
Bath & Body Works gripe

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Sep 24, 2004
I often visit their web site, see some great deals or something I want, so I trot on down to my local
B&BW, only to find they don''t carry it or even worse, they never have and never will have the same sales as the online store.
Very frustrating. Why can''t they get it together!
I understand what you are talking about. I really dont even like going in that store mainly because it gives me a headache even when i walk buy and they are pushy sales people. Never really liked what they had....
I totally understand. Victoria''s Secret is the same. What they offer online is not in their store. The good part about that is I know the quality they offer but that is the only benefit. I also do not like when in their catalog they show some cute boots or a handbag I want to check into getting and its not listed in the catalog or online. What is that all about?!

I figure if they show a pic of it online or in their catalog, whatever the item is, for crying out loud, offer it!

As far as for Bath and Body works...they just re-opened the store by me here in Riverside and it is so great, much better than the way it was before and I like it. I go in, I get what I want, and get out. I guess because sales is my background, I just dodge or know how to get past any potential salesperson.

I have a daughter who works for The Body Shop in the same mall. I like both stores, but each one offers slightly different items.
i don''t have a problem with it....i can buy a diamond online for less money than in a store so why not other items? online stores have less overhead and can pass that savings onto consumers: true for diamonds, shampoo, etc. also, many of the paper catalogs i receive from companies that are both b&m and online often indicate that an item is catalog and/or online only: williams sonoma, nordstroms, eddie bauer come to mind. stores within the same chain will also have different prices for the same item: stanford shopping mall stores are notorious for having a higher price tag on their items than their sister stores in other parts of the bay area. it may be irritating but its all commerce and once again as a consumer ''let the buyer be ware''.

movie zombie
They only started selling stuff on thier website about a year ago. However, I dont find that their selection is very different from store to online.. but you have to find a GOOD store.. The selection varies GREATLY from store to store around here... they do have different sales online than in the stores sometimes though. I almost always just shop in the store though.. I look online if I can''t find something in the store. its the kind of store where i like to try the stuff in person first.. I loove bath and body works..
Date: 10/20/2006 11:18:20 PM
Author: MelissaSue
They only started selling stuff on thier website about a year ago. However, I dont find that their selection is very different from store to online.. but you have to find a GOOD store.. The selection varies GREATLY from store to store around here... they do have different sales online than in the stores sometimes though. I almost always just shop in the store though.. I look online if I can''t find something in the store. its the kind of store where i like to try the stuff in person first.. I loove bath and body works..
My local, next to my grocery store B&BW is tiny. I used to dislike everything they carried, too little girl , bubble gum stuff, but now there is so much I want. Houston''s Galleria is their flagship store, I was in there yesterday and bought some Christmas gifts and some holiday candles. The problem buying online is I can''t smell the new stuff!! But I''m done there for the year. I have spent enough to buy 4 of the big quilted bags they are offering. I''m using them as gift bags!
have realized I''ve spent hundreds of dollars at BBW over the years. I only use drugstore type lotion potions now.

but MMMM, pearberry.
that stinks - i don''t know why its like that either. i hate ordering something from victoria''s secret and then you can''t return it in store....
I can answer as to why at Victoria''s Secret you can''t return items to the store..

There is actually two separate companies. It is used to be three..

Victorias Secret Stores (VSS)
Victorias Secret Catalog or Direct (VSD) (includes online)

They have separate stock market codes and everything. There used to be a third branch, Victoria''s Secret Beauty, but probably a year and a half/two years ago VSB merged with VSS..

So in effect, it would be like buying something at Express and trying to return it at Victoria''s Secret.. I dont'' know for sure that B&BW has separate companies for online and the stores.. but I''d think maybe they do since they''re under the same company as Victoria''s Secret.
Vickie''s and Bath and Body Works have the same parent company.

I only know cause a cousin I rarely see is VP of both.

The one in my mall (King of Prussia) is huge and a flagship store. They have tons of great stuff, including Fekkai, Molton Brown, and other lines not just their own stuff. I like it, they have a whole spectrum of products that are great...and it is huge. I love the Tutti Dolce products, they smell pretty amazing.
Date: 10/23/2006 4:46:30 PM
Author: MelissaSue
I can answer as to why at Victoria''s Secret you can''t return items to the store..

There is actually two separate companies. It is used to be three..

Victorias Secret Stores (VSS)
Victorias Secret Catalog or Direct (VSD) (includes online)

They have separate stock market codes and everything. There used to be a third branch, Victoria''s Secret Beauty, but probably a year and a half/two years ago VSB merged with VSS..

So in effect, it would be like buying something at Express and trying to return it at Victoria''s Secret.. I dont'' know for sure that B&BW has separate companies for online and the stores.. but I''d think maybe they do since they''re under the same company as Victoria''s Secret.
ah ha.... that makes sense.... I had a part time job back in high school at Express, and while we did get our discount at Bath and Body - there were only certain times (holiday season and such) where we would get deals at Vicki''s as well.
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