
Blue Spinel Guidance


Jun 18, 2015

I've been lurking on here for a while and found the forum extremely helpful. I'm searching for an oval cornflower/periwinkle blue spinel for my engagement ring.

Could you give me any guidance on what in particular I should look for/ask vendors and what vendors you would recommend for blue spinels?

Could you weigh in on differences between synthetic spinel versus natural? Is there a difference in the stone's appearance and durability? How significant is the price difference between synthetic and natural?

Thank you in advance!
Ah, the holy grail colour of blue spinel. Come join the long line for this jedi blue spinel. :cheeky: Unfortunately, you have to contact as many vendors as possible, and scour their websites (and gem drops) in hopes that it pops up one day. It will be easier to find a small one than a large one, better yet if you aren't fussy about the shape.

A synthetic spinel is made of exactly the same material as a natural spinel with the same durability and appearance. However, synthetic spinel comes in perfect colouration at a fraction of the price.
Thank you Chrono!
If you don't mind, can you please post pictures of the colour you are looking for, the approximate mm size and budget?
Sure, I'm attaching a couple of images here. I've seen the photos of Freke's periwinkle blue spinel and love that.

I'm thinking 10 x 8mm though that may be larger than I want. My ring size is 3.5 and I want to add a halo so possible smaller.

Budget is open.


Thanks for sending! I'm looking for something a bit lighter but appreciate the help!
Note they do shift in color to a more violet or purple, so if you're okay with that . . .

Honestly, it may be easier to find a periwinkle sapphire, and it will probably hold its color too.

Periwinkle blue spinels without much grey are really hard to find.
TL|1434731868|3891358 said:
Periwinkle blue spinels without much grey are really hard to find.

This, unfortunately.
A little darker than I'm looking for but thanks for sending!
8 x 10 mm makes this very challenging. Why spinel and not sapphire? It will be a far easier search if you go with a sapphire instead.
It would help if you showed us pics of your desired color, and gave us your budget. At the size you seek, you are looking for a stone that is 3+ cts. Be prepared to pay a high price tag for something as you describe it.

Unfortunately, this site prohibits discussion of synthetics. There may be an area of PS where such discussion is allowed, but not here.
I'm leaning toward spinels because of the prices.
minousbijoux|1434733318|3891374 said:
It would help if you showed us pics of your desired color, and gave us your budget. At the size you seek, you are looking for a stone that is 3+ cts. Be prepared to pay a high price tag for something as you describe it.

Unfortunately, this site prohibits discussion of synthetics. There may be an area of PS where such discussion is allowed, but not here.
Pics are way up above. I agree that budget wise, expect to pay several thousand anyway due to the rarity of this colour and level of saturation. Time wise, it could take several years to find.
So would price be comparable to a sapphire? I was assuming sapphire would be significantly higher (I was assuming around 10k) for this size. Thank you everyone for your input.
If compared to an unheated sapphire, there will be a significant price difference. If compared to a heated sapphire, there may not be much difference. The biggest difference will be the time it takes to find the right stone. You can find such a sapphire within a few weeks. You might end up taking several months to years to find such a spinel, given the 3 ct size requirement.
Chrono|1434734320|3891381 said:
minousbijoux|1434733318|3891374 said:
It would help if you showed us pics of your desired color, and gave us your budget. At the size you seek, you are looking for a stone that is 3+ cts. Be prepared to pay a high price tag for something as you describe it.

Unfortunately, this site prohibits discussion of synthetics. There may be an area of PS where such discussion is allowed, but not here.
Pics are way up above. I agree that budget wise, expect to pay several thousand anyway due to the rarity of this colour and level of saturation. Time wise, it could take several years to find.

Thanks - must have missed them.
I would tend to agree with the caveat that if you really are looking for a Luc Yen spinel (sounds like it), you could be paying just about what you would be paying for a sapphire, given its rarity. Marlow gave you good advice when he linked you to Pala. They have such a big inventory that its likely to be one of your best bets for finding a spinel in the color and size you seek - but it wouldn't be cheap.
Thank you! I've emailed Ed as well as Pala. Fingers crossed! I'm so appreciative of the wealth of knowledge here!
Are you all right with the fact that the Wildfish spinel is not eye clean?
It is easier to find a 1 to 2 ct stone with this colouration, although it is still quite the search . 3 ct is quite rare.
I have a few too many stones in that color range....
ElleW, how can I get in touch with you to discuss?
I was just saying that I have too many in that color range - more than I can possibly wear, but I'm not selling any at this time, or in the foreseeable future.

I can't suggest any stones for you because of my trade designation, but I will say that what you're looking for will be very difficult to find, and sapphire will probably be easier to find in that color range.

You haven't mentioned a budget, so clarifying that would likely be helpful.
Gemrite has two spinels on sale that might be up your alley.
Here's the link for both:

The information posted by Gemrite:
"Stone: Blue color change spinel
Weight: 2.19 cts.
Clarity: VVS-VS (small tiny inclusion requiring a loupe to see. No surface cracks or feathers)
Dimensions: 9.06x 7.52x 5.08mm
Design: Barion Oval
Origin: Ceylon, Sri Lanka
Treatment: None"
The listed price is $560

The information posted by Gemrite:
"Stone: Blue color change spinel
Weight: 3.11 cts.
Clarity: VVS (there is no visable inclusions or surface cracks)
Dimensions: 10.28x 7.96x 5.76mm
Design: Barion Oval
Origin: Ceylon, Sri Lanka
Treatment: None"
The listed price is $1300.

Good luck with your search!
As someone who went on a similar search a few years ago, I can tell you it will be very difficult in a spinel, as mentioned above. I would go for sapphire, as others have suggested. Perhaps something like this?

They're having a sale right now, too.


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