
Bit of news……


Jan 22, 2014
Well, I’ve talked about DD here before. She had a very rough final year of high school due to mental health issues and just managed to get the marks necessary for the University degree she wanted. It was tough, it’s a competitive course and is filled with students who missed out on Medicine but hope to switch across if their Uni marks are good enough. Accordingly for any group work your ATAR is how “they” decide whether or not you can be in their group. DD with one of the lowest ATAR marks was literally shunned. The mean girls were very mean. DD made her way through her 3 years and graduated with distinction from her undergraduate degree and did her Honours year 2023. Unfortunately her lack of confidence in herself continued and we were on tenterhooks for her result. Would she be able to continue onto a PhD? DD was thankfully awarded 1st Class Honours.
But wait…… there was an email from her University…..
DD won the University Medal for Pathology.
Wow, let me say Wow again.
Did you know I was a “geriatric“ mother, over 40, so apparently my remaining eggs were pretty much scrapping the bottom of the barrel?
Back then. Hard. My chances of getting pregnant were low, then we had a devastating result from fetal testing at 10 weeks, which turned out to be a false positive at 20 weeks combined with my own emerging health problems. We were just so so happy and blessed to have our small 34 week gestation little girl out safe and alive.
She turned out good. Very proud of her.
Wonderful news! I'm sure you are beaming with pride! She should be extremely proud of herself for persevering and doing so well despite those rough years. The tears you must've shed from before day one of welcoming this special human - both pain and pride over the years. Sending happy hugs from one momma to another! :kiss2:
She is truly amazing, like her mum and dad :kiss2: Congratulations on raising such a resilient, clever and tough little cookie!
And even better is the fact that my Dad is still with us.
Im the first born and back in those days Dads got to see their new babies through thick glass well after the birth. So I allowed him to be present for DD birth, no he didn’t ask I offered, and it meant the world to him.
He and DD have always had a close relationship and for his 80th birthday DD played him his favourite piece on Bass Clarinent (Adagio in G minor) as a birthday surprise.
He is a stage 4 melanoma patient given 3 to 6 months to live nearly 9 years ago. So he has defied the prognosis and statistics and stayed with us to witness DD progress through important milestones. In fact she chose to do her Med Science degree at his old alma mater.
so he is a very very proud grandfather and it’s wonderful that he has been able to enjoy this special achievement.
This is lovely to read and I hope every success comes your daughter's way.
This is the most fabulous news! You must be so, so proud of her & kudos to her for sticking it out despite the bullies.

Congratulations to you all!

The world awaits what amazing things she will achieve!
Thanks for sharing! Congrats to all of you -- what a great achievement.

Wonderful news to start my Wednesday : )
That is wonderful news! Congratulations to your daughter for her accomplishments. Clearly wasn't easy but she persevered and should be very proud of herself!
Such wonderful news and so glad your Dad is there to witness her tremendous success. Congratulations to all. Best of luck to your daughter for continued success.
Lovely story <3
Wonderful news! Congrats to your DD and you/your entire family! So happy to hear that your dad is still living and gets to see everyone happy. That is an incredible blessing.
sorry im late to the party
this is wonderful news for your whole family
well done all !!

and a big FU to those mean girls !
@Bron, What a wonderful bit of news!
Such good news Bron! Very happy for you and your family!
Awesome news! Congratulations to your daughter on her academic achievement and her perseverance!
Wow, wow, and wow! Congratulations to your daughter, snd to the family that helped her get to where she is today!’
That’s wonderful! A big congrats to you and your family.
That's amazing! Congrats to you and daughter and hope you guys have many more successes and happiness! I hope your daughter have more confidence, I mean wow, honors and first in a science degree!
Congratulations to you and your daughter! Wonderful news!
What wonderful news for you all @Bron357, well done to your daughter for coping through all this.
So so pleased for you.

Both my girls are studious, academic and KIND but are seriously suffering at the “mean girl” stage in high school right now. It breaks my heart. I keep telling them that this is the least important part of their social lives and that true lasting friendships come later but it still hurts.

Big WOW! I recall her lovely grad photos you posted!
