
Bavarian Spessartite


Feb 7, 2017
I got these stones (+) from an old antique european brooch in the shape of a sun. The spessartite and diamonds are set by means of gold foil. The diamonds are Old European Eight Cut, and brooch is 24k yellow gold, all indicating the stones are from Spessart, Bavaria. The refractive index of one tested stone indicates spessartite with some glossular. They are captivating, particularly in sunlight. Anyway, I wonder if it is worthwhile doing a new clean setting. I was told the stones are worth about $145/stone as per an exotic gem dealer. I would think they are worth more if they are from spessart. I look forward to all your comments. Thanks.


Any thoughts? I was thinking to put in a cross for a necklace with drop earrings. Any ideas? Or should I just sell them? This newbie needs guidance. Are they even worth the effort?
Pretty stones, and I'd advise setting them however will bring you the most enjoyment and relishing the knowledge that you're wearing an unusual treasure with great history behind it!

I think it will be somewhat difficult to prove the stones are Bavarian and much harder to find a collector with such an interest in Bavarian spessartite that they'd pay a significant price premium for relatively small stones. I imagine they're roughly 5x2mm? Total weight around 2.5ct? A single stone of similar size and appearance might cost $5-10 if you didn't care about origin and were willing to buy a bunch of them. A 10x markup requires quite a bit of emotional investment....

As always, opinion's worth what you paid for it ;-)
I believe that the original pendant would be worth more than your dismantling it but what is done is done. At this point in time, I also don't think there is any premium attached to the origin of the spessartites, more so, given their size. If the gem dealer you talked to is willing to buy them at $145/piece, I'd sell it to him!
OK. Thanks for your thoughts. I agree there would be a premium only if in the setting. I had to take them out because the gold foil mount was very darkish in colour and making the stones dirty looking so it certainly was a negative. Foil mount is not the best setting for the stones. They look far better out. Brooches are also not in style. So, thanks. I think I might put in a cross pendant and drop earings with the diamonds. Given all the stones may have come from the same crystal, they align really nice. They will refract in all the same direction. Can you refer a custom jewellery artist?
US or EU or Asia?
Forinterestsake|1486934132|4127874 said:
Hmmm....I am sorry I do not know any Canadian custom bench.
I'd create a new thread titled "Seeking Canadian custom jeweler" or similar to draw opinions from our friends north of the border. Don't know of anyone myself, but this is where you'd find one!

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