
Beyond The Wiretap Accusation: Why?


Jan 26, 2003
My next question, since we know Trump lied when he said President Obama had him wiretapped, is why did he do it? Why did Trump lie? Has he been colluding with the Russians to throw the American elections? Is he still colluding with the Russians? It may sound like a farfetched conspiracy theory, but unless a special prosecutor is appointed pretty soon, more and more Americans are going to be consluding that it is aa very reasonable explanation for why The President's men are acting the way they are. MSNBC has gone so far as to speculate on whether Rex Tillerson and Donald Trump were matched up by Vladimir Putin. They had never met, but Tillerson and Putin were close friends. Now Tillerson is a silent secretary of state. Was he put into that office to help close down The State Department so that Russia could do as it wishes globally? trump is certainly trying to defund The State Department. There is no Deputy Secretary of State. All the senior career staff members at State were fired.

Many people are asking questions.

Nicholas Kristof writes a column in "the New York Times". This one, called

"Connecting Trump’s Dots to Russia", is worth reading.

Congressman Eric Swalwell who is the Ranking Member of the CIA Subcommittee of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence put up this educational website for his constituents and anyone else who wanted to read it. It is called, "Protect Our Democracy", but has a title beneath that which reads "Connecting The Trump-Russia Dots" which may have been the inspiration for the title of Nicholas Kristof's column. (Representative Swalwell's site has received a huge amount of press.)

Protect Our democracy...

Read what Congressman Swalwell has to say. He will convince you that Russia is not our friend.



Feb 5, 2004
AGBF|1489118355|4138718 said:
My next question, since we know Trump lied when he said President Obama had him wiretapped, is why did he do it? Why did Trump lie? Has he been colluding with the Russians to throw the American elections? Is he still colluding with the Russians? It may sound like a farfetched conspiracy theory, but unless a special prosecutor is appointed pretty soon, more and more Americans are going to be consluding that it is aa very reasonable explanation for why The President's men are acting the way they are. MSNBC has gone so far as to speculate on whether Rex Tillerson and Donald Trump were matched up by Vladimir Putin. They had never met, but Tillerson and Putin were close friends. Now Tillerson is a silent secretary of state. Was he put into that office to help close down The State Department so that Russia could do as it wishes globally? trump is certainly trying to defund The State Department. There is no Deputy Secretary of State. All the senior career staff members at State were fired.

Many people are asking questions.

Nicholas Kristof writes a column in "the New York Times". This one, called

"Connecting Trump’s Dots to Russia", is worth reading.

Congressman Eric Swalwell who is the Ranking Member of the CIA Subcommittee of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence put up this educational website for his constituents and anyone else who wanted to read it. It is called, "Protect Our Democracy", but has a title beneath that which reads "Connecting The Trump-Russia Dots" which may have been the inspiration for the title of Nicholas Kristof's column. (Representative Swalwell's site has received a huge amount of press.)

Protect Our democracy...

Read what Congressman Swalwell has to say. He will convince you that Russia is not our friend.


You need to turn off MSNBC and take off your tin foil hat.

Even CNN just now admitted people are tired of hearing this and have moved on to more important issues like Healthcare.

.As far as the wire taps, Obama may have not ordered them, but he had to be pretty stupid if he did not know they were taking place.
And they have pretty much all agreed that there was no collusion between Trump and Russia.

Trump will be our President for at least the next 4 years. You need to accept it and move on.


Jan 12, 2012
Every day I wake up and dread finding out what things are being said or done that make me feel like I'm going crazy. It's like being in an emotionally abusive relationship. An unwilling participant in a reality tv show..

So Flynn was in payment to Turkey during the campaign as a foreign agent...

A Trump computer receives attempts to connect from only 2 sources, a Russian bank and DeVos husband's company...

You name it, I've got questions about it.

And that leads me right back to statement 1. I am also reminded of something that was written about trump early on. How in business he liked that his workers would fight amongst each other....Does that not sound familiar to you by now?

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004

Dancing Fire

Apr 3, 2004
ruby59|1489119738|4138721 said:
You need to turn off MSNBC and take off your tin foil hat.

Even CNN just now admitted people are tired of hearing this and have moved on to more important issues like Healthcare.

.As far as the wire taps, Obama may have not ordered them, but he had to be pretty stupid if he did not know they were taking place.
And they have pretty much all agreed that there was no collusion between Trump and Russia.

Trump will be our President for at least the next 4 years. You need to accept it and move on.
The Dems.must suffer through 8 yrs of Trump... :devil: :lol:


Jan 1, 2016
ruby59|1489119738|4138721 said:
AGBF|1489118355|4138718 said:
My next question, since we know Trump lied when he said President Obama had him wiretapped, is why did he do it? Why did Trump lie? Has he been colluding with the Russians to throw the American elections? Is he still colluding with the Russians? It may sound like a farfetched conspiracy theory, but unless a special prosecutor is appointed pretty soon, more and more Americans are going to be consluding that it is aa very reasonable explanation for why The President's men are acting the way they are. MSNBC has gone so far as to speculate on whether Rex Tillerson and Donald Trump were matched up by Vladimir Putin. They had never met, but Tillerson and Putin were close friends. Now Tillerson is a silent secretary of state. Was he put into that office to help close down The State Department so that Russia could do as it wishes globally? trump is certainly trying to defund The State Department. There is no Deputy Secretary of State. All the senior career staff members at State were fired.

Many people are asking questions.

Nicholas Kristof writes a column in "the New York Times". This one, called

"Connecting Trump’s Dots to Russia", is worth reading.

Congressman Eric Swalwell who is the Ranking Member of the CIA Subcommittee of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence put up this educational website for his constituents and anyone else who wanted to read it. It is called, "Protect Our Democracy", but has a title beneath that which reads "Connecting The Trump-Russia Dots" which may have been the inspiration for the title of Nicholas Kristof's column. (Representative Swalwell's site has received a huge amount of press.)

Protect Our democracy...

Read what Congressman Swalwell has to say. He will convince you that Russia is not our friend.


You need to turn off MSNBC and take off your tin foil hat.

Even CNN just now admitted people are tired of hearing this and have moved on to more important issues like Healthcare.

.As far as the wire taps, Obama may have not ordered them, but he had to be pretty stupid if he did not know they were taking place.
And they have pretty much all agreed that there was no collusion between Trump and Russia.

Trump will be our President for at least the next 4 years. You need to accept it and move on.

There's an awfully big difference between tinfoil hat conspiracies and a thorough investigation of what might be collusion with a hostile foreign power to take over a democratic election.

First of all, you don't seem to understand the wire tap issue. By all appearances, some of the information seems to have come from routine surveillance of Russian officials. Things like the Flynn conversations we caught as an incidental to that. Some of it seems to have come from foreign intelligence services--British and Dutch--doing the same thing. In as much as there was deliberate targeting of the Trump people, it seems to have been aimed at these bank servers. All of that is demonstrably different from 'wiretapping Trump'.

Have you read the Nicholas Kristof piece AGBF linked above? If not, you should. He is a liberal, and it's an op-ed column (which does stand for opinion-editorial, so there's not pretext of it being unbiased), but he's not an hysterical person, has won two Pulitzer Prizes and is widely respected as a journalist by both political camps. You said to me in another thread that you tended to pay attention to only things that affect you, but this affects all of us.

Reading it might not change your mind, but it will give you more information to work with. You're perfectly entitled to any opinions you hold, but it's much better if they're informed ones. Choosing to be a low information voter might not be to anyone's advantage in the long run.


Jul 31, 2014
bunnycat|1489120178|4138722 said:
Every day I wake up and dread finding out what things are being said or done that make me feel like I'm going crazy. It's like being in an emotionally abusive relationship. An unwilling participant in a reality tv show..

So Flynn was in payment to Turkey during the campaign as a foreign agent...

A Trump computer receives attempts to connect from only 2 sources, a Russian bank and DeVos husband's company...

You name it, I've got questions about it.

And that leads me right back to statement 1. I am also reminded of something that was written about trump early on. How in business he liked that his workers would fight amongst each other....Does that not sound familiar to you by now?
Bunny I could have written every word of your post. I feel like I'm being gaslighted every time I turn on the news, because it's just crazier and crazier.


Mar 28, 2012
Who cares what he says? Obviously his supporters don't care. "Get over it."

Is this real life? :confused:


Mar 26, 2006
Ruby, if there is no fire behind the smoke, what's the danger in having an investigation prove it and putting it all to rest?


Mar 26, 2006
As for tin foil hats, Reynolds Wrap suits him well!



Jan 12, 2012
lovedogs|1489155129|4138818 said:
bunnycat|1489120178|4138722 said:
Every day I wake up and dread finding out what things are being said or done that make me feel like I'm going crazy. It's like being in an emotionally abusive relationship. An unwilling participant in a reality tv show..

So Flynn was in payment to Turkey during the campaign as a foreign agent...

A Trump computer receives attempts to connect from only 2 sources, a Russian bank and DeVos husband's company...

You name it, I've got questions about it.

And that leads me right back to statement 1. I am also reminded of something that was written about trump early on. How in business he liked that his workers would fight amongst each other....Does that not sound familiar to you by now?
Bunny I could have written every word of your post. I feel like I'm being gaslighted every time I turn on the news, because it's just crazier and crazier.

Yeah- having spent the later years of my past relationship in a situation like this, I'm fairly familiar with the feeling still, unfortunately. Once you've been there, you recognize it forever....


Jan 26, 2003
ruby59|1489119738|4138721 said:
You need to turn off MSNBC and take off your tin foil hat.

Somehow I think if I had told you to "take off your tinfoil hat" that you would have taken it as a personal insult, rather than as part of a respectful dialogue. I have tried not to call you names when we speak, ruby.

The two sources I cited were "The New York Times" and a United States Congressman, not MSNBC. :read:



Feb 5, 2004
AGBF|1489162275|4138881 said:
ruby59|1489119738|4138721 said:
You need to turn off MSNBC and take off your tin foil hat.

Somehow I think if I had told you to "take off your tinfoil hat" that you would have taken it as a personal insult, rather than as part of a respectful dialogue. I have tried not to call you names when we speak, ruby.

The two sources I cited were "The New York Times" and a United States Congressman, not MSNBC. :read:


Jaaron keeps telling me I do not understand on pretty much ever post I make.

And you have not always been respectful to me either. Far from it.

No I would not take it as a personal insult because I have been told much worse and I am still here with no one on ignore.

I put on my big girls pants when I post here.

As far as your theory, if it was as obvious as you seem to think, it would have certainly surfaced by now.

They were talking about it on CNN and even they agreed it was time to move on.


Feb 5, 2004
Dee*Jay|1489155566|4138823 said:
Ruby, if there is no fire behind the smoke, what's the danger in having an investigation prove it and putting it all to rest?

It is being investigated, and has been since last year, and even his fiercest critics agree that there was no collusion.


Aug 31, 2005
ruby59|1489167469|4138908 said:
Dee*Jay|1489155566|4138823 said:
Ruby, if there is no fire behind the smoke, what's the danger in having an investigation prove it and putting it all to rest?

It is being investigated, and has been since last year, and even his fiercest critics agree that there was no collusion.

It is way, WAY too early to make that conclusion. The congressional committees have just recently started to receive/gather evidence. His "fiercest critics" don't (or shouldn't) have any of the classified information relating to an ongoing investigation.


Jun 7, 2014
Ruby, Are you okay? Is something hard going on in your life right now that you want to talk about? Some of your posts lately have seemed very harsh and come off as very uncaring unless something effects you and your family. I'm asking these questions as I am concerned about you. Callie

Sorry for the threadjack Deb. My feeling are exactly as DeeJay's. There seems to be way to much smoke for there not to be a fire.


Jan 26, 2003
ruby59|1489167343|4138907 said:
AGBF|1489162275|4138881 said:
ruby59|1489119738|4138721 said:
You need to turn off MSNBC and take off your tin foil hat.

Somehow I think if I had told you to "take off your tinfoil hat" that you would have taken it as a personal insult, rather than as part of a respectful dialogue. I have tried not to call you names when we speak, ruby.

The two sources I cited were "The New York Times" and a United States Congressman, not MSNBC. :read:


Jaaron keeps telling me I do not understand on pretty much ever post I make.

And you have not always been respectful to me either. Far from it.

You are absolutely right about this, ruby. I have been trying hard to improve my behavior towards you and others with whom I disagree on Pricescope, but you are correct that I have not always treated you with respect and I apologize for any past transgressions I committed against you. You never deserved any disrespect.



Feb 5, 2004
Calliecake|1489170317|4138924 said:
Ruby, Are you okay? Is something hard going on in your life right now that you want to talk about? Some of your posts lately have seemed very harsh and come off as very uncaring unless something effects you and your family. I'm asking these questions as I am concerned about you. Callie

Sorry for the threadjack Deb. My feeling are exactly as DeeJay's. There seems to be way to much smoke for there not to be a fire.

Yes, Callie, I am one big mess. Thank you for caring. :doh:


Jul 31, 2014
E B|1489169146|4138915 said:
ruby59|1489167469|4138908 said:
Dee*Jay|1489155566|4138823 said:
Ruby, if there is no fire behind the smoke, what's the danger in having an investigation prove it and putting it all to rest?

It is being investigated, and has been since last year, and even his fiercest critics agree that there was no collusion.

It is way, WAY too early to make that conclusion. The congressional committees have just recently started to receive/gather evidence. His "fiercest critics" don't (or shouldn't) have any of the classified information relating to an ongoing investigation.

We are only at the beginning of this investigation, nowhere NEAR the end. And certainly there is nothing to show lack of collusion at this point. Most people are in "wait and watch" mode, since we know investigations are underway. But to say it's over and nothing has come out of it is inaccurate.
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