
barion oval vs supernova?


Oct 21, 2004
Forgive my ignorance, but can anyone explain the difference between a supernova oval and a brilliant barion oval or barion oval? I always thought that a supernova *was* a barion oval? I think there's some conceptual slippage happening in my mind.
I was under the impression that "barion" was a term used to describe a brilliant cut pavilion on a traditionally stepcut outline (emerald/octagon/asscher). I don't know that there is a specific barion cut oval? I do know that the Supernova oval was created by Robert Long to eliminate the bowtie effect.

I hope that a lapidary can chime in.

Hi All :)

To make it very simple it is a 8 main symmetry culet which mimics the round brilliant that keeps the shadowing or bowtie from creeping in.

Most respectfully;

Dana Reynolds
ASG Certified Supreme Master Gem Cutter
So, Dana, what the heck does barion mean?
Dana - which is? the barion oval or the supernova?

Haha you tried to be simple!
velouriaL|1386273771|3568256 said:
Dana - which is? the barion oval or the supernova?

Haha you tried to be simple!
LOL :)

To my old simple way of thinking a Barion is just another glorified way to bring up and level a girdle on the pavilion side. In any case I think it would not be overly hard to make any cut a Barion. The super nova oval is a Long and Steele design that allows mixing and matching crowns to pavilions as long as the ratio is the same like 1.5 to 1 ratio; but determining Barion I find if you cut by eye instead of a mathematically correct design you will have girdle leveling issues sometimes; in that case you can use the step cut on the girdle indexes to level the girdle from the pavilion and make everything look as it should and not whop-sided and nonsymmetrical.

I have cut over a hundred Super Nova Oval SHM gems and it is a very fine cut ; not for the saturated gems as it is a little deeper than standard oval cuts that will usually bring in 6 mains to save weight which usually means to 2 longest points do not meet the culet point... But many times the weight of the gem is a factor that takes away rather than improve the optics. There are many things one can do to minimize the bowtie or shading effect in a oval; but any time on a medium to light body colored gem you can get the full 8 main culet design you will pick up brilliance and also the eye will not fixate on the blinking or mirroring of the gem. On light colored gems I like to do the zircon culet split design as it also allows your eye to not fixate on break facets that were not taken down close enough to the culet. But that is the fun of cutting; you choose :)

I am sure there are many cutters that will argue the fact; but I do not mind as I cut all the time and each stone has a personality and I just do my level best to do it with the gem's best interest in mind and waste no material I do not have to... Sometimes it works and sometimes it does not...

I hope that makes sense and if it does not; just put it on the shelf it may later :)

Merry Christmas Everyone :)

Most respectfully;

Dana Reynolds
ASG Certified Supreme Master Gem Cutter
# 96CGE42
I like them both; I am part crow; I just like shinny things.. :love: But seriously that is why I went from the standard 6 main ovals to the Super Nova type culet design some 15 years ago as it gives greater light return and eliminates much of the blinking thingy... But then again each gem and gem mineral type has its own personality and a good cutter will evaluate what she or he thinks is the best for that particular mineral.

You will learn to cut what takes a nice picture; as I have a vault of things that are nice but do not like the camera. May have to give them a different look as selling in person is much different than selling via the internet.

It is all a learning curve; maybe now having the Female input in my business will change things for the better. Having a Lady involved is always a plus in any situation pertaining to gems :wink2:


Dana Reynolds
ASG Certified Supreme Master Gem Cutter
Thanks Dana!

(And you should totally have a some sort of creative program for those "in person" gems. Like... I dunno... sent out 5 gems with a credit card hold with return postage for included in the package, assuming that customer will return 4. Or something!)
I appreciate your comments and opinion on why you prefer a certain style oval over another. Good food for thought.

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