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- Jan 30, 2021
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Hello to all of you lovely people out there! I hope you are blessed with good vibes to carry you through your days!
I want to start this off by saying that my vision for my dream rings involves sapphires *and* diamonds, but since my center stone is most likely to be a sapphire that it would probably be safer to post this here instead of the diamond forums. Let me know if this isn't the right place to share this!
I am in need of help on both fronts, in terms of finding sapphires and diamonds. Any help is appreciated!
Buckle up, because I have quite a project to undertake, and lot's of groundwork to share!
I feel that I should probably start off with the look of the stones I am searching for. To kind of get an idea of where my thought process started, I have always loved opals and moonstones (their shimmer and color play is heavenly in my eyes), but I know that they are delicate stones not really suited for daily wear. So I got to researching what other stones could maybe reflect some of the properties that I love in opals and moonstones. From what I have found, it seems that sapphires or also maybe spinels are my best bet, because they can possess the silky/sleepy/shimmery qualities I’m looking for AND can be multi-colored and/or color-shifting. One of these would most likely be for the main center stone on my engagement ring.
The other stones I am searching for are Fancy White Diamonds. Or I guess, nice shimmery opalescent, not-very-included salt & pepper diamonds. Originally I had completely written off diamonds; they are beautiful but not really me. I didn't even know they could come so silky and shimmery! But lo and behold, even diamonds can suit my needs. These diamonds would most likely be for the side stones of my engagement ring, and would also probably make up most or all of my wedding band.
I have searched high and low for what feels like ages, all over the internet, to try to find what I have envisioned. Below I have compiled a collage of stones that best show what I am looking for. Note: a lot of these stones are already sold, but some are still available! I can point out which ones are still available if y'all want me to.
(I made this on MS Paint so please be kind lol)

So much silky shimmery goodness! I do not own any of these photos. The internet is just a wonderful resource for me to visualize my ideas.
So next comes the setting designs! I have that pretty much worked out, as well as the jeweler I want to work with. I have adored Michellia Fine Jewelry's work for years, and I have already reached out to Michelle and she is wiling to take on my custom project! All of her jewelry is gorgeous, and for the details I think I want to pull from her Cassandra setting and her Evanthe setting, but obviously with my own flair. I have my heart set on yellow gold, and I don't think that will change. Below is a very basic diagram that I created of the design I have envisioned.
I have to say though, please disregard the measurements of the stones because at this point I do think I want sliiightly bigger stones for my rings at least. Also, bonus ombre wedding band design, which has already approved by my boyfriend. I haven't gotten my fingers professionally sized, but I think I wear a size 8 - 8 1/2ish so I think I need slightly larger stones for the finger coverage I desire.
Okay! So now you can see the whole dream I have in mind. I am sharing this all because of this: I need help finding my stones!
For Fancy White/opalescent diamonds, so far it seems that Leibish and Misfit Diamonds are probably my best bet, plus maybe some random shots at some Etsy sellers. But if anyone has any other recommended vendors, please share!
For sapphires... I have looked over PS and the closest I have seen to what I am looking for is @Lexililac 's GORGEOUS Gueda Sapphire from this thread. So if anyone could point me towards somewhere I could find a round brilliant around-or-less than 1ct one of those.... you would have my undying gratitude!
I'm sorry if I seem overly particular, I just really want to love the rings I am going to wear for the rest of my life. Especially since I am creating them, I want them to be special. I'm sure you all can relate! If you have made it this far through my post, I owe you a coffee/tea and some freshly-baked cookies! And a HUGE thank you in advance for anyone who stops by! Thank you for joining me on my first ring design journey!
I realize this project is a huge undertaking, so any and all help is immensely appreciated!! I am looking forward to seeing what y'all have in mind!
I want to start this off by saying that my vision for my dream rings involves sapphires *and* diamonds, but since my center stone is most likely to be a sapphire that it would probably be safer to post this here instead of the diamond forums. Let me know if this isn't the right place to share this!
I am in need of help on both fronts, in terms of finding sapphires and diamonds. Any help is appreciated!
Buckle up, because I have quite a project to undertake, and lot's of groundwork to share!
I feel that I should probably start off with the look of the stones I am searching for. To kind of get an idea of where my thought process started, I have always loved opals and moonstones (their shimmer and color play is heavenly in my eyes), but I know that they are delicate stones not really suited for daily wear. So I got to researching what other stones could maybe reflect some of the properties that I love in opals and moonstones. From what I have found, it seems that sapphires or also maybe spinels are my best bet, because they can possess the silky/sleepy/shimmery qualities I’m looking for AND can be multi-colored and/or color-shifting. One of these would most likely be for the main center stone on my engagement ring.
The other stones I am searching for are Fancy White Diamonds. Or I guess, nice shimmery opalescent, not-very-included salt & pepper diamonds. Originally I had completely written off diamonds; they are beautiful but not really me. I didn't even know they could come so silky and shimmery! But lo and behold, even diamonds can suit my needs. These diamonds would most likely be for the side stones of my engagement ring, and would also probably make up most or all of my wedding band.
I have searched high and low for what feels like ages, all over the internet, to try to find what I have envisioned. Below I have compiled a collage of stones that best show what I am looking for. Note: a lot of these stones are already sold, but some are still available! I can point out which ones are still available if y'all want me to.

So much silky shimmery goodness! I do not own any of these photos. The internet is just a wonderful resource for me to visualize my ideas.
So next comes the setting designs! I have that pretty much worked out, as well as the jeweler I want to work with. I have adored Michellia Fine Jewelry's work for years, and I have already reached out to Michelle and she is wiling to take on my custom project! All of her jewelry is gorgeous, and for the details I think I want to pull from her Cassandra setting and her Evanthe setting, but obviously with my own flair. I have my heart set on yellow gold, and I don't think that will change. Below is a very basic diagram that I created of the design I have envisioned.

Okay! So now you can see the whole dream I have in mind. I am sharing this all because of this: I need help finding my stones!
For Fancy White/opalescent diamonds, so far it seems that Leibish and Misfit Diamonds are probably my best bet, plus maybe some random shots at some Etsy sellers. But if anyone has any other recommended vendors, please share!
For sapphires... I have looked over PS and the closest I have seen to what I am looking for is @Lexililac 's GORGEOUS Gueda Sapphire from this thread. So if anyone could point me towards somewhere I could find a round brilliant around-or-less than 1ct one of those.... you would have my undying gratitude!
I'm sorry if I seem overly particular, I just really want to love the rings I am going to wear for the rest of my life. Especially since I am creating them, I want them to be special. I'm sure you all can relate! If you have made it this far through my post, I owe you a coffee/tea and some freshly-baked cookies! And a HUGE thank you in advance for anyone who stops by! Thank you for joining me on my first ring design journey!