
Beautiful Red Gemstone


Sep 26, 2019
I want to buy a really nice red gemstone that's at least 8x6 or 7x7, What are my options for something that will be beautiful and red in every lighting condition? I got a really nice garnet that's beautiful under sunlight and LED light, it's okay otherwise. I'm willing to spend 10k for a ruby, or 2k otherwise. What are my options? If there's something incredible in between please let me know! If my only options are lab, I'm fine with that, but I want to look at all my options first.
Caveat: Due to the role light plays in creating color I don't think it is possible to find anything that is the exact same shade of red (or any other color for that matter) in 'every lighting condition', but if you are just looking for a red that won't shift extremely purple or pink (like a ruby can), or black out (like a garnet can) I think spinel is your best bet for a red stone!
Biased because it's my favorite and it's my ering stone!
Look into a nice natural spinel! You can get any shade you desire for the right price. They can get into several thousand per carat over 1ct for the very top tier man sin/jedi/mahenge neon sub types.
But there are many many variations that will fit the bill for 2k-10k+! If you find any contenders, show us!
IG seems to be the place to go unless you have access to gem shows or direct market. Most of the recommended vendors have IG pages that also connect back to their dedicated pages.
Edit: JINX @PieAreSquared :lol:
I was under the impression that I can’t get a really nice red spinel for under $1000/ct (aka 8x8mm or 9x7mm)
It depends on your definition of very nice. Are you a stickler that it can only be the one shade of perfect red? No modifiers of any kind? Does it have to be a neon or can it be crystalline/candy colored?
If you're talking textbook red with no/minimal modifiers and perfect clarity, then no, more likely 1500+ ct for moderately included and up.
It takes a bit longer to find a stone, they are actually rarer than ruby and the prices in the tippy top top category rivals ruby.
But, there are deals to be found. There are many beautiful reds with slight modifiers that can fit your bill and they, not being the intense neon, may fall anywhere into 2k-5k for a 2ct stone.

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