves to be reprimanded for her bahaviour, "out of your league"??????
Don't neglect the local channel.

Ask the salesperson disarmingly if she is the manager of the store. If she is not, ask in a firm tone to speak to the manager. Any resistance, ask in a firmer tone to see the manager, and keep asking, and wait if you have to. Explain what just took place to the manager, let some of your displeasure out thourhg your description, but don't vent it on them. Just explain how insulted you feel and if that is acceptable BBB practice for salepeople to treat customers that way.

Corporate isn't going to put the screws to the salespeople that way a manager might. Granted some managers don't give a hoot either, but don't let that shoddy behavior pass unnoticed.
I would want to be told about it.

Also, i think it is totally wrong to say that a chain store is completly bad because of one store. Where i live there are at least 3 BBBs. The one i usually go into is nice. The sales people are curtious, some have more knowledge than others, but are willing to ask others for help to get you what you want. I recently visited another store where the entire atmosphere in the store was different. No one greeted us and guess thought we were just killing time and not really able to afford anything with the jeans and tshirts we had on. Too bad we were looking for our wedding bands! Wont be going back to that store in particular, but will continue to shop BBB.
You''re right NJC ,I guess I should clarify:

The BBB by me is Banned! Although, I do admit having reservations as a whole, since I''ve seen another recent post bashing them.


C. Want the customer to tell you so the problem can be corrected

You''re all sooo right. I will follow-up right after work. Now that I''ve had my 24hr "woosa", I can speak to them calm and professionally.

Thanks Everyone! Update to follow this evening....
If I were you I would find out who the district manager is in your area. Once you have a number to contact him, spill the beans. Tell him everything you''ve told us. Be firm, but calm. This is defintely a pattern we are seeing recently on PS. Why not even mention to the DM ( distirct Manager) that their reputation is going downhill on Pricescope!! Just my 0.2!! Good luck!!

Went after work. Told Dre why we were going to the mall.. he scurried to CompUSA... Said he didnt want to be anywhere near my wrath. lol!

So here''s the deal: I explained to the Mgr I had an unpleasant experience yesterday, bla bla. She sounded genuinely concerned and apologetic INITIALLY. She showed me earrings, ideal cut stones which the bad salesrep said they didnt have. They were gorgeous. Both the Mgr and another lady said they were really shocked to hear me say the salesrep from yesterday was rude, unknowledgeable and un-helpful. I explained that this was the "impression" she gave me, since she believes no ideal cut I''s exist and that no one would waste their time cutting a perfect I. That to me labels ignorance. In addition, "she showed me no ideal cut stones yesterday. That in itself should speak volumes to the accuracy of my claim." They both looked at me like "Ok. Cant say anything to that." As a matter of fact, they said very little of anything important. Not sure how it came up, but Ritani band was shown to me. Told them I had seen it already, damn near bought it, but went the custom route. So get this , the Mgr said "so I don''t understand, why don''t you go to that same jeweler to have custom earrings made?" My only reply was "well you dont have to twist my arm." The other sales lady was trying to help the Mgr from tripping over herself after that comment. But at this point, there''s no recovering. I again politely said, "Good Nite"

Now we all know, as silly as that comment was, she has a valid point. lol! . For whatever reason I thought mybe, just maaaybe I could get a good deal on some earrings. Riiggghht.

So local channel sucked. Onto corporate.

Idaknow NJC, the taste is rather BITTER! I think I may just ban them all!
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