I called it BG (Brian Gavin), not big. Yes, it's a white diamond with strong blue fluorescence.heididdl|1364769384|3417583 said:May I ask why you call it big blue.....It is a white diamond with true blue flouresence? confused
Thank you Julie, and also thank you for your help during my diamond selection process.JulieN|1364775647|3417637 said:finally! congrats.
Thank you! I tried to take some fluorescence shots but i have a tiny keychain UV LED and it was difficult to get good any good shots while holding the keychain in one hand and trying to take pictures on my phone with the other. I attached the best one I could get for now.Enerchi|1364778007|3417665 said:Beautiful!!! Do you have a shot of the fluorescence???? Love those pics!!
chel180|1365046654|3419897 said:wow that looks so blue. Does the camera pick up the blue more irl or is it really *that* blue in direct sunlight?
Niel|1365035458|3419768 said:Holy. Wow. That gloved finger shot where it looks so blue?! I'll have to pick myself up off the floor after that! Its stunning. Your right she is going to be blown away.