
Best pink stone to match white diamond?

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Oct 20, 2004
I am putting together an eternity band for my fiance. We are planning a .5ctw in a platinum shared prong setting. Most of the stones will be white diamond, but we want to replace every fourth stone with a pink. At first I was only looking at pink stones because I wanted the best, but pink melee are really tough to find. Then I figured sapphire would be too bad, it is cheaper and easily available. Now I spoke with a jeweler who said he wouldn''t use sapphire. Rather, he suggested pink spinel, tourmaline, or zircon. His explanation was that each of these have a structure more similar to diamond than sapphire. Which is the best?
Don't understand the case for tourmaline or zircon (unless that is CZ, not the natural gem): zircon is way soft and tourmaline not that brilliant. Spinel would be as hard as sapphire and possibly better pink in small size and a bit brighter - that one I understand.

If any other color but pink is accepatble, color treated diamonds seem a pretty good idea to me - if the jeweler can supply good quality ones (meaning clean and well cut).

Actually, how about this one:


perhaps you could have the design changes to fir the plan just so as well
I agree with Ana. I can''t imagine why a jeweler wouldn''t recommend sapphire over any another colored gemstone for everyday wear. Spinel would be my second choice.
Yes, I do like that ring that you pictured. But, I think that is too much pink; I would prefer one pink stone to three white and I would use a more subtle pink. More like fancy pink or even light pink, but nothing that vivid.
Was that ring from facets?

Another question:
Any opinion on using a shared prong for only .5ctw? Some say that the prongs will cover too much of such a small stone. Others have suggested that it would be too dainty and ultimately fragile.
For durability and scintillation, I don''t see why pink sapphires wouldn''t work well...
Hi Marqoid,
I must agree with the others why not use sapphire for durability and why screw up diamond ring with cz or even with semiprecious?
I also understand why your jeweler does not want to use pink sapphire in this size , because pink sapphire in this size will look flat next to the diamond if cut to match.
I think you will be able to find what you need in natural pink damond . be prepared to pay a bit more but pink accent diamonds are not as rare as the pink ones 20 points and up.
I estimated you possibly need only 5 stones of .03ct each. am I right? Or possibly .02ct each I am sure you can find these on Ebay or when worse comes to worse
check out . they should carry natural or treated pink diamonds or at least they used to years ago,...
I wasnt you to know that I don''t normaly cecommand Thaigem because of past bad experiences with them over a colored stone grading but I don''t think they can screw up on diamond accents,...
Thanks for the input. Yes, I will need about 10, 0.015 stones.
I didn''t see much on but will check ebay. I am having some trouble finding diamond accents, I have found one (maybe two) that can supply them at a price of $2400-3600/ct.
yeah, 15 points at 2400/ct is $360 Too expensive?
No, I was actually pretty excited about that price. However I was told that they will come down in price considerably after Valentines Day; is that true? Now my concern is making sure they match for setting in an eternity band.
Date: 1/19/2005 4:58:45 PM
Author: marqoid
Now my concern is making sure they match for setting in an eternity band.
Well, are these calibrated ?
It would be safest to have the supplier of the stones be the maker of the ring, or at least talk with the maker. IMO at least.
RE: No, I was actually pretty excited about that price. However I was told that they will come down in price considerably after Valentines Day; is that true? Now my concern is making sure they match for setting in an eternity band.

I have sold .05ct stones for $7,200 per carat for nice stones, so that price does sound very good to me, especially if they are a nice color. I would expect them to be a little less than the $7,200 in the size that you are getting, but have never sold any that small so I really don´t know, but it sure sounds like a fair price to me.

I do not believe that pink diamonds will cmome down in price after Valentines day. Was that a jeweler or a friend telling you that?

Wink (currently in Chile, it might be a day or two before I say your reply.)
Yes, that was a jeweler. In fact, the same jeweler that quote me the price of $2400/ct. He said that he just got a new price sheet from his supplier and that if I could wait until march he could almost garuntee a couple hundred less per carat.
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