
Britney/Kfed divorce nastiness...he threatens sex tape release

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Dec 9, 2002

Poor children....

She cleans up nice, but IMO they''re just both so trashy
....more so him than her!

Date: 11/14/2006 11:53:01 AM
Author: Mandarine

Poor children....

She cleans up nice, but IMO they''re just both so trashy
....more so him than her!

when I look back at the past several years I see her as being more of an in desperate need for love chameleon that blended into HIS world for the love and attention and trashed herself out. At least I hope she doesn''t do that again!!!!
OMG, has he no regard for the kids. He''s scum!!
~~I don''t understand why he can''t just realize that his free ride is over??!!! It''s like he''s trying anything he can to stay in the limelight. His album debuted at #151 and only sold 6,500 copies, so he needs to just give it up!!! He''s never going to be anything more than Fed Ex!!! He can''t even take care of his first two why should he be able to have custody of him and Britney''s kids??
Really classy moves from FedEx
Ditto poor kids.
seriously, i wonder how deluded britney was! obviously she was flat out his meal ticket for a few years. did she think anything other than that? does she really expect anything less from him now that the free ride is over? he's a LOSER. he had two kids with another chick and took up with B when the other gal was preggo. i mean REALLY. reality knockin' on the door there.

the sad thing for me is those poor children. a dumbass for a mother who is little more than a child herself, and an embarassment for a father...who just uses women. really great pair of genes they got going on there. the only saving grace is that britney can AFFORD to take care of them or at least have a nanny help raise them or similar. at least they won't starve.
Oh, she probably said the usual deluded things, like he really does love her for who she is and makes her feel special, makes her laugh, blah blah blah. She seems a simpleton so she probably bought into any dream he presented on a silver platter (paid for by Brit, of course). He probably told her he couldn''t wait for her to be the mother of her children and her heart went all fluttery...not realizing that he probably knew that it was the way to be linked to her and her money forever. Or maybe he isn''t that smart...

Well, with this sex tape rumor, he shooting himself in the foot in his pursuit of custody. What person is going to believe now (if ever at all) that he is in the best interest of the children? Is he really that stupid? Maybe, maybe not. But whatever he is, I think he is really that MEAN. I believe he''s just making it hard on her not because he thinks he''ll get anywhere, but simply to make her life miserable.

What a pathetic, souless thing he is.
My favorite quote of the whole article...

"Kevin is prepared to go the distance in order to do what he feels is necessary to protect and safeguard the children and will not be intimidated or dissuaded from pursuit of those goals," said Michael Sands, spokesman for Federline's attorney, Mark Vincent Kaplan.

Protect and safeguard them from what? The biggest threat to them is him!! Britney is no superstar mom but at least she has the cash to hire someone that is.
OMG, What a loser this guy is!! Britney is not too smart for letting herself be videotaped, but regardless, he shouldn''t be using this as a threat against her. It seems to me that legally he should not be able to sell that tape to anyone...hopefully someone or something will doesn''t seem fair.
Date: 11/14/2006 2:35:41 PM
Author: Dani
OMG, What a loser this guy is!! Britney is not too smart for letting herself be videotaped, but regardless, he shouldn''t be using this as a threat against her. It seems to me that legally he should not be able to sell that tape to anyone...hopefully someone or something will doesn''t seem fair.

I agree with you. Britney should be smarter since she is a celeb and know how much $$$ a tape like that could get. She let him keep the million they got for their wedding photos, isn''t that enough Kevin?
The thing that kills me about this whole saga is that a lot of people I''ve heard talking about it seem to think she''s completely a new and wonderful woman b/c she left the loser. Sure, she left him. And she certainly deserves credit for that. But if she was crazy enough to be with him for that long, then why are people so quick to act like she''s a role model for everyone''s kids to look up to again. She''s basically been a complete idiot for the last 2.5 yrs. Don''t get me wrong, I hope she lives up to the hype and gets herself together - but I''m inclined to say in her case that once an idiot, always an idiot (with or without the deadbeat dad).
The whole thing is disgusting...
"A source told the News of the World: "This vid is dynamite and Kev knows it. He has told Britney she should comply with his demands otherwise the whole world will see her having sex, which will be devastating. "

ummm...isn''t this called blackmail?
Date: 11/14/2006 4:04:57 PM
Author: marvel
''A source told the News of the World: ''This vid is dynamite and Kev knows it. He has told Britney she should comply with his demands otherwise the whole world will see her having sex, which will be devastating. ''

ummm...isn''t this called blackmail?

Yeah, and isn''t blackmail ILLEGAL?
Date: 11/14/2006 4:04:57 PM
Author: marvel
''A source told the News of the World: ''This vid is dynamite and Kev knows it. He has told Britney she should comply with his demands otherwise the whole world will see her having sex, which will be devastating. ''

ummm...isn''t this called blackmail?
Yes, I''d call that blackmail too. I hope her lawyer can get an injunction, but it is difficult.

It would certainly be embarrassing for her to have other people see the sex tape, but I''m not sure I would call it "devastating." The tape shows her having sex with a man she married and had 2 kids with -- everyone knows they had sex, and there is nothing scandalous about it (other than her appalling bad taste). It would be different if it was a tape of her with a married man or politician or something like that. She has been trading on her sexy/trashy image for a while now, so I don''t think it would hurt her career. (It certainly did wonders for Paris Hilton''s "career.")
First of all, Brit is a complete idiot - not just for marrying that loser but for also making a sex tape video. No matter how much I trust my FI I would NEVER NEVER NEVER EVER make a sex tape of ourselves. My FI is the most wonderful man in the world but who''s to say he won''t turn into a psycho if we broke up (and who''s to say I wouldn''t either!)

Secondly, to FedEx - How could he do this to the mother of two of his children. Doesn''t he care about the consequences his actions will have on his sons. Oh, that''s right - they''re just his freaking meal ticket. DISGRACE!
I know other ladies have said this but how can he think releasing a sex tape is in the best interests of his children.
As my mom would say, he''s baked! I hope he gets nothing and the judge denies him custody.

AND I can''t believe he''s trying to be a big tough rapper?!?!?! Will Emimem just beat him up already!?!?
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