For those who own, have seen, or work with branded diamonds
Are these diamonds really worth the premium for the average consumer? More precisely, are they noticeable better than an ideal, excellent polish/symetry holding color and clarity the same (I know it can not be done because of diamond differences but indulge me, let say 2 CZ one cut to ideal proportions and another to one of these standards) I was happy and truthfully busy enough looking for a great diamond on the online market without throwing them into the picture. The Supercerts and eightstart cut above, etc command prices that are almost comparable in price to those found in the mall jewerly stores....are they really that much better than finding an ideal cut diamond with excellent polish and symetry and MORE IMPORTANTLY is the average person going to see a difference even if put side to side to another ideal stone without all the claims of "hearts and arrows" and such. The average person does not carries a heart an arrow viewer or a device to meassure brilliance. These stones look amazing online but I have never seen one therefore I ask the experts...or those who have gone through similar decision making. I know they are perfectly cut but is the average person going to see a difference compared to a "normal" ideal cut with excellent everything and for which you don't have to pay a premium for the brand name?
Are these diamonds really worth the premium for the average consumer? More precisely, are they noticeable better than an ideal, excellent polish/symetry holding color and clarity the same (I know it can not be done because of diamond differences but indulge me, let say 2 CZ one cut to ideal proportions and another to one of these standards) I was happy and truthfully busy enough looking for a great diamond on the online market without throwing them into the picture. The Supercerts and eightstart cut above, etc command prices that are almost comparable in price to those found in the mall jewerly stores....are they really that much better than finding an ideal cut diamond with excellent polish and symetry and MORE IMPORTANTLY is the average person going to see a difference even if put side to side to another ideal stone without all the claims of "hearts and arrows" and such. The average person does not carries a heart an arrow viewer or a device to meassure brilliance. These stones look amazing online but I have never seen one therefore I ask the experts...or those who have gone through similar decision making. I know they are perfectly cut but is the average person going to see a difference compared to a "normal" ideal cut with excellent everything and for which you don't have to pay a premium for the brand name?